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Three days have passed since I lost control of myself. I haven't even told Solus or Kay. The two were out scouting for Regina and the creator's light again.
I kept myself distant from the others and only spoke when I was spoken to. Optimus when I saw or noticed, looked at me in concern and kept a closer optic on me. The others just thought I was blaming myself still for what happen with Starscream. In a way they were right. I nearly took a life.
I curled up more on the couch in the living room at my home in Jasper. Nothing helped me. Not video games, tv, movies, books, games, cleaning, music, cooking. Nothing worked.
I heard someone knocked. "Go away." I groaned and curled up more in the dark room, pulling my blanket over my head.
"You know I can't do that Maria." Optimus's holoform came in and pulled my blanket off.
" Hey." I objected.
"Maria come on. We are going on a drive until you tell me what is wrong."
"No," I whined curling up even more in to the couch.
"Very well." I heard him sigh and I felt like I just won.
Well that was what I thought until he picked me up and carried my to his alt mode. "Optimus let me go." He didn't respond as he placed me in his alt form and started driving. "Meany." I huffed.
"Maria, you're not acting like you. You seem more afraid than you did after your were attacked by Quicksilver. Please tell me what you are afraid of so I can help you." Optimus spoke in a soft comforting voice.
"Afraid of? Afraid of! Optimus I lost control over my very being and nearly took a life. I'm not afraid of anything but the fact that if I lose control again I could hurt someone on the team or my family." I was in hysterics.
"What about spiders? I thought you were afraid of them as well?"
"Touché," I admitted. "But Optimus, that day it felt like I couldn't control my own body. Like my mind was only passenger while something else took control. It was like it was there the entire day but really made itself known when I attacked. Even Propugnus cowered at me. Right now even Propugnus is staying a reasonable distance from me."
"This could be linked to your emotions. You do react emotionally when ever your family is brought up." Optimus threw out the thought.
"That is an understatement." I smiled slightly. "And you're more than right about my emotions. But it's not like I can lock them away."
"I'm not saying to." I looked at Optimus's steering wheel as the autobot symbol flashed. "I don't exactly lock my own away."
"Yet everyone else believes you're emotionless." I state.
He chuckled and it rocked his entire form. "As true as it may be, Maria. For a leader hiding ones emotion is more so people think you have less weaknesses to manipulate."
"Well yes. But I'm not a leader." I protested.
"You are though. You lead your family's company. You stay cool headed when you're trying to protect the others." Optimus explained.
"But that doesn't make me a leader." I object.
"Not to some but in my own optics you are a strong leader. And every leader makes their own mistakes that get them down. But if there is one thing that helps the leader is the fact they have someone to talk to. During the war I conversed with my closest friends of my doubts and fear about something but knowing that they are beside me in the long run helped me continue leading the Autobots in this war."
I sighed. "You're right Optimus. Perhaps I..."
I was cut off by Ratchet through the comms. "Optimus there is a signal, three clicks north from your current location. From the energy signature, I believe it is a relic. Precisely a data cylinder."
"Understood, send Bumblebee, Cliffjumper and Arcee there immediately. I will arrive there soon." The comm feed was cut.
"I'm guessing we're heading out?"
"Yes. Stay out of sight when we get there." Optimus told me as he sped to the location.
Upon arriving we saw Cliffjumper, Bumblebee and Arcee fending off against Breakdown and KO. Optimus join in and soon there were at least five vehicons that soon followed.
I sighed as I leaned on my elbows from the little ledge Optimus placed me on. I look over at the cylinder and frowned. Scratch what I just said. I mean cylinders. The first one looked like the one that's meant to be here. The second was way different. It was a starch white with gold symbols etched onto the sides. Instead of a red cap, it was a bright blue with more symbols only in purple.
I heared a ground bridge and my head snapped towards it. Bulkhead came out followed quietly by Miko. Bulkhead engaged with Breakdown as I slid down towards where Miko was hiding.
