Chapter 9: First Of Several Trips

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Chapter 9: First Of Several Trips

Year: 1201

Age: 5


  I remember walking down a long road. I had walked for hours and I had drank all of my water a while ago. I was almost at Masyaf. I could see the signs that told me I was. I got halfway down the road when I heard a horse come galloping behind me. I turned around to see a man on his horse. I kept walking forward when he started to slow down when he got to me. He stopped beside me and I looked up to him.

"Where are you going little girl?" he asked

"I am not a petite fille! [little girl]" I exclaimed

"Okay, big girl, where are you heading?"

  I gave the man my map that I had in front of me. He took it from me and looked at it. He smiled when he saw Masyaf circled in ink and handed me my map back.

"Why dont you hop on my horse? I am heading to Masyaf myself."

  I stayed quiet as he got off his horse. He walked over to me and bent down so that we are on the same level. He looked into my eyes and I kept looking to the ground. I did not want to tell him I was afraid of horses and I have never ridden one before in my life. Grande-mère always told me to be strong. I looked up at the man and looked at him trying to be confident.

"I have never ridden a horse."

  He chuckled a bit and then responded

"You do not seem afraid to ride one."

"That is because I am not!"

He looked at his horse and then back to me.

"My horse is pretty big is it?"

  I nodded my head. He looked back at me and then back to the horse.

"If I pick you up, will you go on the horse with me? I promise nothing will happen to you."

  I looked at the man and then back to the horse. I nodded my head in agreement. He stood up and to me; he was as tall as the biggest building. He adjusted the saddle on the horse and then looked down at me. I lifted up my arms as he grabbed my underarms and set me on the horse. The horse hardly moved. The man jumped on behind me and he grabbed the reins of the horse.

  He did a movement with the reins that made the horse start walking. I looked around and the view was the best from up here.

"Wow, c'est incroyable! [it is incredible]"

"I know."

  He let out a low chuckle as we kept riding into Masyaf. He got something out of his pouch on the side of his horse and handed it to me. I looked at it and then turned around and looked him.

"It is water tifl. I saw that your lips were dry."

  I turned back around and took the water from him. I opened the bottle and drank the water like I have never had water in life. I drank about half the bottle before I stopped to catch a breath. I put the cover on the bottle and turned around and gave the bottle to the man.

"Here, you need some water too."

  He smiled down at me and took the bottle gently from my hands. He took the bottle and got the cover off and drank some water. I watched him to make sure he had some. I turned around satisfied and kept looking at the view from the top of the horse. When we reached a couple of flags that had the Assassin symbol on them, the man spoke up.

"We are almost there."

  I just kept looking ahead and enjoying the view. When the man pulled up to the stable right at the gates of Masyaf, I turned around.

"Are you an Assassin?"

"That is a big word!"

"Can you tell me please?" I said with my puppy dog eyes,

"Yes, why?"

"Because I want to be one. They save people!"

  He let out another chuckle and then got down off his horse and then grabbed me and got me on the ground. He grabbed something from his pouch and put it in his pouch on his side. He looked down at me and then smiled. He extended his arm out for me to take his hand. I took his hand and we made our way in Masyaf. We walked for a bit before we got to the top of the hill and to the huge building. When we got through the gates he walked over to a circle. There was a man standing there observing the two boys in their fighting. The man tapped the other mans shoulder and they did a side hug when they saw each other.

"I think I might have a new trainee."

"I am always up for a challenge!"

  They both laughed and then the man holding my hand looked down to me and so did the other man. I let go of the mans hand and extended it to the other man. He bent down so he was my height and shook my hand.

"What is your name habibti?"


  He smiled at me and so did the other man. They both looked at each other. The one man who brought me up bent down and told me to go watch the boys over on the other side of the circle. I skipped over to the circle and watched the boys battle it out. They were about four-teen years old. I watched them fight and could detect every move they did and how to defend yourself against the move or how to block. I saw that there was one of the wooden swords right beside me.

  I picked it up. It was bit heavier than what I thought it would be. A boy about a year younger than me picked up another sword and then hit mine.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"What? You do not want to duel?"

"Vas-y assez-y!"

  We started to hit each others swords and started laughing. I could hear the man who brought me up laugh at the both of us. I smiled and so did the other boy. There was no winner because the man who brought me up went over to the boy and picked him up.

"Okay, time for you to go home to your mother, I have to take her back home. Tell your mother I will be back in an hour."

  The boy nodded his head and then put the sword away. The man took the sword from me. As he was putting it back he whispered to himself;

"That is my girl."


Just joking! It's not over yet! Got you didn't I?!

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