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Alison felt a cold shiver go over her. Her body became numb and her hands shook. Her lungs were burning and her throat had completely closed off. Her eyes were wide open in shock and fear. She was completely paralysed. She couldn't stand properly so nurses had to keep her up from falling. She could barely breathe as they took her precious angel away from her. She screamed and cried until her throat felt raw, but it was no use. No one chose to hear her. Her cheeks felt wet and salty and after a while, she realised they were stained with tears. She waited and waited, her soul dying more and more by the second. She could almost hear her heart thumping. Their hearts were in sync and it had to, it had to stay that way. The horrific moment kept replaying in Alison's head. She could have jumped in front of her. She could have sacrificed herself for her. But she was frozen in shock and fear. It was all of Alison's fault. She brought her into this dangerous life. If she hadn't been so selfish and taken her with her then this would have never happened. She didn't realise she had began screaming again. Alison sank to the floor in defeat and began uncontrollably sobbing. Nurses looked and pitied her. They tried to reassure her that the doctors were doing all they can, but Alison couldn't hear them. She could only hear her mermaid's cries after the fatal act had been carried out. She didn't waste no time. She had to remember everything. She had to remember all of their time together, because her life would not be in vain. She had to remember the person who she loved most in this Earth. Alison closed her eyes and allowed her self to go back, despite how painful it would be.


A warm breeze fell onto Emily's golden shoulders. Nothing was to be heard apart from the rustling of trees and birds chirping near her. She felt at rest as the sun shone onto her. Her palms rested on the gritty soil-like ground. Emily's eyes slowly opened to see that she was outside. Her eyes looked around to see a barn and trees surrounding it. She felt a bizarre sensation go over her.

She looked up to see bright blue eyes. Gorgeous sea blue eyes. She felt herself instantly calm as she felt herself lapping on waves. There were slightly coral colours dabbed onto the girl's eyelids. Emily lowered her gaze to look at her pink smooth lips. She felt an urge to trace her jaw, but she could barely keep her own eyes open. She then focused on her hair. It was blonde and wavy as ever. She looked just like a mermaid. Different from everyone else and more enchanting than anything. The girl looked down at Emily and smiled. Not a fake smile, but a true smile. A smile that came from the heart.

"It's okay," The beautiful girl promised. Emily looked up again. "You're with me now."

A ball of wonder and shock hit Emily as she realised who the mysterious girl really was. Her best friend. Her long lost love. This was a beautiful dream. She couldn't take her eyes off of the girl above her.


Ali chuckled at the shock on her face. Emily's eyes widened even more. Her face looked softer and extremely dreamy.

"It's good to see you, Em. I think I missed you the most." She said, with a hint of sadness to her voice.

Emily lifted her body in attempt to sit up, but Alison instantly gasped and ushered her back down.

"Rest." Alison insisted gently.

Emily realised her head was resting in Alison's lap. She had never been more comfortable in her entire life.

"It's what you need. Rest." She repeated calmly, while smiling down at Emily whose mouth was still widened in wonder. Alison traced Emily's face grinned.

Emily's throat felt slightly dry. She gulped at the sight of Alison's plump pink lips.

"I never told you this, but..." She smiled to herself, "you were always my favourite."

Emily's heart thumped. She felt small prickles on her skin.

"No one loved me as much as you did." She confessed, looking deep into Emily's eyes.

Emily blinked. This wasn't real. She tried to remember what happened prior to this moment. Emily gripped the hard dirty ground and her memories slowly came flooding back, but in one big blurred together mess. She remembered a doll in her car. She remembered walking up to a barn, calling for Doctor Sullivan. She remembered herself shouting and slamming her sweaty fists onto the barn exit, which refused to open. She remembered hearing a voice. A beautiful voice. The wonderful sound which danced through her ears, which relaxed her. Emily's head throbbed and she stopped thinking. She was too exhausted.

"Is this what dying is?" Emily cautiously asked.

Alison clenched her jaw in anger and looked away.

"That bitch thinks that this is what you really want. To be completely free of A."

"Isn't that true?" Emily quietly asked Alison. She shook her head in denial.

"No." Alison answered firmly.

"Do you know who A is?" Emily asked more seriously, even though she was completely aware that she was dreaming. Maybe it was a sign. Maybe something out there, some sort of helper, was sending Alison in her dreams as a message. Alison didn't reply for a few moments. She shook her head.

"I can't tell you." Alison said, trying to convince herself. Emily felt a sigh of defeat. She closed her eyes again.


"Unless what?" Emily said breathlessly. Her eyes flew open.

"You can stay here or come with me." She said quietly, while looking down at Emily.

In reality, Emily Fields wasn't just drained out at that moment. She had been tired looking for her tormentor. She was sick of living in fear. She was drowning more and more each day. She had so many questions, but each answer she found resulted in more and more questions. She wanted to believe that she was close to finding her stalker and Alison's killer, but it seemed she was further than ever. Doctor Sullivan could be dead and it would be their fault. Emily was stuck in a viciously moving circle, which she couldn't escape from.

Did she want to stay in Rosewood? Or had she finally been pushed to the breaking point?

Emily suddenly gained the strength to sit up. Alison gasped and slowly began traced Emily's jawline again. She looked into her dark eyes. Emily removed the gap between them both and their lips met for a few moments. Alison smiled into the kiss. Emily broke apart from Alison.

"Take me with you." She whispered. Alison's mouth widened, but then nodded.


Author's Note: Hello! I am San aka Emison trash. I own nothing! If I did, Emison would have been girlfriends since Season 5! I hope you enjoy this book and please vote and comment feedback. Love you all and Emison forever! Feel free to PM me for anything or just message me if you want to become friends! xo

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