The Morning

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I wake up in a bright, white room. I sit up and look around. Everything is so bright. The bed I'm on is white, the walls, dresser; everything is white. I stand up and walk to one of the walls. It is made entirely of glass. I look outside, and everything is different.

"Where am I?" I whisper to myself. Then everything floods back to me. My father, my pack, my warriors... my mate. I fall to my knees and bury my face in my hands and cry. I am all alone now. No one is here to comfort me. I hear talking and then footsteps, followed by the sound of a door closing. A few seconds later, I hear a man's voice.

"Oh, get up," he says. I pull my hands away and look up into the glass. I see the reflection of a man. In particular, my mate. I sit there and stare out into the forest. Tall green trees. The pack member's houses.

"My father. You killed my father. How could you?" I whisper, sadness and hurt evident in my voice. I don't know how I can speak now, to anyone, let alone him.

"Oh. It's nothing. It's simply...." He trails off, thinking of the word. "Business." He walks and sits down on a chair I hadn't noticed before, stares outside and looks at the horizon. "Don't take it personally, love." He holds a champagne glass to his lips before hesitantly drinking from it. He pulls it away and moves his hand toward the window. "Beautiful, isn't it? I always appreciated a beautiful sunrise. Reminds me of the good in me." He laughs.

I snap my head toward him. "The good in you?" I scoff. "There is no good in you. You killed my father, my pack. There will never be good in you," I exclaim, tears rolling down my cheeks once again. This man is delusional! He calmly stands up and places his cup down on a bedside table, before walking to me.

"That's where you're wrong. Now, see, I may be feared by all, but I am good." He places his hand beneath my chin and lifts it until I'm facing him. His dark eyes are cold and haunting, leaving a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Whether or not I treat you good is a different thing." He lowers his head as if to kiss me, but pulls away quickly. He stands up and grabs his glass before taking the last drink and placing it back down. He smiles and turns away to leave the room. Once the door closes, I am left to my tears.

The pain in my heart is too much. I can't breathe. My dad is gone. I have no idea what happened to my pack. Did he really defeat us? I try to mind link my brother, Cole, Abigail. Nothing. I plead for my mom to hear me. I beg to the moon goddess to take this back, to wake me from a dream, anything to just not make this true.

I cry and cry for what feels like hours, until there are no more tears left to cry and my head is pounding. I clutch my knees to my chest and stare out of the window. This is not my home. I want to go home. I want my dad.

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