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Hi. *Awkward cough*. So... I have been absolutely horrible with that cliffhanger and I'm so so so sorry but (brace yourself for the pathetic excuse) I've been unable to write for months! I've read ACOMAF, obviously, and loved it more than anything, obviously, and I really want to finish this fanfic but I have a serious case of writer's block!!! It was so hard to write that last scene and I'm still so unsure of how I want it to end and so I keep procrastinating and getting no where! I've not written for months and oh my god I'm so so sorry! I will finish this but I don't know when. Eventually. Thank you for all your support, your comments are lovely (even though they make me feel sooo guilty for completely abandoning you guys...). I think I just need a little more time and for that I'm sorry again. I just wanted to explain that I'm not dying or anything, I'm just an ass. :( <3

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