"What are you doing here, Maria?" Miko asked.
"Optimus was taking me on a drive now I'm making sure you don't get killed." I lightly scolded her before watching my guardian send Knockout flying.
"Autobots stand your ground." Optimus ordered. "The artifacts must not fall into enemy hands."
Arcee moved to grab them but KO tackled her before transforming to get to it. "Come to papa." He smirked.
Bulkhead shoved Ko away. "Run to mommy."
Breakdown used it as a chase to knock Bulk away. "Say 'uncle'. Say it."
"We are such bad influences on them." I stated to Miko. She laughed at that.
Miko dashed to the cylinders and made it to the silver one. I raced to the starch white one. Noticing Miko calling Ratchet, I was ready to roll my cylinder. A bridge opened and I frowned seeing it several yards away.
I started pushing and my cylinder started to roll. I look over at Miko to see her have trouble. She took several feet back to charge at the device. Upon hearing a low warbling noise I pushed even harder on my own cylinder to get it out of decepticon sight.
I heard metal crash and winced knowing it was Bulkhead. But what I wasn't expecting was that with the shock wave of the impact had me jump high enough to land hard on the white cylinder. It warbled and whirled to life. I squeak from where I was now perched on it and moved to push the blue cap down.
"Come on don't activate please don't." I saw Optimus racing towards me and also KO.
I bit my lip and flipped in front of it to turn it off. It discharged its own knowledge and energy into me.
I did the only thing available at the time. I screamed out in pain as everyone of my senses were alighted at once. I could only see white, hear everything going on around me, feel my nerves bursting like flames, I smelt electricity, and tasted a coppery tang in my mouth. Then it was over and I felt darkness overcome my field of vision in a moment of being faint.
I opened my eyes to Optimus looking down at me in worry. "Maria..." His voice faded out and I winced as what felt like static buzzed in my ears. I shook my head to clear my senses.
"Maria," Optimus knelt down to me. "Are you alright?"
" I think so." I stood up slowly with Optimus's help. "But something doesn't feel right." I paused and looked over at the rest of the team who looked relieve that I was standing.
I smiled at them and we all took a bridge to the base.
Both me and Bulkhead almost immediately had Ratchet scanning us to ensure we were alright. The others besides Miko went out to find the cylinders. "I helped lose those things. I want to help find them." Bulkhead protested to sitting around while we were being checked. "I need to get back in the field with Optimus."
"Eh, eh," Ratchet stopped him. " The two of you are under my watch now. Optimus's orders. And running a full scan of your neural net would be a wiser use of your time, Bulkhead."
Bulkhead unplugged the cable in his head. "Come on, Doc. There's nothing up there to scan."
"He seems fine to me." Miko added.
Ratchet sighed in aspiration. "Well if you insist on making yourself useful," ratchet grabbed a mop. "You can help Miko tidy up."
Bulkhead took the mop and Ratchet scooped me up into his hand to do some different tests. Once we were far enough away Ratchet looked down at me. "Maria do you know what was in the cylinders?"
"Not the one that blasted me. But the one that hit Bulkhead downloaded the data recipe for synthetic energon."
Ratchet paused in his walking and blinked at me. " Synthetic energon?"
" Yep, but you don't get all of the formula. Sorry." I said.
Ratchet hummed as he set me down at a secondary work station. "Maria would anyone in your family know what was in the second cylinder?"
"Not Solus." I shook my head. "But Alpha Trion might, if I could get in contact with him."
"Then it would seem that we need a device that'll allow you to come in contact with him." Ratchet pulled out some wires to help the building of it.
"Right we can use the coding in my phone to figure out the dimension frequency and go from there." I nodded.
We started the process and manage to get about three-fourths of the way done with the plans and design of the device. That was until Miko interrupted us. "Guys you need to see this."
"Not right now Miko we are in the middle of complex equations." Ratchet brushed her off to try and finish the design.
