05 | Sabotage?

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Third Person
As if the day could get any slower, no one was aware of Justin's abilities. No one knew that he could hear everyone and everything around him. He wanted to so desperately reach out to them but couldn't move not one muscle. It was frustrating. But it soon turned to pain when he heard sing never let you go. He knew she was beating herself up about this, as she always and he wanted to tell her that he was alright. But he couldn't move not muscle. And it stayed that way.

Weeks passed and he still couldn't move. He heard his mom come in multiple times and have a conversation with him. It's like she knew he could hear everything she was saying. She was convincing him that he was gonna be okay and that she was gonna pray for him each and every day. And she did.

He heard Scooter too. Scooter wasn't a big fan of showing many emotions in front of people but you could feel it when he entered the room, he was sad. He didn't want to speak about the topic and many respected that. After all, he probably see's Justin the most right? He's been on tour with him since the very beginning. Their bond was far from business, it was much deeper than that and now the public eye has became aware of that. That media doesn't even know he's in coma, they just think he's staying for multiple surgeries and test. But everyone still talked about it, it was a little quiet with people not stalking Justin all the time, but who knew that they'll move on so fast to stalk his friends?

Ryan and Ariana were scheduled to have a interview with Ellen and the media has been desperate to find these two together. Once you have two separate genders together it seems impossible to picture them as just 'friends'. And Ryan and Ariana both hated it. But it affected Ariana the most! If she was spotted with anyone it always made it to someone.

"Justin Bieber's longtime best friend taking his other best friend? Ariana Grande and Ryan Butler?"

"Alfredo Flores and Ariana Grande: hasn't she had enough? [read page 11]"

"Seeking Fame?"

You can tell that this had a great affect on everybody surrounding him. Ariana is borderline convinced that this happened for a reason. She's convinced that he was spotted someone thought, "hey, let's hit that bieber kid since everyone hates him." It didn't bad but it was really bad when she explained it Ryan. He left the idea long because he couldn't take it knowing its a possibility that somebody put him in coma on purpose. But what if somebody really did this on purpose?
"Ryan can you scoot over jeez." Ariana says as she moves further away from. She had Scooter talk her into representing Justin and she really didn't want to scream this up.

"It's not just a rumor anymore people! Scooter Braun, Justin's manager and number one supporter, has confirmed that he has some of Justin's closet friends are gonna speak for him. We're officially getting the interview that Beliebers have patiently been waiting for. By next week the Bieber team will be on Ellen. Patrica, Justin's mother has confirmed that he would've wanted to be someone who he appreciates deeply and Ellen DeGeneres is that person. But we can't help but wonder? Is Justin really gonna be okay? I'm Cookie Sanchez and you're watching CS News."

Me and Ryan made eye contact and shrugged. She put her words so well together but she was right. Justin's fans waited for this. How would they react to me. I mean sure I've been seen with him multiple times and they know who I am, but am I gonna let them down? His fanbase is strong. It made me recall what he said when he first got here. A fan all the way from China said hi to me. I don't wanna let them down.

Authors Note !
Hiii guys !
Let me just say I know this is short but I have a surprise for you in the next chapter. 😉

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