Chapter 19: Telling The Truth About A Husband's Death

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Chapter 19: Telling The Truth About A Husband's Death

Year: 1225


I jumped off my horse and looked around. Alamut looked to be safe for the time being. I grabbed the reins of my horse and pulled it into the stable and hooked it. I walked out and paid the guy in charge of the stable. I turned around to look at the entrance. Guards, always guards. I looked around and saw a group of scholars heading out and were about to turn around to go back in. I ran towards them and started to slowly walk into the group. I put my head down and put my hands together like they were.

Once inside, I walked out of the group and looked around. I saw a view-point just a bit from my whereabouts. I started to run towards the view-point. I climbed up and crouched on a plank at the top of the tower. I looked around trying to find their house. I looked around a bit more and found it. It was only a short run from here. I looked down and saw a haystack. I took on step forward and preformed the Leap Of Faith. I landed in the haystack gracefully and jumped out quickly before anybody noticed me.

I ran towards my destination and was there within a matter of minutes. I knocked on the door. I heard footsteps coming closer to the door. I took a step back as the door opened. Sef's wife opened the door. A smile appeared on her face when she saw me. She hugged me and looked around.

"Where is Sef?"

"Ummm, that is what I came to talk about. May I come in?"

She nodded her head and opened the door all the way and step aside so I could come in. I walked in and the girls ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged them back. I could not tell them what happened! It would hurt too much. Plus, I did not even know if now was the right time. I knew that their mother would tell them when the time was right.

"Where is baaba? [daddy]" asked one of the girls

"Ummm, he is going to be coming very soon."

I swallowed hard and tried to hold back the tears that were starting to swell up in my eyes. I gave them a weak smile. I looked over to Sef's wife and then held my head down low. She walked towards the two kids and motioned them to go upstairs to their bedrooms. They quickly ran upstairs and as soon as we heard two doors shut she put two arms around me and hugged me.

I cried in her arm as she rubbed my back and whispered in my ear. I hugged her back and after a few minutes she let go of me and went to the kitchen. She poured water in a pot and heated the pot up to boil the water. I went and sat down at the kitchen table. I took my hood down knowing I was in a safe zone and I did not need it on anymore. Once the water was boiled she poured it into two cups and put a teabag in each cup. She walked over to me and handed me one cup while she took the other cup and sat down beside me. I started to play with the teabag in my cup before I spoke.

"I am sorry." I whispered to her

"Tell me what happened." her voice was weak and cracked

I cleared my throat before talking, "Sef died."

I heard a gasp from her. I looked up and she was shaking. I reached my hand out and held her hand in mine to give her comfort. She took my hand and held it tight.

"We were finishing packing up when we heard a knock on the door."

This time, her head jolted up to look at me. This has to be why she was starting to get paranoid. It was Swami whom came to the door every day and asked for Sef. They had planned this for a while now.

"Sef walked down to get the door as I finished packing his things. I heard the door open and because I am related to Sef, I had to eavesdrop in on their conversation."

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