Chapter 15 (part three): The Ceremony

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Chapter 15 (part three): The Ceremony

Year: 1210

Age: 14


  I walked into the huge room where the ceremony was taking place. It was just me, but still, it was huge just for one person. I looked around and I heard the door shut behind me. I turned around to see Mentor standing in the door way. I smiled and then looked around. Mentor walked up to me. I was going to become an Assassin in a few hours and I was not ready for it. I had butterflies in my stomach and my heart was racing. Mentor set his hand on my shoulder and stood beside me.

“Are you ready tifl?”

“Pas vraiment. [not really] But I do not have a choice if I am ready or not.”

Tifl, you will always have a choice.”

“It is just hard. I want to become an Assassin but I do not think I can handle all the pressure it gives.”

Tifl, I was your age when I walked this exact hall to become an Assassin. I was not ready but once I stood up there and said the words that made me an Assassin, I realized that this Creed was everything I have. I knew what it would bring and I was ready for it after that.”

  I looked up and smiled at him. I looked around again and we both headed outside. I looked around and saw that Sef was on the same roof we had been on yesterday. I looked over to Mentor and he nodded. I started to run to where we climbed up it yesterday. Once I got to the top Sef looked over to me and then smiled.

“Took you long enough.”

  I walked over and gave him a light punch to the shoulder. I sat down beside him and then looked out to the view. We sat in silence and then I could feel Sefs eyes look at me. I looked over to him.

“I am going to be at the ceremony today.” Sef said in a low tone

“Oh,” was all I could say

“They picked a few Assassins to be there and I was one of them.”

  I nodded my head and then looked down to my lap. I started to play with my fingers when I realized that I would not have my ring finger in a few hours. I looked down at it and Sef held my hand. He looked me in the eyes. Why was I so nervous?

“It is worth it in the end.”

  I smiled at him and then looked away. Sef put his arm around me and I set my head on his chest. I could feel his hidden blade through my robes. I took in a deep breath and let it our slowly. I lifted my head from his chest and his hand moved to my back. He started to rub my back and kept looking at me. I could not look at him.

Harees, I was nervous too but once you say the words of the Creed, you know that this is going to be your life and then you feel like you have a purpose in life.”


  He put his hand back down to his side and we both looked down. I stood up and Sef looked at me.

“What are you doing?”

“I need to get rid of the nervousness in me.”

  I took a few steps back and then ran towards the edge and jumped. I did the same thing I did the other day. I felt free and alive. I landed in the haystack gracefully. I got out and looked up to the roof and I did not see Sef anymore. Then, I saw him jump. He looked like an eagle in the sky just flying freely. He landed in the haystack and jump out beside me. We headed over to the training circle and tapped our trainer on the shoulder.

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