Waking up

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     It seemed like forever but you eventually could feel more than pain and you could open your eyes. Everything was blurry at first but after you blinked a couple times it all became clear.

Everything was quiet and dark. you rolled your head to the side glad to see that the movement didn't cause you to be sick. That is when you saw who was currently asleep next to you in a chair. you grinned you heart speeding up it seemed like forever since you had seen Rick and you really didnt know how much time you been out.

You reached out and touched His knee giving it a little poke and he groan and sat up rubbing a hand over his face. then he saw you staring up at him. he grinned and scooted closer to you " Hey there sleeping beauty how are you feeling?" he asked he laid a hand on your forehead.

" Your cool the fever is gone thank god " he said "yeah I am feeling much better " you said as you tried to sit up wincing a little " Hey take it easy " he said as he came over and sat down on the bed next to you "How is everyone else " you asked "Getting better thanks to the medicine " he said as he slid an arm around you and pulled you into him. you sigh in relife for being back in his arms. you laid your head against his chest.

" You scared me I really thought I was going to lose you " he said softly. his arms tighten around you and you looked up at him " I am sorry I wish you didn't have to go through that " you said and he just smiled and leaned and kissed you softly. You melted into the kiss.

He pulled away and chuckled when he heard you groan and clung onto him. " we need to get you back to full stregthen before we can have continued that " he said and you laughed and laid your head back down on his chest and closed your eyes.

You found yourself falling asleep and you struggled to stay awake. But he pulled you closer " don't worry go back to sleep I will here when you wake up. "he said softly. With those words, you let yourself relax and your eyes to fall shut and let sleep over take you once again.

It took another week to get back to full strength and probably another week and half before Rick would let you get back to your normal routine. Everything seem to get back to normal or at least as normal as things can get in this world. You and Rick hadn't had a lot of time alone since you had gotten better.

But with all the extra people in the prison now there just seemed to always be someone needing his attention. You knew you shouldnt complain but you needed him need some time with just you and him. But you didn't know how to bring that up without sounding selfish.

"Just tell him he would want to know what you are feeling " Maggie suggested one afternoon as you two were on laundry duty." yeah I know but he has a lot on his plate lately and even though we are sharing a cell we hardly see each other.

I am usually asleep when he come in at night and he gone when I wake up " you said pulling all the now dry clothes off the homemade clothesline that had been set up outside the prison.

" well I am sure he feeling it just like you are so someone got to make the first move " Maggie said. you nodded and help her bring the clothes inside so they could be folded. Carol came up to you at that point and asked for some help with getting dinner going. cooking for almost 35 or 40 people was usually a 2-people job.

After checking with Maggie to make sure she was ok you went and started getting the food prepared. The sun was just setting by the time dinner was ready. You started helping pass out food when Rick came up to you. You grinned and tried to hand him a plate " hope youre hungry you said. he shook his head we are not eating here come on " he said grabbing your hand and started to pull you out of the prison.

"But I am helping Carol " you said looking over your shoulder but you Saw Maggie had step up in your place she grinned and waved at you " it is covered " he said as he continued to lead you outside and away from the building.

You wonder where he was taking you. The answer was clear when he stops just on top of one of the hills and saw the blanket on the ground with food set out on it. a couple candles were set up around the blanket to provide some lighting.

" I know it been crazy and we haven't had a lot of time together alone so I. uh thought this would be a good way to get some time just ourselves " I have Beth watching carl and Judith she will get them to bed so we have all night really " he said looking really nervous

"So what do you think?" he asked. you grinned and threw yourself in his arms. Surprised but he caught you and returned the kiss you were giving him. " I love it you told him. He grinned and help you sit down and settled down next to you and started to pass out the food.

You guys laughed and talked though dinner and when everything was packet away he scooted closer to you. All conversation kind of stop at that point as he reached over and to brush some hair out of your face before he leaned in and right before his lips met yours he whispered

" I love you your heart sped up as you let yourself melt into the kiss. Slowly you found yourself being laid back onto the blanket with him leaning over you not breaking the kiss. You felt his hands slowly slip up underneath your shirt. his name came on a moan at the skin on skin contact.

"what do you want baby?' he asked softly in your ear as he nipped on it. you shifted to where you were directly underneath him and you wrapped your legs around his waist and jerked you hip up towards him

" I need you you said as you started tugging his shirt up as to take it off. he chuckled and started kissing down you neck sucking harder in some spot where you knew it would probably leave marks but you didn't care "Rick please " you said again sounding a little more desperate. "Alright baby I will take care of you I will always take care you he said softly kissing you. And he did just like he promised.

A/N: So I decided that this was a good place to end this. I hope you guys enjoyed this. please let me know what you think. I really want to start on another story but I need to get a firm story line in my head first . I have to many ideas floating In my head. so till then I will just keep writing my ideas until I find one that fits .

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