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"Many of the bruises will take maybe 2 weeks to heal, others a shorter amount of time. Now 3 of the cuts." Doctor points to the three cuts. "Will need stitches." I look at Beck and he nods focused.
"Now, she's very lucky. She's avoided internal injuries, although she has a few internal bruises, but besides that, I'd say you're very lucky." He looks at me. I nod and give a small smile.
"Oh, John me and Alexia were wandering if we could check the baby one more time. Maybe my little peanut is still alive." Beck says hopeful.
John gives a pitiful look but nods anyways. After he hooks me up to three machine he turns it on. My hand shoots to Beck's. We look at the screen patiently. The line is flat. We wait a few more minutes but nothing.
"I'm sorry." He says sadly. I turn to Beck and hug his waist. He kisses my head but pulls away quickly.
"Look!" He points to the screen and there they are. The little upset and downs of the heartbeat.
"Why it's a miracle." John exclaims.
"By the moon Goddess, herself." Beck mumbles.
"We're having a baby!" I say excitedly. Beck leans down and touches my cheek with one hand. He closes his eyes and I bite my bottom lip before going in for the kiss. When our lips are about to meet I close my eyes, enjoying the blissful moment. I pull away resting my forehead on his.
"We're having a baby." I breathe, my eyes still closed. Beck nods.
"Take me to him!" Beck yells at Celeste. They've been arguing about whether or not to go to whatever the hell of a place I was. "I will find whoever did this to her and rip they're head off the useless body!" He screams. Chris pulls me into him covering my ears.
"I see why they're the most feared. I almost forgot that fact due to how amazing he's been to me." I say. Chris nods.
"Agh!!!!!" I hear Beck yells frustrated after a minute.
"Beck! You risk putting both only your life but Alexia's too if she goes. Not to mention the baby." Celeste raises her voice, not screaming, but not speaking a regular volume.
"Then she won't go." Beck retorts. I stand up to go enter the office but Chris pulls me back, shaking his head. I sigh and sit back down.
"Goddess Beck! Are you seriously going to put your life at risk to get revenge on the past!" She exclaims.
"Yes! Now take me to him!"
"Fine Beck. But don't expect me to stay." Celeste finally agrees. They stay in there a bit longer, they're voices hushed. Thanks to my werewolf hearing I can pick up bits and pieces but I can't understand, as my wolf is gone for the time being.
The door to the office opens and Chris and I look up. Beck sighs and combs his fingers through his hair. He leans against the wall. I stand up and walk to him, placing my hands on his hips. He looks down at me and smiles.
"Im going to find whoever did this to you. And ill kill them." He growls. His eyes turning black.
"Beck. I think we need to talk about this." Chris speaks up. Beck rolls his eyes.
"Theres nothing to talk about. Im going to kill him." Beck states.
"Oh yeah. Im all for that, but im going with. Im gonna find that bastard that fucked with my sister. Ill make him beg for you to kill him. Then, you can kill him." My brother bargins. An evel grin spreads across Beck's face.
"As long as he screams." Beck replies. Chris nods.
I stare at them surprised by who they actually are.
"Beck!" I exclaim.
"He hurt you!" He defends.
"I dont care. This is not how you go about things Beck. No matter what he does, he doesnt deserve this." I argue.
"I dont care what you say on this matter. This is going to play out. End of discussion." Beck says cold.
"I finally see why you'rethe most feared Alpha." With that i turn around and walk away with tears in my eyes. Thomas didn't deserve what he got. No matter how bad he betrayed them he didn't deserve that. But then now I feel like they do deserve that for hurting him and killing him like that. I start to get a headache from arguing with myself.
Hello. Forget about someone?
I jump up and scream. You're back! I've missed you so much! I exclaim. Beck and Chris come running in.
"What?! What's wrong?" Beck scans the room for danger. I don't answer him.
Yep. I feel great. I think the Goddess sure does pull some great things together.
"Lex!" Chris says. I turn.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"Nothing. The opposite actually. My wolf is back." They look at me confused and I realize I never told them what happened. I shake my head to dismiss it.
They leave the room and I follow. "I'm gonna go for a run." I say. Beck stops me.
"No you're not. He could be out there looking for you. I'm not gonna risk it may I can't lose you again. You're the most important thing in my life, I'd I lost you again, I'd kill myself." He says.
"That's not funny." I say regarding the 'I'm going to kill myself' part.
"No its not. I'm being 100% serious. You're not going." He says. I roll my eyes and try to walk away but Beck grabs my arm and pulls me back to him. He smashes his lips onto mine. I moan and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him harder. He wraps his arms around my torso. Someone clears they're throat and I pull apart. I smile and Beck laughs.
"Just like old times." He says. I smile knowing what he's talking about. The first time we kissed. When I finished telling him off and he kissed me. It was stupid of him, but im Glad he did it. Although he could've chosen a better moment.
"Beck you don't have to do this." I say looking him in eyes. He nods.
"I don't, you're right. But I want to. And I'm going to. That bastard hurt you. He'll regret it." He growls. Celeste gives a sympathetic frown to me, then she touches Chris's and Beck's shoulder and the same light fills the room. I'm used to it now so I don't close my eyes. I wait for the light to fade before I walk down to Emma's room. She opens the door and throws her arms around me.
"Oh thank the Goddess you're okay." She hugs me tight as tears roll down her cheek.
"Yeah. You can thank her." I think to myself while laughing.
"We were so worried. Beck didn't eat or sleep the whole time. He was so scared. He even started biting his nails again. He wouldn't take care of his Alpha duties, dad had to do them. Mom tried to comfort him but every girl who touched him made him pissed, mom, me, Bella, Jessica, he was just so worried." She cries. I hug her back and rub her back.
"It's okay. I'm okay." I ignore the pain of her hugging me so tight. I don't want her to know. After a few minutes she pulls away. "You up for some Disney movies?" I ask. She nods and we walk to her bedroom. When I walk into it is stop as my brothers scent hits my nose. "Ohhhh. My brother's moved in?" I wiggle my eyebrows.
"No. He just stayed the night. He was so scared he needed me. I calmed him down." She explains.
"Oh good. I'm so glad he had you." I say. We lay down on her bed and go to Netflix. We pick a random Disney movie and watch it.

Your Alpha, My MateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang