Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen:


    "How are you doing, Frank? Please call me back, I don't want this to be like last time." Mikey's voice played off the answering machine, and Frank rolled his eyes. He picked up the phone, not dialing Mikey's number, sighing.

"Hello, this is Dalesville Psychiatric Center, how may we assist you today?" the woman asked.

"Is Gerard Way available?" he asked, and there was a long pause.

"Yes, he is, would you like to speak with him?"

"Yes." he stated, and waited a few minutes.

"Frank," he said, and Frank flinched. "how nice to hear from you."

"Yeah, I guess someone should tell you Willow's gone again. Though, she's been gone for a few weeks...guess we forgot 'bout you." Frank said, rather pleased with the long pause in Gerard's response. He knew he wasn't getting better, anyway.

"Did something happen?" he asked.

"No, she just disappeared." Frank said.

"Oh." Gerard muttered. "I appreciate you telling me, even if you forgot." there was another pause. "I'm sure it was just because you were grieving, right?" his voice hissed.

"Yeah, it was."  Frank said as if it were nothing. Gerard couldn't get to him, so he was fine. "Do anything fun in there?"

"Actually, last week I was removed from confinement." he said, Frank thought he was trying to scare him.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah. What about you? Oh - wait, don't tell me. You haven't left the house since she left, have you?" Gerard asked bitterly.

"I actually went to the store just yesterday." Frank quipped. "And I sat on my porch last week, so yes, I have."

"You'll get worse again." he hissed, sounding like the voices in his head.

"Bye, Gerard." Frank sighed nonchalantly and hung up. He walked over to the computer and pulled a piece of paper from the desk and dialed the number scribbled on it. "Hey, Matt."

"Hey Frank, ready to make another record?"

"No," he laughed. "Not yet. Could I ask a favor?"

"Sure, what do you need?" Matt said.

"You know other people in the recording biz, right? Like, higher up people?" he asked.

Matt laughed. "Ya' ready to replace me? Yeah, I do."

"No way man, never. Could you kinda ask around for someone in particular? She's not a singer or anything, she just does design stuff, and I'm pretty sure she's in California." Frank explained.

"Mystery girl got a name? That'd help a lot."

"Willow. Willow Hollison." Frank told him. "Can you try to keep it as quiet as you can?"

"Sure, do I get a reason why or?" Matt asked, and Frank sighed.

"She just disappeared...she...she just means a lot to me." Frank said.

"Alright, I'll talk to a couple of the guys I know over there and get back to you. It'll probably take awhile, though." he said, and Frank nodded.

"It's fine. I can wait."


"Hey," Mike shoved him, and he scrambled not to fall off the couch. "what's going on with you?"

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