Daydreaming ?

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For a couple days at least you successful were able to avoid Rick. Why ? You didn't know he probably didn't even remember that embarrassing moment of yours. But you didn't think you could face him without turning a bright color and stumbling for words. Real smooth !! you thought as you cleaned up from the children one evening after they were off with their parents. Instead of Dinner you head away from eating area and went into the garden someone had set up. Here there was dozen of flowers growing and you like to come here and look at the flower and think. You wish that you didn't feel so broken inside . If you weren't so broken maybe you could talk to Rick without making a complete fool of yourself and then maybe he would see something in you and want .. what you been wanting since you first met him. you wanted him to want you kiss you hold press his body against yours. you wanted to feel every inch of him ..his arms wrap around you as he made love to you. You closed your eyes and let the imagines take over in your mind. But footstep behind you had you snapping at your dream you turned around and try not to groan when the man from those very fantasy walked around the corner. You didn't know if it was your wishful thinking but you almost though you saw his grin get bigger when he saw you. "There you are " he said walking up to you " I was wondering where you were you didn't come to dinner " he said.. " was he looking for me then?" you thought.." I guess I am not to hungry tonight " you told him." he nodded " I have also noticed that I haven't seen you around much the last couple days pretty impressive for this place" he said " well your a pretty busy man " you said barely meeting his gaze. "and if I had been looking for you ?" he asked.. you looked up at him "Why would you be looking for me ?" I mean after last time I thought you just.." you stop and looked away he surprised you by taking your hand in his " about that I was trying to apologize for that " he said causing you to look up in surprise

"Did he just say he need to apologize to me why would he need to apologize for me acting stupid " you thought "For what ? you asked " for ...well." . it was his turn to act embarrassed .."for almost kissing you " he said looking up at you and you stared at him in complete shock. " he almost kissed me ? you though as your brain started trying to wrap around this situation. " so you wanted to kiss me but now you apologizing for it " you asked a little confused he chuckled " it been so long since I been in this situation I am messing it up" he said "Well explain please " you told him. " First I didn't wanted to kiss you...." he said you frown a sharp pain your chest.. but he continued " I STILL do want to kiss you and I was apologize because you seem upset about it " he said.. you lifted your gaze up to meet his. "oh it wasn't that " you assured him finding the courage to speak from the fact he just admitted he want to kiss you." I just ..well found myself wanting to kiss you too ...and well I panic.." you said "Why ?" he asked ..and you looked down "Remember you asked me about what I did while I was at Woodbury " you said softly "yeah " he said the grip on your hand tighten as he didn't want to hear what you had to say and he was right he didn't. But he should know. "You sight .." not to go into details. lets just say I was a virgin when they took me in and when the governor found out.. " you closed your eyes trying not to cry. Suddenly you felt two arm come around you and pulling you to his chest.. normal this would panic you but you knew who this was and it was so comforting.. you laid you head on his chest .." I am so sorry " he said softly. you lifted you head up so you could see him " not your fault ..he a crazy man I am hoping he dead" you said.. he stared down at you and nodded .There was that heat again you couldn't look away this time and he reached up with one hand and cupped your face before bringing his lips down on your in a slow but heated kiss. All your dreams were nothing compare to this .You let him take the lead your hands flat on his chest and you could feel all his muscles move underneath you hands as he depend the kiss and gosh the man could kiss. you could feel yourself pretty much melting. The only problem was you had no idea from here where to go you explained before the Governor you had been a virgin and not a lot of experience with men. He didn't seem to mind as his hands grip tightly on your hips.. But finally he pulled back breathing heavily and he couldn't hid the look in his eyes. "That was " you said with a little grin. "yeah I would have to agree " he said "come on lets go eat "he said taking your hand and leading you out of the Garden.

During dinner he insisted that you sit next to him . You help him feed Judith laughing as she got more food on her than in her. You listen to Carl as he told Rick about his day .You watched out of the corner of your eye as you cleaned Judith up as Rick pay absolute attention to his son. That was another reason you found yourself attracted to him. He was such a good father. After Dinner Beth took Judith to get clean up and Carl went to his cell. "Let me walk you back to you cell " he said .. you smiled.. "Thanks " you said. You guys walked in silence until you reached your cell that was just a few blocks down from Rick's. "Well goodnight " you said looking up at him " goodnight" he said staring down at you he reached up and cupped your face brining you closer to him" can I ?" he asked you smiled and nodded and his lips were on yours again just like the last the last time it was soft and sweet but this time there was a little bit more roughness to it. and you were pleasantly surprise you were ok with it. You slowly responded and you heard him groan softly . you were amazed that you were making him doing that . He finally pulled back. " I think you can already tell that I find you attractive.." he said you nodded" but I want to take this slowly.. he said tracing your lips with his fingertips" I want to make sure that all those bad memories get replaced with nothing but good ones .." he said and your legs were going to give out on you." I like that too" you said he grinned and leaned in for one more short sweet kiss. "Goodnight " he said before he turn and walked off.

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