stay at scott's

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Scott's POV

After Jeremy told me too take y/n I held her tightly and pulled her out of the he'll hole and lead her over too my car.

On the way too Jeremy's she didn't say a word and I knew she was really shaken up.

We quickly gathered the stuff she had Jeremy's and we drove too my house which was just an apartment across from Mike's place.

Once she got settled I let her know that we would have too share a bed and she was fine with it. Now we were just sitting on my couch watching leverage and y/n still hasn't spoken as we sat in awkward silence.

"I won't let him touch you again" I told her. 'Why am I so protective over her. Do I... no it can't be that'.


i looked at Scott and noticed how he was deep in thought. 'does he really mean that. does he really care about me' a light blush came too my face as i realized what i was thinking.

"thank you" i told him snapping him out of his deep thought. "for everything i mean. i really appreciate it and  i.." i trailed off not knowing what else too say.

he looked at me then pulled me into a tight embrace. as i layed my head down into the crook of his neck. he mumbled something that i couldn't make out but i could've sworn he said i love you. 'thats ridiculous' i told myself. 'although i do think i like him... wait y/n you cant like him you like just met and now you decide too develop feeling for him. no you cant like him or anyone else not after what happened last time' you quickly shook away that last thought not wanting too think about him.... 

"y/n" "yes Scott" you mumbled into his neck realizing you feel asleep to the comforting feeling of his breath against your neck. "its getting pretty late we should go too bed" he told you gently. "late..." you trailed off glancing at the clock noticing it was already 10:00 at night. 

"how did that happen" you wondered aloud. "you feel asleep and i did too" Scott answered you and then you remembered the whole sharing bed thing as a light blush made its way onto your cheeks. "okay.." was all you said while (too much of your dismay) getting out of the comforting embrace and making your way too the bathroom. 

after getting changed into a tank top and shorts you walked into the bedroom too see Scott shirtless and wearing shorts. 

you couldn't help but stare at his perfectly toned abs (i really don't care if he actually has abs or not in this story he will so you can suck it) as he climbed into bed.

"um y/n" he asked a blush rising to both your cheeks noticing he caught you staring. you snapped out of it and quickly moved too the bed getting under the covers. you fell asleep knowing that you were safe with Scott and he would protect you.


sorry for the short chapters and taking soooooo long too update. theres been a lot of stuff going on and i really haven't had the time. 

i just found my laptop charger so i will start writing on this because its way faster and more efficient then my tablet is as well as my tablet is slightly broken. so ya i will hopefully update at least 3 or more times a week depending if my mother will stop pestering me about chores and manners. any way good bye my tomatoes and may you be very 24. 

banana's are good. great source of potassium.

love me some pie

i'm a highly functioning sociopath do your research

who ever can guess where all three of these quotes are from will get too ask me too put anything in this story and ill stick it in one the chapters or make it part of the plot. it can be anything too cross overs or just something ridiculous like adding a bearded dragon named tad cooper. i will add it

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