Chapter 2

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Emily listened, gasped and cried as she heard Alison's story with her very ears. She found out what happened. She had wanted to find out for years, but when she actually heard it she felt sick. She almost had a heart attack multiple times when certain names cropped up. It never occurred to Emily that she would also go through pain while listening, as well as Alison. She had been waiting for years for answers. She was sick and tired of the A game, but at this point she almost wanted Alison to stop talking.

Silent tears fell down Ali's face as she told Emily the events which occurred in her front yard.

"I thought I had won. As I walked to my front porch...someone hit me. I d-don't know who and I don't know what with. I-I...think a rock. Then..."

Alison's lip quivered and more tears fell down her face. Emily embraced her.

"I'm here for you Ali." Emily whispered. She wrapped her hands around Alison. Alison rested her head on Emily's arm.

"They started pouring dirt onto me. My mind was screaming and my lungs were burning. No words came out."

Emily's eyes welled up. She knew that Alison was buried alive, but it hurt to actually hear it.

"I was screaming. God, can't you see me breathing! Look at me. But no one could hear." Alison sobbed.

Emily was crying. She held onto Alison.

"Are you sure you didn't see who did this to you?" Emily said, feeling upset and disgusted. Alison wiped her cheek and shook her head.

"Then...she pulled me out. Mrs Grunwald. A lovely woman. She saved my life and took me to the hospital...I was scared so I ran. I have been running ever since."

"Ali. You could have told this a long time ago. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Why don't you come home?" Emily asked gently.

"It's not safe. It will never be safe for us until we find A. So to answer your question, I don't know who A is. But we have to solve it." Alison said while looking at her feet. She lifted her head to look at Emily. "It's not Ezra, Jenna, Toby, any of you guys, Garret or Ian."

"Should we not warn the girls? About some of the people...who they shouldn't trust." Emily said. Alison shook her head.

"They will figure it out eventually. You guys always do. But I have always been there when you have been in danger. I pushed Ian off of the bell tower at the Church, I made sure Hanna was alive at the hospital and I pulled you out from the barn. You guys always will mean so much to me. You are and always have been my rock." Alison said with a slight smile tugging at her cheeks.

"They would be so happy to hear that you are alive. Terrified, but happy." Emily said quietly.

"I am sure they would be, but they wouldn't be safe at all if I was with them. I wouldn't be safe either. We can't return until we find out who is the bitch behind the mask."


"Em, we need to leave. We have already been here for too long." Alison said to Emily that night.

"Already? We have only been staying here at the motel for a day." Emily said with a hint of anxiousness, while
eating a cheese sandwich which Ali had previously made. Alison nodded.

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