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Life at the prison was much different then life at Woodbury . One your living in a prison for a goodness sakes but with the way the world was these days that had more plus the negatives to it. You didn't have a lot personal space but then again all you need was a somewhere to sleep it wasn't like you had a lot of things to keep around. You had your own cell and you had made it cozy with blankets and a few spare pillows ..so that was not bad at all. But the one thing you realize made most difference between the prison and Woodbury was the people. At Woodbury it was all about the Governor and his way of doing things . The man had given you the creeps the first day you had met him when his group had saved you from walkers . But at the prison it was different they really cared even after the Governor kidnapped two of their people and about killed them they still took people in. You knew Rick who was the leader of this group could have chosen to not take you and the other in but he didn't and you would always be thankful.

Speaking of the man you watched and Hershel as they walked along the land where the crops where growing talking .. You knew you shouldn't be staring but you couldn't help he was a very good looking man every time he looked at you or talk to you these butterflies would just bloom in the pit of your stomach . you knew that it was silly to start even having feelings for the man he was a single father and a leader who was extremely busy and probably could have any woman he wanted in the group so why would he want you . You push the depressing thought aside and concentrated on you job .. you and another girl that was also in Woodbury watch the younger kids so the parents could do the every days chores around the prison. "Dada Dada " little Judith grin and reached out her arms when she saw Rick in the distance.. "You want to see Daddy " you asked you looked over at Lisa " I am walk over so she can see him. " you told her Lisa smiled .. you spoil her " she said you shrugged you and the little girl had been closed since day one you knew what it was like not to have a mother since birth not that you told Lisa that. " I will be back " you said and started walking those darn butterflies flying around in your stomach . "Dada dada "she said louder since you were closer Rick looked up and broke into a grin. "Hey pretty girl "he said walking over to you guys and taking Judith "She saw you and had to come over " you said with a smile. as the little girl wrap her arms around his neck and squeeze.. he laughed " I think she missed me "he said .. you grinned " you think" you said. Hershel walked up "my girls would be waiting for me every day as I got done work the fields with the tractor back on the farm. Beth would make me carry her on my back and Maggie would hold my hand.." he said smiling at the memories. You smiled.. and noticed Judith was starting dropped off on Rick shoulder ." I think it nap time " you said he glanced down " I can take her back " you said.. " I will walk you back I have to head that way anyways " he said you nodded. You guys walked in silence for a minute.. "So your liking it here ?" he suddenly asked and you looked over at him and he was looking at you and the butterflies seems to double in size. " yeah I do thank you " you said .. he looked away for a second like he was debating what he wanted to say next.." you never said what you did while you were with the governor. "he said. That was the one question you had been dreading. " you opened your mouth to speak with yelling interrupted you.. you both looked near the front it looked like there was a fist fight going down. " take her please" Rick said Quickly handing Judith over to you and took off running. you sigh ..for now the question he asked was temp forgotten but you knew it wouldn't be for long and had to figure out how to answer it.

"So what was the fight about and with who ?" Lisa asked as you guys had finish up for the evening you were walking into dinner ."I don't know I haven't seen Rick to asked " I bet it was Jeff every since we got here he been trying to act like own this place. " Lisa replied.. you chuckled that not going to sit well with Rick" you comment as you made it to the main area outdoors where everyone ate. " I see you later "Lisa said as she waived to you and headed over to some a couple of people that you didn't know . You took your food and sat off to the side content to just relax and eat. "Hey there you are " you looked up surprised to see Rick standing over you " here I am just getting my dinner "he said " he settled down next to you and his arms brush your slightly and those darn butterflies .. How Judith ?" you asked just because he was making to nervous to think of anything else. "she fine .. Beth is putting her to bed for me " you nodded " I am sorry about earlier today we didn't get to finish our conversation " he said " it ok by the way who was fighting ?" you asked ..he sigh and rub a hand over his face " it was Jeff mainly the other guy was just defending himself. " he said ." I have Jeff in lock down until we find out what going on " he said he looked over at you .. without thinking you place a hand on his arm " watch out for him .. he never been right ..even when we were in Woodbury " you said you suddenly got caught in his blue eyed gaze .. "I ...I.... should go.." panic built in your chest and you hurried away from the table and way from him. You cheeks were red from embarrassment. You could only guess what he was thinking ..stupid ..stupid ..

AN / I Hope you guys are going to like this story.. I got a storyline already mapped out in my head and so I should be able to updated pretty regularity. Please vote and comment I love feedback !!

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