Chapter 8

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It was strange. Not having lived the lifestyle before, I was an alien to how these things worked. We came home and sent Alex straight to the infirmary. After a month and a half, he was doing much better. He still had a few bruises here and there but he was alright. He never went anywhere without me from that point on. Moreover, there was nothing from Rhius or father.

Honestly it sadden me. I thought better of them. Regina spoke to me when she could but she had to sneak to do it. Whenever she called, it felt like being held by my mother again. I loved it. But at the same time, I could not risk getting her in trouble for my sake. Right now, I lay in bed wondering about everything. I stayed at with Alex now, he had taken me to his personal home. I met his parents and we all got along well. They were happy.

He was happy.

I was happy.

To an extent.

I wish they accepted me.

Tears fell down my eyes onto the pillow. At that moment, I felt a kiss on my neck and warmth on my back. "I'm sorry Demi."

"You've been saying that ever since we left." I tried to smile but only managed to grimace. It just was not enough anymore. But maybe this is what I needed. I am a grown man. I should not stay curled beneath my father forever. The more I thought this way, the more encouraged I felt. This is the only opportunity to do as I please, not having to worry about father or expectations. For the first time, in a while, I felt relief wash over me. my tears dried and the nagging in my head eased a great deal.

"Is something wrong Damien? You're always so silent now. You know how much I love you, right?"

I turned around to face him and kissed him deeply. It's been too long since I've tasted my lover. Quickly, he grabbed a hold of me and threw himself into our kiss, grateful for the intimacy. I felt the same. Normally, I would have bottomed, being more lean than muscular. However, Alex wanted to bottom.


"Make love to me like you did back then. On my birthday. Or have you lost your touch?"

"Alexander Carter, I am an Italian." I flipped him and he was on his stomach in a second. "We never lose our touch."

Regina P.O.V. (Two weeks after Damien left)

"Why don't we see him?"

"It's not so simple amor. There are rules."

"Forget your rules. I want our family back Rhius!"


"No! I want our family back. Just accept him for who he is. We can't change him! Let him come back."

"It is not up to me! It is up to father what is to be done! You're frustrating me Regina. Stop it!

" I will not stop! I thought he retired and made you Don! Why do you have to wait on him? You have already lost one of your brothers; are you going to lose the other too?! And to some foolish rule! And what of our son? What he likes boys too?! Will you throw him away?!" I gestured to our baby in his crib asleep.

"Enough! You don't get to order me. If anything I order you, do you hear me?! I will not have you think you can control me. What rules I set will not be moved! I don't care if it hurts you! I am the Don!" He was heaving, eyes burning with anger.

"You're right. You're only a title. A shallow title. As if there haven't been many more Dons before you and there will be after. You can have your title. You can have your domineering life. But me nor my child will be apart of it. Good bye Rhius." I lifted Castello out of his crib and went to get his bag.

"You wouldn't dare walk out of here!" He grabbed my arm and tried to take the baby away from me.

"No! Let him go! No! Rhius let go! Ugh!" He had pried my crying son out of my hands and pushed me onto the floor.

"I can find another woman anytime I please. Get out. "

"How will you look him in the eyes when he asks about his mother?"

"She died." He looked me straight in the eyes. "Now get out before I make a fact out of fiction."

I swallowed and left. There was no one I had to go to, but thank goodness I had taken classes back when we first reunited. Over the next two weeks, I applied to businesses. Quickly, I got a job and I promised myself that I would never go back to that man. Child or not.

But there are times when I wake up in the night and I swear he is in the room with me. Giving me small touches and gentle kisses. Sometimes I swear I hear his voice saying he is sorry. I hear his cries. But I never open my eyes to see if it really is him. I keep my eyes closed. Determined to hurt even his memory the way he has hurt me.

I awoke this certain day feeling strange. Something is going to happen today. I do not know what but I know it is. As usual I went into work. The second I opened the door to my office, I was bombarded with the scent of roses. When I looked inside, everything was covered in rose petals: some white, pink, and blue. I locked the door behind me. Behind my desk sat my husband with a single red rose in his hand. After a moment of silence without any movement, he arose to approach me.

"Regina, please."

I took a step back towards the door, and he stopped in his tracks.

"I know I hurt you. I was wrong for that. I was wrong for everything I said. I never should have done that to you. I love you Regina. You believe me don't you?" I only glared, my eyes burned with the need to cry. "You still love me, don't you Regina?" His voice was nothing but a whisper.

"You threatened me, hurt me, ridiculed me, scorned me, and took my son from me. Get out of my office."

He only looked at me with a shock in his eyes. But nevertheless, he walked past me towards the door. "I'm sorry I hurt you this way Regina. I can only imagine what you must think of me now. But I love you Regina. I still love you." He left with a soft click to the door.

I threw myself into my work just so I would not have to think about him. I would not have to think about my son. Who would raise him while I was gone? Would they hurt him? By the time I got home, I was so tired I could only sleep. Stumbling into my room, I found Rhius sitting on the bed.

"Why are you here?"

"I reminded you of him. Didn't I?" I didn't answer. "I reminded you of your father. Didn't I? Regina, I'm not him. Ill never be him. I'd rather die. But please, I was angry, frustrated, confused. That's no excuse but I love you Regina. With everything in me I love you. Please believe me. Come home. To me. To our son. Please, this will never happen again. I promise. Please come home. I've made up my mind. I'm going to find Damien; I'll bring him back."

"Appeasing me will not get you my trust back. That will take time. Time, you might not have."

"I'll do whatever it takes. Just please come home."

"I don't know Rhius. I don't know. I'm scared okay. The look in your eyes. They way you grabbed me. I bruised. I couldn't believe it. But it happened. You know what my father did to my mom. You know what he did to me and still-" my voice cracked with a sob.

His arms wrapped around me tight and he held me as I cried. "I'm sorry Regina. I never meant to hurt you like this. I promise you I will never be that man to you. I will never be that man to our children." He cupped my cheeks at arm's length and looked straight into my eyes. " I love you. I won't hurt you again. I love you. I love you." His lips touched mine after that. Tenderly, he handled me. My clothes fell to the floor softly, and for the first time in over a month, my husband made love to me.

Soft, sweet, burning love.

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