Q and A

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Q:what do I do on my free time?
A: I basically have no life so I'm always writing, reading, singing, or on facebook. My life everyday.
Q: How do I get past writers block?
A: I read the chapter before over and over again. Then I think of multiple ways things could go down. I pick my favorite and wait till my writers block has passed and then write it.
Q: How long did it take you to get this many reads?
A: It's funny actually cause none of my books have close to this amount of reads. On the 2nd week I had 2,000 reads. At first I was getting a thousand each week then I got multiple thousands each week, then when I got around 50,000 I got multiple thousands a day.
Q: How did you get this many reads?
A: I don't even know. But I'm so blessed to have everyone who is reading it. I guess a lot people tell me they like my style of writing so I guess the way I write attracts people.
Q: Do you have tips on how to get so many reads?
A: No sorry. But I will say if you have a book you want me to read I'll check em out and if I like them I'll list some at the end of chapters for people to check out.
Q: Do you have advice on coming up with titles?
A: Actually when I came up with the title for this book, it was because I thought of a conversation I planned on putting in the book. In it the Beta, John, (not the doctor) tells Alex not to call Beck babe, baby, anything like that in meetings because he was her alpha and she said "Your Alpha, My Mate." That conversation never made it into the book, but it fits.
Q:can you help me write my book?
A: Awe. That's such and great honor. Of course. If you need help writing your books you can inbox me and I promise I will not let you down.
That's and out all the questions I got. Everything else was everyone telling me they like my book, that it's one of my favorite. Well I love you guys and you're my favorite people to make happy. Love you guys.

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