Chapter 8

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~ Feyre ~

Half asleep, I know I am so warm and comfortable that I never want to wake up. But when I remember where I am, I stifle a gasp and twist around in the arms of the person holding me to check - yes, it's Rhysand.

Unsure of what to do, I do nothing. Is it bad that I want to lean closer and inhale his intoxicating scent? Or that I'm currently having to work hard to not completely dissolve into the chest I am clutched to? He's holding me against him like he expects me to be ripped away. My heart picks up it's beating at our proximity. When did he climb in?

All I know is that I slept well for the first time since Under the Mountain. I can't recall any nightmares and my head feels half-a-ton lighter. I should probably be ripping myself away from the warmth encompassing me and start to explore my surroundings but I just don't feel ready to move an inch. Despite my restless heart, I feel so relaxed and lazy.

Ignoring any thoughts of what Tamlin would think, I wrap my arms around the waist of the only person who had brought me comfort since that incident. I drift off back into sleep.

I know that more time has passed when I feel the smallest of movements beneath me. Seemingly in tune to the beating of Rhys' heart, whose increased pace woke me, I stir and drowsily lift my head up to meet his violet gaze.

His beautiful eyes are sparkling with contentment and he has a smug yet shy grin splitting his face. When realise he is beneath me and I'm draped across his chest I feel my cheeks begin to redden.

"Um..." I croak out, stunned. "Um, you are in my bed, you know?" His grin grows.
"I think I've noticed." Rhys teases lightly.
"Um, you know you're not allowed in my bed, right?"
"You were having a nightmare. When I held you, it stopped." That explains the smugness. He likes that he effects me. If I was being honest, I like that he cared enough to try it out.
"Rhys..." I'm not sure I can be bothered to argue, I held slept too well and wasn't ready to stop. I drop my head back onto his chest.

I listen to the humming of his heart for about a minute then lift myself back up to return the gaze I can feel watching me.
"Aren't you going to force me to go somewhere?" I ask, confused at why he wasn't objecting the laziness. I thought he would have plans.

Rhys is still smiling at me. Rhys' response comes through our bond and into my head, light and happy.
Do you want to do anything?
Would it be bad to say no? I'm very sure Tamlin wouldn't approve of me wanting to go back to sleep next to Rhys. He could've done it himself if he had ever been there, my mental voice reminds me. No... It's not Tamlin's fault the Court was so busy! But... Surely Night was busy and yet here Rhys was, lounging under me with a grin like the Cheshire Cat.

Instead of responding in any way, I roll onto my side and through our mental link sent him and image of him curled up behind me with his arms around my waist. He wordlessly follows my wishes. This is okay, I tell myself, friends can snuggle. I hold onto his arms around me as I drift back off to sleep.

When I wake again, it's because of the pressure on my bladder. I manage to wriggle out of Rhys' arms and, as the thick curtains block any light from outside, use my Fae senses to guide me to a door in the corner which must either be a closet or an ensuite. I get lucky, it's a bathroom, and so I go to the toilet before tip toeing back into the room.

I find Rhys sitting up on the bed, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands and stretching the wings which had previously been invisible behind him. That's adorable, my mind informs me, but I push this fact away. 
"May I...?" Rhys asks me, gesturing with a wildly flung hand to the bathroom behind me. I nod, surprised that he'd bothered to ask my permission. It confirmed that this was going to be my room.

I look around at the large space. Everything was spread out, the big four poster bed was pressed up against one wall, there were four doors - bathroom, exit, closet, and I had no idea for the 4th. There was a low ground table with a comfy looking love seat in front of it made of black velvet, a desk pushed against another wall and a piano against another. Maybe the 4th room has a kitchen so I never have to leave this suite, I pondered. It was not an unpleasant thought. The walls were a mixture of blues, swirled together, under my feet was a plush black carpet that a wriggled my feet through, and above my head the high rafters must be enchanted to mimic the night sky. I was unsure whether I was on the top floor. I seem to recall a long corridor but can't remember any way to trace my way back through the maze of corridors.

"Do you like it?" Rhys asks me, exiting the bathroom. I turn to look at him.
"Yes, it's lovely." I smile in what I think of in a strictly friendly way. The tell-tale brushes of another mind against mine explains the mirth in Rhys' eyes. Perching myself on the edge of his bed, I ponder what I recall from last night.
"Have you influenced my thoughts at all whilst I've been here?" Rhys frowns at the question.
"No... But I may have peeked a couple times." I blink at his honesty.
"Like just then?"
"Don't. I don't want to ever have to second guess that my thoughts are my own."
"Of course. I would never want to influence you in any way. It's no fun if your actions aren't your own." He quirks one of his perfect eyebrows. I roll my eyes.

My stomach rumbles. I don't want to leave but I'm obviously hungry. Beating me to the punch, Rhys tells me he'll have someone bring us some food. I guess the 4th room isn't a kitchen. I walk back up to the bed and throw myself back onto the middle of it. I hear Rhys chuckle softly.

"Is there anything you would like to do whilst you are here?" He asks me, arms crossed and casually leaning against one of the posts of the bed.
"Hmm, not be tortured?" I can practically hear his eye roll. But seriously, he has no plans?
"I'll take that into consideration. " He jokes, walking to the door of the room and swinging it open, before the young man holding a silver tray can knock. I sit up and cross my legs in the middle of the bed. Taking the tray from the young man, Rhys nudges the door closed with a foot and carries it over to the bed. He climbs on, crossing his own legs after setting the tray between us.

Dramatically lifting the lid, he reveals a stack of pancakes, two extra plates, a small jug of syrup and a bowl of assorted berries. There's also orange juice, but I don't realise this until Rhys moves both cups onto one of the small tables beside the bed. Must've been afraid I'd knock them over when I all but leapt onto the food in front of me.

Only after prepping my pancake and digging in do I realise what I would leave the room for - I want to go flying.

Hiii, flying flying flying yesss gonna be great!!! I love writing this, the possibilities are endless!! If you liked it please comment (I love comments) and I hope to have another chapter up soon!

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