Chapter 2

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Pic of Alexander Carter...

The drive to the rendezvous was silent. I relaxed as much as I could and made sure I had enough hidden weapons on my person for any occasion to happen. After the incident with Costa, I never ruled out getting kidnapped again. I always had something on my person to help me escape.

As we neared the docks, an unfamiliar sense of trepidation slithered down my spine. That was odd. I have been doing this for years and my pre-game jitters were gone years ago. Nevertheless, I steeled myself and masked my emotions as I rose out of the car to meet our clients. The ocean breeze cool and the sky overcast as if ready to rain.

"It's good to have a Salvatore grace this meeting," Curtis smiled. Silver spikes glittered as he turned to receive the suitcase with our cargo from one of his men. The six foot man approached me wearing a smug grin on his lips.

"And just what is so funny Mr. Curtis?"

"That you honestly think this what we came for."

As quick as he could pull the gun out of the suitcase, I spun it out of his hands and sent him falling. His men had surrounded me and as I fought them off, I wondered where my men were. I glanced back to find some more of Curtis' men bringing dead bodies out of the warehouse. The bodies of our men. I fought as hard as I could and took off to give myself a break, however, I didn't expect Curtis to have slithered around me, and like the snake he is, deliver a blow to the back of my head, my world went dark. The last thing I heard was Curtis' voice speak into a phone.

"We have obtained the cargo."


"Hello, do you have a pen I can use?" I asked my target.

He handed one to me without even lifting his head and I thanked him. Later on that day, I returned his pen and he walked out, again, without saying a word to me. I was very unsettled because I saw him talking to some girls about a subject. So why will he not talk to me?  I had gone through regular procedures of being introduced and even put on glasses for my character. I shunned contact with anyone but him, trying to show him that I was as closed off as he was. But it seems, I'm only making the distance between us larger.

After a week or so of subtle attempts to get his attention, I had completely given up and I was frustrated. I did not want to tell my father of my incompetency in completing this mission. I dashed to the library today, fulling resigned on telling him even if I did not want to, and hid in my usual corner. I loved the books, the smell, the feel. I hid as far as I could in the back of the quiet room and let my frustrated tears fall. This was my chance to prove myself and I cannot go through with this. I was sitting, wallowing in my sorrow for a few minutes until a hand with a tissue appeared before me. And with it, the face of my target: Alexander Carter. Thoroughly fed up with him, I looked away and made no move to accept his offering. I thought he had left when I felt my glasses being taken off slowly, my eyes floored and lip quivering at the tender gesture. I squeezed my eyes harder as he dabbed away my tears and put my glasses back on. What I did not expect was the kiss to my forehead before he left me sitting there, eyes wide in surprise. I left for home seemingly depressed, but internally, I rejoiced.

I was making progress.

I awoke later chained to a bed with a splitting headache and a busted lip. Kidnapped again. I just cannot believe my luck. The room was expensive and the decor was impeccable. Maybe I was in a hotel and I could find my way back to my family after I got out. I turned my wrists and tried to find a way to unlock them, but I had no such luck. My coat jacket was at the foot of the bed and even my legs were chained. Wow, they must really know who they are dealing with. My eyes scanned the room for some form of life, my ears straining to hear sounds. And I did. The door opened to reveal Curtis with a smile on his face.

"You're up Sleeping Beauty!"

"You're going to regret this," I growled.

"Like hell I am. You see, my employer is paying me some enormous bucks for your pretty Italian head. He wants you alive and kicking which is why I haven't bruised you up too badly. We're heading to him as we speak and once you're off my hands, I can take a nice long vacation with my new wife huh?"

"When I get out of here you'll be the first I kill."

He laughed so hard the room almost shook before he backhanded me. "Little shit, it seems you dad hasn't taught you manners which is a big thing to us Americans. So why don't I do it for him. It seems you won't be eating for the next week or so until we arrive. See you later."

I sneered at his retreating form and when the door closed I prayed to God that Rhius and father had se clue as to where I was. And as the ship swayed, I knew that this would be a long week.

Unknown P.O.V.

I had never thought I would get this chance, but I did and I am not wasting it. It has been so long since I last saw him. So long since that night. He will be in my grasp soon enough and I am going to make him pay. For everything. I am not who I used to be because of him and someone has to answer for that.

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