Chapter 1

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Pic of Adult Damien...

"I have an assignment for you Damien. The Carter family."

The Manila folder was handed to me from my father. I opened the envelope to find pictures of a man, woman, and teenage boy that looked just a bit older than himself.

"You are to infiltrate and find out just what they are planning in regards to my shipments and who they are working for. I expect you to succeed in finding their supplier as well and bringing me names and addresses as well. Do you think you can handle it?"

It wasn't like I could say no. "Yes father."

"That's my boy."

That evening I had become the newest student at the exclusive boarding school Excalibur Academy. All of my classes were suited to fit Carter's son's classes, my personality as well. Apparently, Carter's son Alexander wasn't very social which meant he kept a small circle. It was a blessing and a curse. A blessing because not many would remember me after this is done, and a curse because that meant he was cautious. So it would take a while to weaken his defenses on having a new friend. Nothing too big.

I'd rehearsed every line in my head. I already knew his personality, his likes, and dislikes. However, I can never be too sure. So it would take time to confirm if the information we gathered is true or not. And by the next day, my name was Don Cipriano, a sixteen year old aspiring physician.

I awoke to the sound of my nephew crying. I raced to find out what was going on but father beat me to it. I'm not surprised, he's always near his grandson nowadays. There have been many times where I've asked him why didn't he just retire and leave the heavy things to Rhius. He would just suck his teeth and find a drink. His phobia of getting too old was growing by the day. Yet, whenever his grandson cried 'Papá!' he was the first on his knees before the young toddler. It was a sight to see and part of me was envious.

Father had asked me of my intimate relations and I couldn't bring myself to tell him anything. I gave him vague questions and gave him signals that I honestly didn't want to talk about it. The reason being the subject of my dreams a few moments ago.

Alexander Carter.

He should have been a distant memory. He was just one of the many I've infiltrated as a young child in the Mafia. However, it seems my mind won't allow me to forget him. This is not the first time I've dreamt of him, no. Yet, it's actually the first time I've dreamed so vividly, as though I was living out the assignment all over again. And for that I needed a drink. The Carter's were the worst assignment I ever had and by the skin of my teeth I had convinced father I completed the mission.

I started breakfast after I tied my hair up. Right now I haven't found the time to cut it yet and it's almost down my back. It's hard to comb out so the easiest thing for me to do is just tie it up. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, fruit, and two warm bottles were made. Dashing about the kitchen, I set to clean it up after the food was made and plated and found father staring at me, sleeping child in hand, with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong Papá?"

He laughed as his eyes became glossy, "nothing. It's remind me of your mother."

I froze. Father has not been the same since mother died either. For months he cried himself to sleep and no one could console him until the baby was born. Regina had put the baby in his hands and he cried and held his grandson for hours. After that he returned to who he used to be, only his time a bit more strict because now he had a little one he cared for as well. I gave him a hug and kissed my nephew's head. The boy is growing to look like his father, however it seems he has his mother's eyes.

Speaking of my sister in law, she usually is down by this time already making breakfast. She's an extremely wonderful mother I must say. She rarely leaves her child alone and Rhius would not let a fly land in the same room as his wife and child. There even was a instance where he thought I was flirting with her and it took months for Regina to ease the tension between us. Even though I told him to his face it was a foolish notion, and his jealousy and over protectiveness got the better of him, he still threatened me. It wasn't until something transpired between the two of them did he stop and she made him apologize, thus giving me the signal to breathe easy.

But not too easy.

My brother's an idiot. Speaking of brothers, I can not believe what Daniel did. What could have crossed his mind? What could have he been offered that made him turn against his family? He's dead now, but sometimes I wish he was here, he was my brother after all. We have had our memories together.

Dio, all this thinking is giving me a headache and I have things to do today. I ate some eggs and bacon before grabbing the drink I initially came for.

"Hard liquor this early Damien?" I faced the mountain called my younger brother. He was a carbon copy of our father except for the eyes he inherited form mother. Tall, dark, and handsome as the girls say. He towered over me by a couple inches as he approached the island I sat at.

"With all the shit I've got planned today, I need this more than breakfast." He laughed a deep sound that rumbled in his chest.

"I agree with you there. What have you been up to lately? You know father has been persistent in finding you a significant other right?"

I groaned and bumped my head on the table a few times as Rhius laughed at my pain. "He's always meddling," I whined.

"He does it because he cares Demi. You know that. By the way, how long is it going to take for you to find someone to keep you company?"

I lifted my head to give him a wry look. "You sound just....Jesus Christ! He sent to me didn't he?! Traitor!" I slammed on the island in realization. My brother smiled and grabbed my hand before I could push out my seat and leave. A brilliant smile on his face as he found amusement in my late realization.

"Honestly now Demi, it's not just Papá. I want to see you happy. After the whole thing with Regina and Daniel, you haven't been yourself. Promise me you'll think about it hm?" He got out the chair clapped me on the back and disappeared upstairs.

I downed my drink after and started getting ready. I had to oversee a deal today and there was no room for mistakes. As I got into the window tinted, unlicensed vehicle. My mind flew to Alexander Carter. And against my better nature, some part of me wondered if he was alright.

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