Chapter 13 : Uncertain

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Levy lowered the letter she was holding before her eyes. Her hands never stopped shaking during her reading. They may even be trembling a little more then before. All of it just seemed unreal. She was about to wake up. She had to wake up. But the eyes staring at her were very real. The king ruling over the kingdom was the man responsible of her parent's death as well as the one of those multiple Phantom members who sacrificed their lives trying to protect them. Those people included Juvia's parents, Gajeel's mother, but also his father, that Metalicana Redfox, the one to whom she owed her life, the one that used his last once of energy to write her that letter. That letter was light in her hands, and yet, its content just added limitless weight on her shoulders.

"King August is the one responsible for the tragedy that occurred eighteen years ago."

"What?" Exclaimed Gray.

"I knew he was a bastard!" Grumbled Gajeel, more aggressiveness in his voice then usual, himself clearly affected by the news.

"That's why he wanted you to be ready before getting this letter" mumbled Makarov, pensive. "I knew it had to be about something important."

"You never opened the letter?" Asked Gajeel dumbfounded.

Makarov turned to him.

"Your father requested that I give this letter to Levy. That's what I did."

"But why letting that bastard on the throne all those years? The old man clearly wasn't in the condition to take those kind of decisions!" He tempered.

"To pull on such a coup d'état and deceive some of the best soldiers of Phantom, August surely has a good hold on the kingdom" intervened Gray. "And that not considering..."

He turned to Levy, a sorry look on his face, before completing his sentence.

"If the kingdom would fall in such a confusion, if they decide to choose another leader, it'll be the legitimate queen, the one they all thought they had lost. A baby couldn't fill that responsibility."

Levy let herself fall on the couch. Her legs couldn't hold her anymore. Thin arms circled her shoulders. Looking around her, she noticed that Juvia was now siting by her side on the couch and hold her in a comforting embrace, her cheek on Levy's shoulder.

"Juvia's aware she hasn't known Levy for a long time, but she already considers her as a friend."

While tears were starting to roll down her cheeks, Juvia added:

"Juvia is with Levy. She also knows that Gajeel will do all he can to help her... my dear Gray too."

"Thank you" she managed to say, her words barely leaving her lips.

Then Levy felt another hand on her shoulder. This time, it was Gray's.

"Juvia's right. We're all with you. We'll dethrone this rotten imposter, you can be sure of that."

Despite those words meant to be reassuring, an heavy silence took over the room. Makarov was the one to finally speak.

"I'll go to the West" he announced.

"Why the West?" Asked Gray.

"Our relations with the neighboring kingdom were severed at Levy's parent's death, August refusing to maintain the agreements. If they were to learn that the rightful heir is still alive, chances are they'll lend us they support."

All nodded.

"What about us?" Dared to ask Levy.

She didn't need to elaborate her question. All were aware that she was talking about their precarious situation as fugitives.

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