"What's wrong with y"

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I stand looking in the mirror. Today Beck and I are telling our family about our engagement and the pup. Beck walks up behind me and places his hands on my hips. He kisses the back of my neck.

"Hey beautiful." He says whispering in my ear making a chill run down my spine as I shiver.

"Hi handsome." I compliment and turn around fixing the collar of his plaid blues shirt.

"Nervous?" He asks.

"Yeah. Kind of." I sigh turning back to the mirror. "I don't know. Something just seems off. We're already expecting and engaged" I look down and spin the ring around my finger. "I just. I was hoping to be part of" I cut off.

"My pack." He sighs. "I know. We could have it the day before our wedding?" He suggests. I nod. "But when is our wedding?" He says massaging my shoulders. I relax and lean into his chest.

"Mmmmm. We could plan it with your parents." I say. He smiles and nods and turns me to face him.

"My smart fiance." He leans his face down to mine and kisses my lips gently and lovingly. He places his hand on my cheek and the other on the small of my back pulling me closer to him. I moan and he pulls away. "Come on, my parents our gonna be here any time along with my" He shudders "Brothers." He groans and shakes his head.

"Hey Lex!" The boys say hugging me while Beck growls at each of them. By the last boy he is already starting to yank them off of me at first contact.

"What's up with y" Jake says before cutting off. He sniffs the air. "Oooooh" He says before backing away.

"What? What is it?" I ask sniffing the air. The other boys sniff the air and grin before moving away also.

Beck sniffs the air. "Your scent. It's changed. They know, it won't be a surprise now." Beck groans grabbing my hand and pulling me close into him.

"What won't be a surprise?" I ask.

"You being pregnant." Beck says.

"What? She's pregnant?" Beck's mom walks in hand in hand with Alexander, his father. Beck turns to face her. He nods.

"And." He grabs my hand and lifts it in the air allowing everyone to see the ring on my ring finger.

"Oh My Goddess!" I hear someone basically scream excitedly. I look up and see Emma there jumping up and down before she runs and throws her arms around my neck in a hug. Beck growls.

"What's up with him?" She asks before sniffing the air and her mouth drops open. "You're having a pup?!" She jumps up and down again clapping her hands. "Oh My God! How so freaking amazing!" She says before pulling me into another hug causing Beck to growl even more.

"Oh my gosh. Beck chill out." Emma says rolling her eyes. Alexander walks up to me and hugs me.

"Congratulations." He says kissing my cheek before he is ripped away from me. Beck has him pinned against a wall. I gasp and run over to him.

"Beck Alexander Reid! Put him down right now!" I scream as I run to Alexander's side. I look at Beck and his eyes are pitch black, angry.

"Beck. I know you want to protect Alexia right now, but you have to calm down. Nobody's trying to hurt her. It's just your wolf on high alert. Beck." His mom touches his shoulder. He looks at her and his eyes flicker from his warm chocolate color to black, before settling on black again. "Beck, calm down." She says calmly. He looks at his father.

Alexander nods. "It's me. It's just me. Come on. Calm down. Buddy I know you can hear me. Calm your wolf down. It's just me." His father says trying to get air into his lungs. Beck's eyes flicker from black to brown again and he eases his grip on his father. His eyes rest on mine before turning his natural color. He let's go of his father and grabs me and picks me up bridal style to our room slamming the door behind us.


I watch him pace the floor of his office for the hundredth time in a hour. I sigh and stand up and walk to him rubbing his back. His muscles relax and he sits behind his desk. He waves me to him. I walk over to him and he pulls me down onto his laps. He kisses the back of my shoulder.

"How am I supposed to do this. You need to take your place as Luna soon, but I can't even have my pack members around you because of my wolf's urge to protect you." Beck groans. I look around his messy office. His desk is scattered with papers and he has files on the floor. I stand up and start picking them up off the ground. I sort them alphabetically by the titles on the tabs. I put them into his file cabinets before moving to the other side of his desk. I remove all of the papers and get little colored sticky notes. Green for Pack Alliances, yellow for pack transfers, blue for pack events and red for the pack members files.

I put them all in there own stack on his table. I look at the scattered pens, pencils, highlighters and scissors. I find a cup on the other end of his table and grab it putting all the tools in it before placing it on a corner of his desk. I look at my work and smile at how quickly I did that. In like ten minutes, I know, I'm awesome. I mean I do have practice with my father being the Alpha of my old pack. I used to help him sort through everything.

Beck stands up abruptly. He sniffs the air. "Stay here." He growls before running out the office.

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