Miko went to go look at Bulks painting while we finished the blueprint. Miko came back again. "Seriously, guys, you need to see what Bulk's painting in here."
"Yes, I'm sure one hasn't truly lived until one has beheld Bulkhead's take on still life with lug nuts." Ratchet moved to see to get Miko to stop pestering him.
I merely started building the device. Ratchet came back. "He said 'the differential of one-third 'R' cubed is RDRR.' While 'painting' a formula." I smirked up at Ratchet.
"Yes he did. How do you fare in the device?"Ratchet look at the little machine.
"Well, wiring is completed and now it's the programming and protective plating that must be applied."
" I'll begin the coding. If you can contact Sarah to assist in the how it should be approached would be helpful." Ratchet opened a file on the computer in the medbay.
"Shouldn't you call the rest of the team to inform them of Bulkhead's condition?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I nearly forgot. Contact Sarah and while I call the team back in." Ratchet nodded.
I pulled out my phone and called Sarah.
"Maria is there something wrong?" Her voice came through.
"Sarah, Ratchet and I believe we have a device that can help us get in contact with the others. But we are going to need help on the coding." I state.
"Why the sudden interest to get in contact?" Sarah chuckled.
"Sarah, I didn't tell you this because I didn't think it of a big deal. Three days earlier I nearly offlined Starscream. I wasn't in control. Maybe Primus and Unicron can help me with that. But the problem got more terrifying for me just a couple hours earlier. Remember the Cylinder?" I asked.
"Yes. It nearly destroyed Bulkhead's mind when we watched what was meant to happen. What about it?" She sounded concern.
"There was a second. And its data downloaded or dispersed into me when I jumped in front of it as a human. If it does have an effect perhaps Alpha will know the information that was stored in it and what it did to me."
"That is understandable. I'll send Ratchet a data burst on a secure frequency only the three of us can use. And Maria, little star, stay safe." Sarah wished.
" I'll try." I wished back and Sarah cut the call.
Ratchet came over. "Well?"
"She'll send it to you on a secure frequency only the three of us can use." I relayed the message and sure enough a data burst appeared on the computer screen with symbols inscribed on it saying Ratchet.
"She's quick." Ratchet stated.
"She is also the female prime that crafted some of the most legendary weapons we know about." I shook my head in amusement.
Ratchet chuckled lightly. "Based on how she acts she doesn't make it seem like she's a prime."
" Trust me she'll get serious when the situation calls for it." I reassured him.
Ratchet looked at me before nodding. "Of course, of course. Her knowledge far exceeds my own."
"Only on certain things Ratchet." I smiled.
Ratchet smiled as well as he set up some stuff. The rest of the team came in and Ratchet placed Bulkhead on a medical berth before plugging Bulk's processor to a computer so we could see.
On the screen popped up Bulkhead's processor with a glowing red spot. "This hot spot you see here," Ratchet looked at all of us, "it's information, data, living energy."
"Hold on," Miko interrupted. "It's alive, it's on fire, and it's in Bulkhead's brain?"
"Chill, Miko. The data is only inhabiting a fraction of my brain, infinitesimal by standard neural-net densities." Bulkhead tried to make Miko relax but ended up with some looking at him like crazy. "Wait. How do I know all that?"
" Based on what we witnessed during our skirmish, the living data must have been programmed to eject when it sensed unauthorized access." Optimus made clear.
"A security measure." Ratchet agreed.
"It would have jettisoned heavenward, lost to the stars." Optimus looked up.
" Except my fat engine block got in the way." Bulkhead tapped his head lightly.
"And of Maria? She jumped in front of the seconded and she nearly got fried. But nothing went to the sky." Cliff questioned confused.
"That I'm still trying to figure out." Ratchet admitted.
"Every con there made a grab for them. But the cylinders don't got off until Miko and Maria touches them?" Arcee asked.
"The cylinders originated from Cybertron's Golden Age, predating the autobot/decepticon division." Ratchet explained.
"So it wouldn't consider any native of Cybertron to be a threat." Optimus summed up.
"Only alien life forms, such as humans." Ratchet looked over at Miko more than he looked at me.
"So what is Bulkhead writing?" Bee buzzed.
" Are we staring at genius or gibberish?" Arcee added.
"I do not wish to falsely rally anyone's hopes," Ratchet started casting me a glance. "But theses equations appear to be the formula for a synthetic energon."
"Sweet!" Bee beeped out.
"We hit the mother lode?" Arcee asked with excitement.
"Miko, do you know what this means?" Bulkhead looked at his charge.
"Um..." Miko looked lost.
"Energon provides our fuel, our ammo, our life force. With the natural stuff in such short supply here on earth, this could solve a whole lot of problems." Bulkhead filled her in.
"Such as providing us with the edge we need to turn the tide of this war." Optimus stated.
"Or handing us the key to revitalizing Cybertron." Ratchet added.
"We got the goods," Arcee began, "and all Megatron got was an empty bucket."
"How often do I get to use my noggin to save the day?" Bulkhead questioned.
"But at what cost?" I whispered so no one could hear.
Everyone went about their business while Ratchet started to program our device. When he finished Ratchet went to go scan Bulkhead again. On the screen now showed Bulkhead's processor and the energy moving.
Ratchet called in Optimus. Now the three of us were looking at the screen. Arcee and Cliff brought in a slab of metal Bulkhead wrote. "Got another round for you to log, Ratchet." Arcee stated as they set the piece down.
Ratchet typed on the computer to confirm what he thought. "This is Bulkhead's neural net as you saw it earlier." Ratchet showed both Optimus and I. "Thus scan was recorded just minutes ago. It is as I feared. The data seems to be actively and aggressively rewriting Bulkhead's neural net. I had hopped he was purging the data, but he seems to be merely transcribing it as it--"
Optimus took over. "Consumes his mind."
" From all indications, by the time Bulkhead completes the formula, his own thought, his memories could be wiped clean." Ratchet said grimly.
"But if we stop him, goodbye, synthetic energon." Arcee sounded the same.
"You assume we possess a means of stopping him. I don't exactly have instant access to the wisdom of the ancients." Ratchet huffed frustrated.
"I will not allow another one of our own to be sacrificed, no matter the cost." Optimus stated.
"If the living data transmitted itself from the cylinders, perhaps we could somehow coax it back inside." Ratchet hypothesized.
"How are we supposed to get them back from the Decepticons?" Arcee questioned.
"Megatron will bring it to us." Optimus didn't explain further.
Soon a plan was devised and I moved to a side hallway to test the machine. Optimus and the others already left to go retrieve the cylinders. I plugged the machine into my phone and called up the number code to the video chat.
It rang seven times before saying it was connecting. I covered my mouth as tears of joy pricked at my eyes. There half asleep, hair a mess, lab coat stained, slumped over algorithms and designs, was one of the people who raised me. Quintus. There was another beside him in the same state but completely asleep. Alchemist.
I chuckled silently before speaking aloud. "Quintus, Alchemist, wake up please."
Both jumped up in surprise, one hitting their knee or elbow based on the sound. But neither reacted in pain. They just looked at me with relief and shock. "Starshooter! You're okay." Alchemist rejoiced.
"Of course, I am. I was trained by the best." I smirked.
"I'll go get the others." Quintus raced from the room.
Soon everyone that wasn't here was in the room. Primus and Unicron were the first two I picked out. Both probably looked the worst out of them all. Bags were clear under their eyes, their eyes dull though they look happy to see me, clothing wrinkled and stained, but both beamed and seemed to brighten even more when I smiled.
"Starshooter, are you alright? What has happened? How did you..." Unicron was cut off by Primus nudging him in the side.
" She can't answer you if she can understand you brother slow down."
"It's alright. I'm okay as are Kay and Solus." I informed.
"So Solus appeared there, thank the Allspark." Megatronus breathed.
"Yep." I confirmed.
"Now, Starshooter as Unicron was going to ask you, how did you regain your powers?" Primus questioned.
"It's more that I was granted with new powers. Your creator visited me."
"Our creator. But we thought that... How... Why..." Both Unicron and Primus looked perplexed.
"She explained how we received them way back when we were facing Megatron's undead army. She made both Kay and I Guardians so we could stand up to Regina. But that power was limited and I nearly died because I got infected with Cybonic plague. I didn't use my cybertronian form for a while since I was only using my own life energy to support it. Solus appeared during the MECH incident with Breakdown. But when MECH teamed up with Airachnid they not only kidnapped June but Solus and Kay as well. I went into my other form just to help save them and later the three of us were wondering how I could sustain my form for so long with out passing out. Well the answer came in a strange way." I paused in catching them up and covered the mic. I whispered to Propugnus who appeared in front of me. "Alright this is what saved me." I turn the camera to Propugnus.
"Propugnus?!" I heard Unicron gasp. Turning the camera back  to me Propugnus flew to settle on my head.
"Yep. According to Anima when we were giving a Time Stone Crystal, that I reached the rank of a praetor. And now Solus is a guardian as well." I grinned.
"Congratulation, Starshooter." Primus smiled. Everyone did the same.
"But how did you get the system to work to contact us?" Quintus looked confused.
"Well we used the coding in my phone to secure a proper link." I explained then paused. "That reminds me why we were in a rush to build the machine to make the link." I looked over a Alpha Trion. "Do you know what's in each data cylinder that was jettisoned from Cybertron?"
"Yes but only the subject." Alpha Trion stated and everyone looked to be confused.
"There was two this time. The second absorbed into me while I was still human. It had a blue cap with purple engravings on it. It was mostly starch white but had golden symbols on it. Does that ring a bell?" I asked.
"It does." Alpha Trion smiled. "But it won't have an effect on you. It only holds the history and legends of our family which ..."
"I already know." I sighed in relief. "Wow all of us were worked up over nothing. It can't rewrite my brain because I already know you guys." Everyone smiled.
"But it also contain the designs for the weapons Solus has crafted." Alpha Trion added.
I hummed looking over them. "Hey can I talk to Primus and Unicron for a bit before I go guys?"
"Of course." The Primes left and now I was staring at the two brothers.
"Maria is something wrong?" Unicron looked at me with concern.
"I guess." I shrugged. "Not really. I lost control of my actions and nearly killed Starscream. I didn't feel like I was in control."
Primus and Unicron looked at each other. "Starshooter, it could be that when Regina first took your powers she can use them as a passage way to your own mind to control what you do." Primus tried to explain.
"I don't get it." I admitted.
"She can send a false emotion that intensifies your own giving her control of what you do. " Unicron summed up
"Oh," I nodded. "Oh! Guess what I was given a couple months back?"
They shrugged and I pulled out one of my necklaces. It was the spark gem Optimus gave me. "Starshooter is that..." Unicron trailed off.
Primus continued, "... a spark gem?"
"Yep. Optimus gave it to me." I smiled fondly at them.
They both grinned back at my happiness. They told me that all of them have been working hard to get the three of us back. I told them that we can wait. We said our goodbyes and the connection was cut.
Unplugging my phone from the device, I smiled happily.
Propugnus chirped and took flight. He flew back to the rafters above to observe things as I went over to Ratchet who was typing up the formula.
"Hey Ratchet, it worked. The information in the cylinder is about the past of the Thirteen and Primus and Unicron up to a point. And the designs of Solus's weapons." I reported as he looked down at me with a grim expression. "Miko found out about Bulkhead, didn't she?"
"Indeed. I don't know what to tell her." Ratchet sighed.
