nothing but a cold..

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     It had been a good two months since the incident with the governor and so far, everything been working out well. The new people were a big help since most were trained to use weapon and so they help with watches and runs. So, that Rick had a little freer time that he used to spend with his kids and of course you. you smile thinking about the few time you two had sneak off to a secluded section of the prison and just plain made out like teenagers. So, all in and all it was all working out good.

Until one morning you woke up both sweating and freezing at the same time. as soon as you try to sit up the room started spinning and your stomach started rolling."

Hey are you ok?" Rick asked sleepily. "No I don't feel good at all " you said and he sat up touching your forehead. your burning up he said. "but it really cold in here " you said as you laid back down

" I am going to go get Hershel " Rick said climbing out of bed. Suddenly there was shouting from outside and Maggie came running up Rick its bad a bunch of people are getting sick burning up with a fever " she said Rick threw on a shirt

" Kelsey is too Stay with her until I can figure what going on " he said as Maggie slip inside the cell he leaned down and brush some hair out of your face "Rest I will be back " he said. all you could do is groan and shut your eyes. " hey Kelsey can you stay awake for me. "Maggie was asking you but her voice sounded so far away until it finally disapered.

When you could open your eyes again everything was quiet and dark and you realize that you were not in your cell but a different part of the prison. You tried to sit up but your body was screaming in pain and that resulted in your stomach rolling again you leaning over the bunk to empty your stomach in the bucket that was just sitting there.

Suddenly you felt a pair of cool hands on you back. rubbing in a soft circle. " what." you rolled back onto your back and saw Hershel with a cloth over his face" just take it easy can you try to take something to drink "he asked holding out a cup you nodded and slowly sip the warm liquid it was slightly sweet.

"What is that you asked your voice horse and raw " Tea my wife used to make it from berries when I was sick Hershel said "it the best I can do until we can get some medicine " he said your eyes started shutting

"Where Rick" you asked, your voice slurred " he trying to keep everyone that not sick together and trying to figure out how to get medicine to everyone that is " he said. " tell him I miss him and I love him " you said drifting out again.

When you came around again it wasn't Hershel with you it was Maggie she was putting a cold cloth on your forehead. she smiled when she saw you open your eyes "Hey I am glad to see your awake " she said .."can you drink something for me ?"she asked and you shook your head groaning at the thought of anything hitting your stomach

" But you need to ok please just try for me " she said as she lifted your head up and let you take a sip witch that cause you to start coughing until you felt like you couldn't breathe she help you roll on your side to cough into the bucket that when you noticed what was coming up was blood. you laid back down.

"What is wrong with me?" you asked softly. " we don't know daddy think its virus you and about 20 other people have come down with it. " Maggie said and you felt like she was leaving something out

" what is it?" you asked she sigh 'We already lost 5 people " she said and you felt your whole body cold. " so, this is killing people " you said "yes but Rick and Daryl and a couple others have gone out to look for medicine that we know will help there is school not from here a medical school so you just have to hold on " Maggie said. you closed your eyes suddenly exhausted you couldn't bear to tell Maggie that you didn't know how much longer you could hold on.

Pain was all you could feel when you finally came around but you were unable to open your eyes and responded. it was getting harder to breath and you struggled for each breath. you could hear people talking to you but you couldn't say anything. After a while the pain went away and you could breathe some easier.

But you were still unable to talk or even open your eyes. You still hear people talking to you Maggie was the main one she would give you messages from Rick telling you how much he loved you and missed you since he couldn't get into see you to keep him from getting sick.

But no matter how much you wanted to give her a message for him you couldn't. you just wanted to feel better to wake up and see him and tell him you loved him. but there was nothing but darkness and you began to wonder if that was going to be your life forever.

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