Cadence handed Mariah two beers, and Mariah handed me one.

I have to admit that I'm not much of a drinker, never saw the appeal in it. So when I expressed my distaste in the beer Mariah only laughed.

"You haven't even tried it."

I shrugged, "I've had a beer before, it was disgusting."

She shook her head, "try this one, I promise you it doesn't taste like beer...I swear it tastes just like Rootbeer."

I looked at the label, I suppose there's no harm in trying it...much to my surprise Mariah was right, I took another drink.

"Not bad right?" She asked knowingly.

"It's pretty good." I agreed.

"Just be careful girl, they're good but they're high in alcohol so they'll sneak up on you."

I disregarded her warning knowing I had seen the guys drink keg after keg at a singles mixer once.

The night was spent with Mariah and I drinking and dancing and then heading over to a nearby beach and meeting some new people were they offered us some more drinks, we accepted and partied with them.

After a while we got to know a couple of the guys there, they too were from the city Mariah was staying in, they were really cool and even offered to be our personal tour guides the next day so we could see what Orange had to offer.

As we sat there looking at at the darkened ocean I closed my eyes and took in the sounds and smells of the waves crashing.

"Do you ever have a regret so big that you replay that same scene over and over and over again?" She asked out of no where.

I could tell she was drunk but I nodded my head.

Her eyes teared up, "if I could just go back...I promise I'd tell him about mom, and how much I really wanted to stay with him."

She rested her head on my shoulder and my own eyes pricked with tears now, I knew she didn't want to leave...I knew exactly how she felt having to leave your mate behind...I did the same thing that night I got away from the tent...I didn't want to leave Vance but I had to...thank the moon goddess I got him back, now i only hopes that Mariah would get her own mate back.

I even felt bad for Patrick...I hated that I did, but he had no idea Mariah had to leave, he probably assumed that she just didn't want to be with him.

He more than likely thinks she's just some human and the Mates pull was t effecting her, but it is...badly.

My best friend was longing for her mate and there was nothing I could do...her only saving grace is that neither of them rejected the other so if she comes back as awkward as it may be, they could essentially be together if they really wanted to.

All too soon it was time to go, we were greeted once again by Cadence she generously drove us back to Mariah's brothers house (Randy following behind her so they could leave afterward) and we crashed out immediately, I didn't even bother undressing.

In the morning I woke up with my head throbbing, completely disoriented as I couldn't remember where I was.

I looked around the bright untidy room and found Mariah's wild curls splayed out across her pillow.

I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't budge.

I had to pee and didn't have any idea where the restroom was. I left the bedroom and teetered down the hall of the one story house and came face to face with a random guy, I assumed this was Mariah's brother.

"Good morning...hello, I'm Elise, Mariah's friend."

He nodded, "I'm Frank."

He had the same messy curls as Mariah but his hair was short and I'm sure he styles his hair often as his curls seems to be going in the same directions unlike his sisters. Unlike Mariah he was tall. Not as tall as Vance but just an inch or two taller than me.

"Um, can you tell me where you're bathroom is?"

He pointed to the open door at the end of the hall, I craned my neck a little and could obviously see a clean white restroom, I felt heat touch my cheeks as I knew I could've found it without him.

"Well uh, nature calls." I said awkwardly. He chuckled handsomely and went on his way, I internally groaned at being such a spaz in front of such a handsome guy.

As I washed my face of last nights remaining makeup I died a little more inside knowing Mariah's brother had seen me looking hideous...his first impression of me would always be that of a too tall girl with smeared makeup who rambled on about needing to pee.

With the makeup fully off I thought to myself, I don't think I've ever thought anyone other than Vance was good looking, maybe I've just never paid attention.

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