Chapter 18: A Death Of One Can Lead To The Death Of Many

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Chapter 18: A Death Of One Can Lead To The Death Of Many

Year: 1225


"I'll see you soon." Sef said to his wife as he reassured her

He kissed her on the lips and hugged her tight. The kids had said good-bye and were ready to go and were just waiting for their mother. I was standing by the horses making sure that the kids did not go anywhere. Sef's wife walked over to me and got on her horse. She smiled at me and I smiled back. She looked over to her girls. She looked down and nodded her head.

"Be careful. If anything happens, stop in Acre. Head to the baker at the bazaar, tell him you know me and he should give you a place to stay. He owes me a favor."

She nodded her head as I walked over to the girls horses. She got her horse to start walking as I started to pull the reins on the horses to start walking and follow their mothers horse. Sef walked up to me and stood beside me as we watch the three of them leave Masyaf. Once they were far enough to be out of sight, I turned to Sef.

"What now?"

"We go and check the pigeon coup. I highly dough that father would ask you to do a mission so soon but I mean, you never know with that man."

A grin appeared on my face as we both turned around and walked away from the entrance. We walked over to the pigeon coup and I saw my pigeon, there were no papers on its leg. I looked over to Sef's and there was nothing. I sighed in relief and looked over to Sef.

"Now, we must go and pack. I do not think we have to say we are going to be absent since we will tell father as soon as we step foot into Alamut."

I nodded and we headed back to the house. I walked to my room and did a quick look around. I had packed yesterday but I just had to do one more look around to make sure I was not missing anything. There was nothing that needed to be packed so I walked down to my brothers room. I knocked on the door.

"Need any help frère? [brother]"

"I can probably find something for you to do."

I gave him a smile as I walked into the room. I looked around and saw clothes all over the place. It was mostly on his bed but it was all over his bed. I let out a small chuckle before walking over and folding his robes. I set them in his bag. We were almost done when we heard a knock on the door. I looked over to Sef and then to the door.

"I got it. Do not worry."

Sef left the room as I folded the last of his robes. I heard him walk down the stairs and head towards the door. I put the last of his robes in his bag and closed the bag and left it on the bed. I looked around the room once more before I heard the door open. We were not expecting anybody to be at the door today. I quickly left the room silently. I needed to eavesdrop on the conversation.

I walked down the stairs as quietly as I could and as fast as I could. When I got to the last step I saw Sef just standing there. I could not see whom was in the doorway. I looked around and saw I could hide in the kitchen. I kept down low and I quickly went over to the kitchen. My back was against the cupboard. I turned my head to the side so I could get a bit of a better hearing of the conversation.

"What are you doing here Swami?"

"I just wanted to talk to you for a moment."

"LaЗ [no] you do not. Speak now or I will make a move."

"Oh, I do not think there will be time for that."

"What do you-?"

Next thing I know, I looked out from my hiding spot and saw Swami with his hand on my brothers back and Sef holding his stomach. I saw him take his hand away from my brothers stomach as he whispered something in his ear.

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