Chapter 3

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"This is your house Alexander?!" I feigned surprise.

"It's a house." He said blandly.

"You don't sound too happy about it," I whispered.

"I'm just used to it, that's all."

I hummed in response as he took me up to his room. We had done the homework as we had agreed and he showed me his personal library which contained most of my favorite books. When I revealed this secret, he gave me a small smile with this dark look in his eyes I could not readily identify. We had grown closer the past few weeks. He met me in the library when no one was around and we talked. I started to get a feel of who he really was and every little detail about him I memorized. Even the color of his eyes.

For the sake of the mission of course.

But even I cannot deny the physical tension that floats between us everyday we are together. It seems as if we are one second away from kissing and two seconds away from being tangled together body to body on the floor. Honestly, I am surprised we have not done it yet.

Not to say I want to that is.

He showed me around his house and I did not pry outside of what he told me. I did not need him suspecting anything of me. When we made it back to his room, I  joked around by pretending to be out of breath and having to crawl to keep moving. I even took a "water break" on the way. It was the first time I had seen him laugh so freely, brilliant white teeth flashed behind full, pink lips. His eyes sparkled and the tight golden skin by his eyes wrinkled. When he bit his lips, I had this sinking feeling in my stomach. With the feeling came the strong desire to run my hands through his brunette curls, but I had no such privilege.

We finally enter his room when we started talking about anything and everything in between.

"Would you like to fall in love Alexander?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"I thought I was the only one that wanted to now a days. People are always telling me I need to come off my cloud and face reality."

"What reality is there outside of love. The greatest feats have been made out of love and so have the worst. Love can make anyone do anything. It's a power that when done right, can cure the world of so many problems. It's not wrong to fall in love. In fact," he turned swiftly and kissed me. A soft sweet touch. "I think I'm falling right now."

I quickly grabbed his face and pulled him down on top of me, my hands in his hair, my legs around his waist. My heart was going a mile a minute when we broke apart, both panting, both wanting to fulfill the reaction our bodied begged us to act upon.


"Shh, just Alex. Your Alex."

I shivered and kissed him again before he trailed his mouth down my neck. We held onto each other tightly as we grind against one another slowly. It was at this point that I knew that my problems were only beginning. Alexander was poetic and he always knew what to say it seemed. Yet, he never wanted to be seen with me in public. The duty of my mission was in the back of my mind and I had convinced myself that I had to do whatever was necessary in order to complete the assignment. But, I was losing myself and I knew it. My days after that consisted of day dreaming about what he would do to me when we were alone. His kisses left me weak and his hands left me trembling. Weeks passed by quickly and I had gotten the information I had needed from his father. My father was pleased and he told me to rest easy after that and just keep up my character.

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