"Everything'll be alright." I paused when I heard the bridge opening. "I think."
Ratchet looked up at it and rushed to the main console. "Miko how could she be so dumb? Bulkhead is in no position to fight if confronted."
"She's trying to get Bulkhead to remember who he his. Bridge me through I'll try to keep them in one piece." I stated.
Ratchet nodded as I raced through. I ended up in the middle of the monster truck arena. I saw the formula on a wall and raced to the parking lot. Upon noticing Breakdown and KO looking though the trucks for Bulkhead, I ducked down and Miko ran into me.
"Miko it's me." I hissed.
"Maria do you have a sense that tells you when I need help?" Miko asked.
"What? No. I'm here go keep you and Bulkhead in one piece."
"Right." Miko grinned.
I looked up as Breakdown walked towards us. "Run!" We raced to a new hiding spot.
"Breakdown, forget the human." Knockout didn't see me. "Games are only fun to play when you're winning."
I glanced at Miko to see her gone. "We need to put a bell on her." I grumbled.
I ran down the lines of trucks looking for her when the ground shook and a loud crash sounded. Trying to stop myself, I ended up sliding. I picked myself up and looked over to see KO going to decapitate Bulk. I also saw Miko with a pipe charge at the two cons.
She tried to hit KO but hit Bulkhead instead causing the energy data to shoot off. The cons took cover and I ran over to my friends.
"Bulkhead?" Miko sounded close to tears.
KO scanned him for the data. " Dead battery. Megatron will peel our paint for losing that data."
"So we're gonna have to peel you." Breakdown threatened Miko. I pushed Miko behind me and glared at them. "Didn't she also get blasted?"
"Yes. Looks like we won't get our paint peeled." Knockout smirked.
He reached to grab me. A bridge opened and out came the team blasters ready. The two left without me and I looked over at Miko to see her crying over Bulkhead. The others came over and got Bulkhead to the bridge. Optimus lifted me to his shoulder as we entered.
I almost started to cry seeing Miko so shattered. Ratchet did a scan. "The data has been fully expelled, but Bulkhead remains unresponsive."
"Because the energy took Bulkhead's mind with it, heavenward, lost to the stars." Miko sounded so dull and sad I felt bad. "It's my fault you'll never know the rest of the formula. And it's my fault Bulkhead's gone forever."
"Miko, your quick thinking prevented the formula from falling into decepticon hands." Optimus tried to reassure her.
"If anyone would have backed that play, it's Bulkhead." Arcee tried as well.
" It's simply too early to know the extent of his condition. Something as simple as a familiar sight or smell, perhaps even a sound, could trigger Bulkhead's awakening." Ratchet also wanted Miko to stop blaming herself.
"Hey Miko," Miko looked up at where I sat on Optimus's shoulder. "Why don't you play Bulkhead's favorite song?"
Miko nodded and grabbed her guitar and set up. She strummed in a circle and the sound echoed around.
We all now waited for Bulkhead to wake up. Just when everyone was looking defeated Bulk groaned. That is before he sat hum and played the air guitar to an unheard tune. "I love that song!" He declared.
I smiled and looked down. The noise around me faded slightly as I realized something. I'm afraid of going into my guardian/cybertronian mode because I fear I'll lose control again.

Unknown location third POV.

Shadows shifted around as a female's voice spoke. " The seeds of doubt have been planted my minions. A praetor now mistrusts her own powers so much she's afraid of them."
"If that is true my lady, allow me to take her." A silver mech with a visor said.
"No Quicksilver, you only want to have her. I want her dead or a broken mess at my peds." The femme growled in warning. "Your creators will deal with her."
"But my lady they'll have her killed." Quicksilver objected.
"I know which is why my dear sister has so many defenses around her. Two guardians and a pheonix. Before it was the urge to protect her against me. We will need to make some arrangements. It's time to change a prophecy."
Dark laughter filled the air around.

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