01 | He's Back

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He's Back

My phone beeping is what got my attention as I slowly made me way over to the nightstand. I unplugged the charger from my phone to read my notification properly.

justin wants me to tell u we're halfway there.

I blinked a little due to my brightness being all the way up. I lowered it all the way before locking my phone. I had about an hour and a half depending on if Chaz and I were actually driving to the airport rather on waiting on them to arrive. I shrugged I'd be tired either way. I haven't had much sleep at all lately. Thinking too much is deadly in a way.

I walked over to my closet and literally ripped out anything. Which ended up being baby blue skinny jeans and a white crewneck. I was beyond tired. I slugged my way to my drawer to grab some pain pills. I knew I'd have a banging headache and I'll rather kill it now then deal with it later. I was excited to see Justin and I didn't want to kill tonight by being tired. After all, he just played a world tour, shouldn't he be the tired one? After taking one I chugged some water out of the adventure time cup I had on my nightstand.

I went downstairs to slap Chaz awake before getting in the shower. He woke up his girlfriend as I was walking up the stairs. Everyone pretty much knew who Nicole was but I still gave them their privacy. They were a weird couple to me. I drowned all those thoughts out of my head by selling to the shower and letting the heat take over my tense muscles.
When I finished getting dressed I just sloppily placed my hair into a bun and waited on someone else to make the call. In the meantime twitter seemed to be a good way to stall time. I scrolled through my feed and sighed as I came across another headline about Justin and Selena. The media never gave them a break and they never knew the full story.

To my knowledge it wasn't either one of their faults that the relationship ended again. It wasn't healthy for them to keep breaking up but they always seemed happy and that's all I really care about. Justin is always at his best thinking when he's happy. Last time we talked he mentioned that she was going through a hard time with a friend. One of her closest friends was battling depression and she was so paranoid that the relationship needed to be a least focus. I don't blame her but Justin needs to realize that time means time. Not a couple of days or weeks, maybe months. But as his best friend I didn't really want to break the news to him.

I heard footsteps and was a little taken back by Nicole's outfit. She had on a crop top that really squeezed some organs apart and some shorts. She topped it off with Chaz's Nike jacket and some regular Nike's. I shrugged and continue to look through my phone. Looks like we're driving to the airport, which was about an hour away with traffic so we all went out the car. As soon as my body became in contact with the seats in back seat I'm pretty sure I was gone immediately. I didn't even get to the first street sign before my eyes closed.
The sound of faint screaming is what got my body out of the slump. I needed that extra hour cause I feel better than before. I then let the happiness fall within me. Justin was back home! I smiled as we found a park around security and ran into the airport. Getting out the car made the screams even louder. I smiled as I entered the airport and immediately recognized the sagging black pants. I ran up and hugged him like my life depended on it.

He dropped his bag to hug me back properly and I didn't even care about all the screams, flashes, and stares people gave us. I felt like I could breathe again. I can finally touch him and see him to myself. I don't have to worry him lying about being fine because he's back home where he belongs. I hugged Alfredo after that and we talked as the others approached the scene.

Chaz was the second to give Justin the dramatic hug and Nicole got the three second hug. Ryan was scheduled to land in two days. He's back home in Canada visiting his relatives. So we all got into Chaz car and drove back to the group home. Well of course after Justin stopped to answer a few questions and take a few pictures.

As soon we entered the car we talked about anything nonstop before coming to an agreement that we're both unbelievably tired.
Once again by time I woke up we were approaching our driveway. I shook Justin from the side of me to hint that we were here but he wasn't having it. So as everyone else got out the car to enter the house I just lied back for about ten more minutes.

I was a little taken back when he spoke up. "Hey, how long have we been here?" He says sitting up straight. I shrug, "We just got here." I say lying to him. The boy wasn't gonna admit how tired he actually is. He needs to catch up on sleep and I'm gonna make sure he does that. The day Ryan comes home is suppose to be the day we attend this big party so we have two days to sleep and talk nonstop. But I'm hungry at the moment so...

"Let's get some food." I hear Nicole suggest and at the that moment I realized that that's the first time I truly agreed with her on my own.
This is my first chapter. As you know it has been on hold because I have been trying to make this chapter perfect. What do you guys think of Bad day? It's perfect and I want you guys to be pleased. I love and support Jai & Ariana's relationship I just wanted to write a story on how it would be like if Ariana and Justin dated. They are both my faves so I wondered how it would be if they dated. Ariana just has less fame in this book. Vote pls and follow if ya want. ☺

Fall | JarianaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora