I did the only thing I could I stood up and walked over to the two girls, I looked at the frantic Naoto and smiled slightly nodding my head. She seemed to know what I meant, she was hesitant at first but looked to her friend and nodded her head, she hesitantly moved away from Ayame as she did Kanji placed a hand on her shoulder and she turned around to cry into him. I kneeled down in front of Ayame and pulled her into my own arms, resting my head a top her head,

''Ayame-chan, its Yosuke listen I know your terrified right now and you don't know what to do but listen to me. What ever your father did to you he will not do it here, its like Naoto said your safe here with us we will ensure that. I'll protect you, Naoto will protect you, we will all protect you so please calm down. Come back to us'' I say gently whist holding her shaking body close to my chest and rubbing her back.

Ayame's POV

My mind was taken over of thought of my father beating me up. He would always bring his mates round and the would get drunk out of their minds they would tie my from the ceiling by my arms and beat me like a piñata some of his friend would always lift my shirt and try to touch me up I was terrified. I don't know how many times I was close to being raped by him and his friends.

It was a night just like that I remember it clearly,


I had gone out for the shopping it was fairly late. I was walking back home from the store when I passed a park, I looked over to see a large group of guys completely drunk. They all walked over to me and I could see my father with them I started to worry so I tried to walk past them and get home but my father grabbed my wrists and tied rope to them he binded my arms and legs and them tied me to a nearby tree and gagged me.

By now I was completely terrified him and his mates would take turns to walk up to me and kiss my neck, running their hands all over me. I started to cry and started begging that someone anyone would save me from this nightmare.

''Hey! What are you doing!'' I heard a voice shout, my father and his friends all scattered leaving me alone. Someone hurried to myside and cut me free, I fell forward as they caught me. I looked into their face, she looked down to me concern showing clear in her navy eyes. Her navy blue hair was covered with a detective's cap.

''Are you okay?'' she asked I nodded my head and sat in front of her,

''I am thanks to you miss uh....'' I started she looked surprised.

''You know I am female?'' I nodded and she sighed slightly but smiled ''I am Naoto Shirogane, I am a detective'' she said showing me a smile which I returned.

''I'm Ayame Tanaka thank you for helping me. Um do you want to be friends?'' I asked shyly I had no friends and this was the first time someone had bothered to help me. She looked surprised but smiled at me and helped me to stand up,

''I would love to be friends with you Ayame'' I smiled at her and she walked me home to ensure I was safe. That was how Naoto and I became best friends and our bond was strong and always will be thanks to her saving me that day.  

Suddenly a bright light replaced the scene that I had once lived through and I heard a voice a calm and gentle voice, it was Yosuke-sempai!

''I'll protect you, Naoto will protect you, we will all protect you so please calm down. Come back to us'' he said I felt myself begin to calm down I was surrounded by a calm warmth and relaxing scent, I could feel myself shaking in the darkness, I opened my eyes and removed my hand from my ears, I looked up and realised that I was in Yosuke's arms. I looked behind him and I saw a worried Naoto with tears in her eyes, she was hugging a very flustered Kanji who was trying his best to calm her down.

''I...I did it again didn't I'' I said quietly wiping my wet cheeks, Yosuke looked down to me in relief and smiled, he pulled back from hugging me,

''Your safe now'' he said standing up as Naoto ran up to me and hugged me tightly, she was still crying. I felt so bad I hated seeing her cry and I hated making her cry even more it was so rare for her to get this emotional but that just made me feel even worse.

''Ayame! I tried to calm you down..... I did everything I normally do, said everything I normally say but you didn't respond I.........I thought we had lost you!'' she sobbed into my shoulder. Kanji walked over to us and laid a hand on her shoulder smiling at her, she turned to him and looked up into his silver eyes blushing slightly,

''its okay Naoto, she's back with us thanks to Yosuke. You did good'' she smiled back at him and wiped her tears pulling away from me and regaining her composure.

''Your correct, everything is fine now. Thank you Kanji'' Kanji helped her up and I slowly stood up beside them looking to the ground.

''I'm sorry Naoto I hate making you worry like this and seeing that I made you cry like that, it hurts. I saw it all over again what happened that day  I met you and we became friends and I went into an uncontrollable panic attack that made me watch the whole thing all over again'' I said making her eyes widen in sadness and sympathy

''And I'm sorry to all of you as well you just met me and I go and lose it that must have scared you all, I understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore'' I said sadly looking to the ground. Naoto looked at everyone a sad smile on her face and everyone walked over to me and they each gave me a hug saying that they would never think that and want to help me as much as Naoto did the first time we had met.

The last to hug me was Yosuke-sempai, it was actually nice I normally feared guys touching me due to my past. I mean I was fine with; Kanji-kun, Yu-sempai and Teddie because they are my friends and I trust them. I got that and more with Yosuke-sempai I smiled slightly and hugged him back resting my head on his chest and breathing in his scent. I felt him hug me tighter and when I opened my eyes after pulling away Naoto looked at me and smiled softly.

After that I sat down at the table between Yosuke-sempai and Naoto, with Kanji-kun next to her of course hehe I am so not letting her live that down. I chatted with everyone for the rest of the day and actually had fun, Naoto had insisted that I went home to rest but I refused I wanted to talk with everyone some more, my new group of friends that I know I can count on for anything.

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