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I layed my head on Vincent's shoulder as we drove to his house. We pulled up to the house and I excitedly jumped out grabbing some of my things. "Well someone's excited" Vincent purred in my ear. "Of course I am I get to live with my purple boyfriend" I said wrapping my arms around him. He smiles and helped as we loaded everything inside.


I flopped on the bed finally finished with moving in. I giggled as Vincent crawled on top of me. "Hi" he whispered his nose barley touching mine. "Hia" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "So do you like my house" he whispered his eyes flickering between my eyes and my lips. "It's nice. Your here so that's a bonus" I whispered bringing him a little closer so our lips were painfully close. He smiled and kissed me. "I don't deserve you" he whispered after he pulled away.

"I know but you got me forever and always" I sat up an walked to the kitchen an took out some food. "What are you doing" he questioned watching me. "Cooking. Tell me you eat something other then toast" you asked exasperated. He frowned and shook his head"why would I toast is so good" he questioned sitting down at the island table. So Mike's having a get together at his house tonight with the rest of the night guards" you started.

"Where are you going with this" he asked. "Can we go please" you begged turning around to face him. "No" he said firmly. "Why" you whined pulling out your puppy dog eyes as he tried to look away. "Because they all like you and will try to steal you away and if they do that I will hurt one of them" he said darkly.

"Please no one could steal me away from you. I love you" you said knowing he couldn't resist both puppy eyes and the 'i love you'. He sighed p "fine we'll go to the stupid get together" he grumbled. "Thank you" you said smiling it falling hen you saw his smirk.

"We'll go if you give me a kiss" he said still smirking. 'oh he just wants a kiss' you thought as you approached him lightly kissing his lips.

He wrapped his arms around you pulling you closer. He capture your lips once again pressing you against a nearby wall. He hungrily licked your bottom lip wanting entrance you granted and moaned as you felt his tongue explore your wet caverns.

You gasped as his hand went under your shirt. You grasped his wrist and pulled away from him. "What's wrong" he asked looking at you strangely. "I-i have g-g-genophobia" you stuttered out embarrassed. He tilted his head and you knew he didn't know what that was.

You blushed deeply "I have a fear of sex" you said bluntly cheeks getting redder. He tucked one of the stray hairs behind your ear. "It's okay. We can wait if you want" he said gently. You smiled gratefully. "Let's just relax until it's time for the get together k?"

He grumbled then pulled you to the couch. He layed down and pulled you with him so your back was pressed up against his chest and he had his arm wrapped securely around your waist. "Let's watch a movie" he mumbled into your ear sending shivers down your spine. You picked up the controller and started Netflix and put on the first avengers. He smiled at his absolute favorite movie.


"Y/n let's go" Vincent said lightly shaking you awake. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "Go where Vinny" you asked trying out a new Nick name. "The get together your dragging me too" he answered helping you stand. You smiled and instantly woke up running to grab you red leather jacket. He chuckled and jogged to catch up. "Let's go Vincey" you whined jumping up and down. He grabbed his jacket an rubbed your head.

You left the house and walked to the car. "Your bipolar you know that" he said getting in his purple impala. "I know but you love me" you said lightly kissing him after getting in the car. "Let's go" he said starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.


A jumped out the car once we arrived at Mike's apartment. "Let's go" you said tugging his hand. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walking into the building an getting in the elevator.
We arrive at his apartment door and he opened it a we knocked. "Good your here everyones inside" he said lightly glaring at Vincent. "Told you they don't like me" he whispered in your ear and walked you inside.

"Jere-bear" you exclaimed pulling him into a hug. He blushed and stuttered out "u-um hi y-y/n". You smile and greeted the rest of the night guards plopping down between Chris and Fritz. "I've missed you guys haven't seen much of you since the pizzeria shut down" I said. Vincent glared at Chris who had wrapped his arms around me.

He pulled me into his lap where he was sitting alone. "Mine~" he growled in my ear. I giggled. "Anyway so have you guys been" you asked. "I got a girlfriend" Scott said. "Her name is (sisters full name)" he stated proudly. I smiled "on my god shes my older sister" I said smiling. He beamed "that's so cool".

Jeremy scratched the back of his head. "Um me a-and m-mike moved in t-together" Jeremy stuttered out. "I thought there was more stuff here then usual" you commented smiling as Mike wrapped a loving arm around Jeremy as Jeremy blushed deeply. "Yup" Mike said popping the 'p'.

"Me and Fritz haven't done much" Chris said. "Wait actually we both started our own YouTube channel. Fritz's is about cooking. Mine is abstract" Chris said smiling.

"I just moved in with Vincent" you said smiling sinking back in your boyfriends arms. They smiled seeing you so happy. "Seems like everything's finally fallen into place" Scott said smiling. You nodded.

And we spent the rest of the night laughing, exchanging story's, and catching up. We were finally happy.

Love Hexagon (Night Guard X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن