"I'm sorry Hermione" Draco muttered

"You-you what?" Hermione asked in surprise

"I'm sorry Hermione, for being so horrid while we were at school, I am sorry for everything I ever did, I was brought up to think that only purebloods were real witched and wizards, but since my father has been, um, gone, I have realised that that isn't true, you are just as much a witch as any other witch in the world. I am genuinely sorry for everything" Draco then looked at Ron "And I am sorry for being mean to you, I know I was worse with Hermione but you deserve an apology too, um, Ron, and tell Potter I am sorry too, actually, tell everyone in your family I am sorry, and Longbottom and Loony Lovegood"

"I don't think they will be very happy if you are still calling them names, especially Luna" Ron stated

"Okay, tell Harry I am sorry too, actually tell your whole family I am sorry, and Neville and Luna" Draco sighed

"I forgive you" Hermione muttered, looking at the floor, she then looked up at Draco "I am sorry for punching you in third year"

"You punched him?" Rose laughed but surprised "Oh Merlin!" Scorpius started laughing too

"Why is that so funny?" Draco demanded 

"You have to admit" Ron grinned "It is quite funny, but guys" Ron looked at Rose and Scorpius "You should have seen his face when Hermione threatened him with her wand! And she pulled it away and he thought he was let off, she turned around and BAM! She punched him! It was actually so funny!" Ron was really laughing now

"I suppose it was" Hermione grinned "I can't believe I did it! And I found out I can punch good!"

"You can't see yourself! How did you see that you can punch good? But I suppose it was good! It really hurt!" Draco said, frowning and rubbing his nose, as if it hurt again.

"Oh, don't worry about, but lets jut say, me and Harry saved at least two lives that would be gone a long time ago, especially, um, Sirius" Hermione tried not to let out that she had been back in time with Harry that night and saved Buckbeack and Sirius

"What?" Draco asked, confused 

"um... Don't worry!" Hermione laughed

"It still isn't funny, when you hit me"

"Yeah, it was!" 

"Merlin, why are we arguing about this? Now? It was, I don't know how many years ago!" Draco laughed

"True!" Hermione grinned

"At least they're talking now!" Scorpius whispered in Rose's ear so only she could hear. 

Narcissa walked back into the room to hear laughter, Narcissa grinned as she sat down and Hugo sat back in between Ron and Hermione completely confused. Rose saw his expression and burst out laughing

"What?" Hugo groaned "Just because I am younger than you, Rose, doesn't mean I am too young to know everything!" 

"Don't worry Hugo" Draco said, not wanting to be humiliated any more

"It seems Draco is embarrassed" Narcissa laughed "What is this about then?"

"It doesn't matter Mother" Draco moaned

"You are definitely embarrassed, come on Draco, you can tell mummy" Narcissa teased

"Mother!" Draco groaned, then he tried to change the subject "Astoria, are you okay, you are awfully quiet?"

Astoria didn't answer Draco but carried on staring evilly at Hermione and Hugo sitting next to her

"Something wrong Astoria?" Narcissa asked, a motherly sort of tone in her voice, almost worried

"I don't like them" Astoria whispered so only Draco could hear "They have no use in this house and I don't like the idea of that things daughter all cuddled up with my son"

"Come on Astoria, they're fine" Draco whispered back. Hermione and Ron started talking to Narcissa about Hogwarts or something and Hugo sat their in silence. Scorpius and Rose had slipped upstairs and were looking at the doors on the way down to Scorpius' room

"You know, when you left, I kept asking Grandma about the door, you know, about getting through them and looking at the possessions" Scorpius said, his arm tightly around Rose's waist as they meandered down the long hall

"Do you know if they, well, do they keep the bodies in the rooms?" 

"No! That would be horrible! There is a Malfoy graveyard somewhere, filled with Malfoys and Malfoys only, I had to visit it one day, on the anniversary of Granpa Lucius' death, I hated it" Scorpius exclaimed

"I don't blame you, graveyards creep me out" Rose said, shivering with fear

Soon they reached Scorpius' bedroom. They went in and sat on the edge of Scorpius' bed. Scorpius leant down and pulled something out from under the bed and handed it to Rose

"I wont be able to give it to you tomorrow, I know you are going to the Burrow with your family, I heard your parents talking about it, and Albus told me you do every year. So Merry Christmas" Scorpius said

Rose ripped open the paper to find a small green velvet box. She opened the box to find the ring that Scorpius' had showed her when she first came to the Manor. It was the ring that Caelum had passed down to Scorpius, the ring that Caelum had initially given to Andromeda. Rose slipped the emerald ring on her finger and hugged Scorpius

"Oh Scorpius! I love it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Rose squealed. She admired the ring sitting on her finger. The plait-like patterns snaked round her finger and sat comfortably. The emerald jewel sparkled in the light and shined on Rose's face as she admired it. " Semper amabo te" She whispered. 

"Semper amabo te" Scorpius whispered back. Scorpius leant forward and they kissed in the silence, their faces shined green from the reflection of Rose's new ring

Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fanfiction) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now