Part 18 - Truth

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Hey. So I think we're slowly heading to the end. The next part is the last. Enjoy ^.^

(Vanoss POV)
We returned to the feast and everyone stared at us. I sensed, that everybody wants some answers about that fight, we had a minutes ago.

I was really glad I told him everything. I knew I made mistakes, and he moved on and didn't feel anything for me. I didn't want to be rejected. That's why I didn't say I loved you, because through my speech I released I loved him. I loved him so much.

I had my best friend back and that was what mattered most. He was back. In my life, in my heart.

Our friends came to us curious, I could tell that.

"So you two are friends again?" asked slowly Mini.

"Best friends, yeah. Look at me. Don't tell me, that there would be somebody, who wouldnt love to be friend with me. I'm awesome," replied Delirious with grin and I was happy, his personality was back.

"Yeah, I missed you man." Brock hugged him and I couldn't erase that smile from my face.

"Evan? Your girlfriend was looking for you. She was not feeling well, she wanted to go home," informed me Lui and I quickly nodded my head.

"Thanks. Oh and this wedding was really awesome. Brock congratulation again, your wife is really pretty."

I hugged all my friends and quickly walked away to find my girlfriend. She was siting on the porch in front of the house.

"Sydney, you ok?" I asked silently. She looked at me with red puffy eyes.

"I don't know! I'm too scared about the baby. I have bad feeling. Something might happened to it." My heart skipped a beat.

No! Don't tell me that. I can't loose my child.

"Ok, don't panic. We will get you to the doctor right away. I'll call a taxi. Just wait, ok? Everything will be ok."

I tried to calm her, and mainly myself, down. I called a cab and held her in my embrace till that car arrive. We rode to the nearest hospital. I waited like a hour, before a doctor came to me.

"Sir? We're done with the check up. Everything is ok. This feelings are normal for tenth week of pregnancy." My heart skipped a beat.

"What?" I asked again, when his words came to me.

"It's normal to have this feelings. Nothing happened to the baby," he repeated with smile.

"No, no, what did you say about that week pregnancy?" He looked confused.

"Tenth week."

Oh my god. This can't be happening to me. She's in tenth week, that means two month and a something. But we're together like a month only. Fuck! That child is not mine. She lied to me. She has been lying to me the whole time. She stabbed me again.

I felt betrayed, confused, angry and empty. The feeling about the parenthood was gone. Just like that.

"Sir? Are you ok?" I heard his voice from distance as the world around me started to spin.

That two face bitch. How could she claim it was my baby? Why would she do that? I need answers and I need them now.

"Yeah. Can I see her?" I asked him and he nodded his head.

"Sure. But we're going to keep her here for a few days. Just to be sure," he informed me, while he led me to her room.

I walked in and he left us alone. I sat down on the chair next to her bad.

"Everything is fine, you were right, babe," she started with smile and pet her belly.

"How long are you pregnant?" I asked firmly and locked my sight with her. She blinked a few times.

"Four weeks. You know that. It happened after that ice skating."

I slowly rubbed my face and tried calmed myself down, as my hands started to shiver.

"How long are you pregnant, Sydney?" I asked her again.

"I'm telling you. Four, five weeks."

"Really? Because the doctor said something different," I said and caught myself to be pissed off.

"What did he say?" She asked with panic in her voice.

"Tenth week."

There were a long pause after it.

"No, he's wrong. He must be wrong. He's not my regular gynecologist. He doesn't know."

"He's gynecologist. He fucking knows about this stuff."

"Evan..." she started but I jumped right into her speech.

"Just explain to me. Why did you come to me? Why did you claim it was my child? Why did you act like it?"

"It's your child," she started to cry and I had enough.

I pulled up a phone and called our gynecologist. She picked it up soon. I set it on the speaker.

"Hello, Sydney. Is everything ok? How's baby?" I took a deep breath.

"Good afternoon. It's me, Evan. I just wanted to know... how long is my girlfriend pregnant?" I asked and looked at Sydney, who was still crying.

"Oh, let me take look. Yeah I can see. Tenth week." I nodded my head.

"Thank you." I hung up.

"So stop it with that acting. Tell me the truth now. Tell me the reasons. I lost my best friend. I lost the time with my friends, I even missed the wedding ceremony!" I stood up and tried not to get consumed by anger.

"I don't know," she whispered.

"Say it, for fuck sake!" I shouted.

"I can't," she mumbled.

"Sydney. I deserve the truth. I don't fucking care about other lies. Just the truth."

"Fine. I found out that I'm pregnant, but the man broke up with me after that. So I remembered you. I knew you have job with good income, nice house, car, friends and everything. I wanted to rose up my child with someone good. And you are good, Evan."

I recalled the memory from the first night, as she tried to have sex with me and everything started to get sense.

"Why did you lie? You could have come to me, I could have given you some money to start somewhere. You didn't have to act like I'm the father of that child."

"I thought you would kick me out."

"And what do you think it'll happen now?" I asked firmly. She looked at me.

"We don't have to tell the others it's not yours. You can be still father." I slowly shook my head.

"I'll give you some money, but I want you out of my house. You have one week, Sydney." I started to walk away, when her words stopped me.

"Wait! I thought you love me. You said it." I turned to her.

"No. I felt responsibiliy to you, because of the baby. It wasnt love. I love somebody else and by this time I completely lost him."

Moments between you and me (H2OVanoss)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن