lazy day part 2

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(i added a picture of chris in the last chapter)


'wow' that was all i could think when i saw her. "lets go" she said happily grabbing Jeremy by the arm. we walked when i gasped "animaniacts" i yelled. "wow its so beautiful" y/n said looking at my favorite anime store. (i have no idea if this is a real store i made it up) she grabbed my hand and we ran in together.

she ran straight towards the section that had my favorite anime in it. "so much deathnote merch" she said as i laughed. i ran over excitedly like a little kid. she immediately picked up a dress that had deathnote on it. 

"dammit" i heard her mumble. "whats the matter" i asked. "oh its just look at the price" she replied showing me the price. "i got it covered" i told her. she looked shocked. "i got tones of money" i told her reassuringly. she smiled brightly then hugged my and kissing my cheek. "thank you" she said excitedly picking out some cheaper necklaces and t-shirts.

then Jeremy walked up. "she's fast" he said breathless. i laughed. "and hot" i added. he obviously blushed as she walked up. "Jere-bear are you okay, your really red" she said giggling. 

'Jere-bear' i thought jealously. "oh i-i'm fine y-y-y/n" he said stuttering. she laughed and grabbed our hands and lead us through the store to the very back. "wow" me and Jeremy said at the same time. it was a wall of black butler stuff. vinyl dolls, clothes, shoes, even plushies. me and Jeremy wasted no time looking and grabbing till our arms are full. y/n laughed and took us too the front of the store so we could pay. "were's Scott" y/n asked. "we left Scott" y/n said panicking. we quickly payed for our things and ran out looking for Scott. we spotted him looking around confused.


"Scott i'm sorry we left you i guess i got excited" y/n told me looking at the ground in shame. i smiled at how bad she felt. "it's okay y/n but how much did you three buy" i asked looking at the three large bags that had ANIMANICS scrawled across them bags. "anime stuff" Jeremy replied happily. "so where do you wanna go next" i asked. "how about hot topic" Chris suggested. "yay!!" y/n exclaimed. she grabbed my hand and started too jump up and down. 'shes so childish' i thought too myself happy she's holding my hand. "lets go" she said lightly tugging on my arm i could obviously see the jealousy on Chris's face and the slight sadness on Jeremy's. i let her drag me inside the store.

"Look Scott" she said pointing to a t-shirt that said the vampire diaries "haha very funny, but its a good show" i told her as i realized i was still holding her hand as she quickly let go. walked around some more not finding anything interesting so we left the store. i heard y/n laugh about something that Chris said as i tried too catch up. we all sat down at a table as i made sure Chris was the farthest from y/n.

"so u-u-um y-y-y/n do you um w-want t-t-to go too a w-water p-p-park with m-m-me and mike" Jeremy asked y/n. "yes!!!! but um will it just be me, you, and mike" she asked. he nodded. "yay it'll just be like old times" she said. 'really Jeremy smooth you could barley get the words out and bring mike along he's either going too annoy her or flirt with her' i thought.

"guys its getting pretty late" Chris said as i remembered she's going to his house. "bye Scott bye Jere-bear" y/n said giving me and Jeremy a hug. "i'll be home around 7 okay" she asked me smiling. i gritted my teeth. "sure" i told her somehow managing a smile. i watched as she walked away with her perfect butt swaying. 'woah where did that come from. i'm spending too much time with vincent' i thought. she got in a car with Chris and left. 


'i can't believe Scotts okay with y/n going with Chris. oh i can't believe y/n agreed too go too the water park with me and Mike he'll be so happy' i thought. 'well lets go eat some limons' i thought hungrily.


i helped y/n into the car then walked around too my side. i smiled too myself as i got in happy that i get 3 whole hours with y/n. 

~time skip~

me and y/n just finished a debate about which doctor is the best which we still hadn't settled because i was sure Matt Smith was the best but she really liked David Tennet. i helped out of the car and lead her up into my big apartment building. we walked through the door and asked "what do you wanna do" "how bout' some tv" she said happily. we walked over too the couch and sat down as there was a doctor who marathon on.

about 4 episode later i noticed are position. i had my arm wrapped around her as she was using my chest as i pillow but i didn't mind. she yawned sleepily as her eyes started to droop. "you tired" i asked while laughing. she nodded then got up and came back with two cokes. "here" she said handing me one. "this'll keep us awake" she said getting comfortable on my chest again while i took a sip. "you wanna play mine-craft" i asked. (i'm sorry if you hate mine-craft deal with it) "okay she replied smiling. we put in the disc and started playing.

(40 minutes later) i noticed something laying on my chest as i looked down (you're both laying together on a pull out couch) y/n had fallen asleep again as i glanced at the time. 'there's only 20 minutes left until 7' i thought sadly until i got an idea as i smirked evilly. 

i smirked as y/n woke up as there was a knock on the door. 'probably Scott' i thought. "hey she said groggily. my smirk grew. "why are you smirking what did you do" she asked worriedly getting up and running too the mirror. i heard her start laughing as she came out with a permanent marker. she tackled me and drew the same cat whiskers and nose and my face as i did with hers. "the cat whiskers come from within" she said giggling. "you watch Dan and Phil" i said laughing as well as the door opened.

"what are you doing!" Scott yelled as i noticed that y/n had my arms pinned to the floor with one hand while straddling my waist. i watched as she blushed a deep red and quickly got off. "um we weren't doing anything he drew this while i was asleep so i was trying to get him back" she quickly explained not wanting him to think something else. he visibly calmed down. "let's go he said grabbing her hand"

she quickly left with him still blushing at his assumption. 'she's so perfect' i thought. 

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