Chapter 3

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"Morristown." The woman driving the bus yelled out.

Alison stood up and looked at Emily to follow her. The blonde thanked the driver while looking at the ground and got off the bus.

"I didn't think this area was your type." She said to Emily. Emily frowned in confusion and the woman smiled. "See you later, sweetie-pie."

After Emily stepped off the bus, she looked around. The air smelt of drugs and strong liquor. There was a betting building and a cheap looking hotel with drunk men stumbling into. Next to it was a huge building with people lining up at the side. There were tall skinny blonde women wearing heels and dresses Emily could never even dream of owning. Emily watched as a girl, which looked her age, approach a large man and be rejected. Her friends pointed and laughed. It clicked in her head that in front of her was a club. Emily turned to look at Alison who seemed to be daydreaming. She looked as if she was caught up in a memory from a long time ago

"Alison...where are we?" Emily said with confusion.

"I will explain when we're inside. Let's go." Alison said, while gently pulling Emily's hand towards the hotel. She approached the drunk men in front of the building. Emily's breath hitched. Alison blinked and then put on her game face, which Emily recognised from years ago. Her breath hitched.

"Excuse me. Move your drunk ass out of the way. We're trying to get into the hotel and you are blocking it." Alison said, while folding her arms.

They all jeered and one stepped closer to her. The smell of alcohol reeked in his breath. He stepped close enough to her, so they were almost be touching noses. He loudly whispered into her ear.

"Make me." 

Alison rolled her eyes and pushed past him, dragging a stunned Emily along with her hand. She laced their fingers. The men were muttering to themselves.

"She's probably a dyke." One slurred.

Alison choked. She froze right at the shabby entrance. She remembered that was what Ben called her when he found out about Maya. A filthy dyke. Emily felt anger burn in her veins and she felt like turning around and swinging her fist into his jaw. But she didn't.

"It's not worth it Alison." Emily murmured. She pulled Alison inside, leaving the men.

Alison seemed to snap out of her shock as they entered the building.

The lobby was quite small and smelt of paint which made Emily feel dizzy. The walls were painted a sickly yellow and there were two maroon couches at either side of the room, which seemed to look fairly worn out.  At the small front desk was a large woman with an excessive amount of makeup. Her hair was in a messy bun with pencils in it.

"What can I do for 'cha, ducks?" She said while loudly chewing her gum.

"What? Oh uh me and my friend would like to book a room for two nights." Alison said, while pulling out her money.

"Let's see what we have." She murmured while typing on her laptop. "Luckily, we 'ave a room. You pay later, but I guess we could make an exception. Name?" She said while twirling her hair and looking at the laptop in front of her.

Emily almost opened her name to say their names but then she remembered.

"Ashley Parkins." Alison said carelessly. The woman began typing.

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