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    The progress  that you were making with Rick was great and all but it was also going at a painfully slow rate.  You knew he wanted to make sure you were ready  but to be honest you were beyond ready.  Every night  after he dropped you off at you cell and kiss you goodnight  you would lay in bed and have the wildest dreams about him and wake up wanting him worst then you had before . To say it was driving you crazy would be a understatement.  He would make sure  to stop by and see you a few times during the day at lunch while you were watching Judith  and every time he did  he make sure he leave you with a small kiss and you would cling on and he would chuckle but you saw the desire there in his eyes . But the Questions  can you  be the one who takes the  step in moving your relationship forward with him. 

     The answer came one afternoon when you were taking Judith out for a walk and you noticed he was out working on the fences with Daryl and Glenn  putting up a second wall from some lumber that someone had found a couple weeks ago. it was a hot day and it was mid afternoon and the first  you noticed was that he had taken off his shirt and  your mouth went dry at the sight and heart  went into over drive " dada  dada " Judith said cheerfully " yes dada is working you said bouncing her in your arms and just staring at him watching him work and all his muscle in his back and arms bunch as he move ... as he could feel you watching he turn around  his gaze met  yours was as  hot as the sun over head and it spoke volumes of  what he need and wanted..  "Damn " you mummer   " I second that  "  you looked over Maggie stood next to you grinning.  then you both busted into  giggles .  "What so funny ladies ?"  you turn and found rick standing  right in front of you ."Dada Dada  " Judith reached for Rick who leaned forward and kissed her cheek " cant  hold you sweetie I am all dirty " he told  her and as he was coming back up  caught your gaze and he wink and grinned and you wanted  to just grab him right there and then.   "   here I will take Judith  back inside for you "Maggie said taking Judith from you  .You nodded  not taking your eyes off Rick. He step forward " like what you see ?" he asked softly .. you smiled shyly and nodded and feeling particular  brave you reached out placing a hand flat on his chest and let it slowly run down his chest and his stomach.. you lifted your gaze and met his ..this  eyes seem to darken .."Well you should get back to work " you said stepping back. " can I stop by your cell later tonight. " Rick asked  your heart hammering  in your chest.. you nodded " I will  be waiting " you said.

         you made it back to your cell later that evening and changed  clothes  a pair  of   boxes and man over size shirt. you pulled you  hair up into a ponytail and  sat down on your bunk and waited your nerves working over time. You hope that  you didn't mess this up . That you didn't mess up the first good thing that had come along in your life in a long time. Sudden the blank move and he walked in hair still wet from shower .  he closed the blanket again.  he took your hand and pulled you to your feet " you look nervous " he said pulling you against him "maybe " you said looking up at him "but that doesn't mean I don't want this .. or you " you said. he reached up with one hand and cupped  your face  with one hand and then brought his mouth down on your in a sweet gentle kiss You wrap your arms around his neck having to raise up on your toes because of the height difference .He groan. and bent down and lifted you up where you wrap your legs around his waist not breaking the kiss  once. It was quickly become heated and rougher . He had  one hand run though  your hair gentle tugging on it and you let your head fall back giving him more accesses.  He groan deep and low as he moved down your neck leaving how rough kisses as he went. He moved  toward the bunk and laid you down on your back he crawled  on top you  he looked down at you " are you sure about this "he asked " cause  I am at the point of no return here" he said as he pressed his hip into yours to show you what he mean and you moan and closed your eyes and you reached out and pulled  him closer pushing your hips towards him and rocked against him. "Damn " he mummer  closing his eyes . you felt  his hands run down your body he hooked his fingers on  the boxes and slowly slid them off   your heart about jumped  into your throat. "don't let me mess this up  " you told yourself   he paused as he sense  your nervous  and looked down at you " are  you ok ?" he asked  you nodded and tried to smile. he slowly moved the shirt off  over your head.. and then leaned down and kissed you softly.. it going to be ok " he said softly. " we can go as slow as you need" he whispered to you "  just need you " you said breathless and with that he kissed groaning at the same time and everything else all the worry and bad memories were gone and all you could see was him and it didn't take long for you to fall over the edge and you clung onto him  as he followed right behind you. You rolled to you side completely  laying on his back he pulled you to his side and covered you  up " was that ..did..i   " you  buried your face in his chest embarrassed  trying to asked what you wanted to know  But he knew what you meant and made you look up at him and kissed you soundly answering you questions sigh and closed you eyes laying your head back down on his chest .it didn't take you long to fall asleep listening to his heartbeat and his slow steady breathing.

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