Chapter 11: I am Coming, No Matter What

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Chapter 11: I am Coming, No Matter What

Year: 1223


  I looked behind me. The Templars were catching up. I tapped my foot on the side of my horse to try to get it to speed up. I whipped the reins.

"Heya!" I yelled

  The horse started to run faster. I looked around trying to find some place where I could turn or get out of their sigh for a second. I just needed to get out of their vision for just a second and then I could hide. Citizens where running away from my horse or ducking out of my way. I saw a turn in the road. It was not enough to get out of their sights, but if I went fast enough, perhaps I could. I whipped the reins again making my horse go to its full limit. We darted around the corner and I was halfway down the road when the Templars got around the corner.

  I had to keep them back a little longer. I had to try to escape. With the Templars on my trail, I did not know how I was going to do it, but I had to try. There was another corner. I smiled; this was going to be my escape. I turned the corner and the Templars were still trying to catch up to the space I had put between them and I. There was a post holding a light on it that was coming up soon. Perfect! I let go of the reins on my horse and reached my hands up as high as they would go. When the wooden pole came in contact with my hands, I grabbed on and let my body go limb.

  My feet swiftly go out of the stirrups. My body swung a few times as my horse got farther and farther away from my eye sight. I pulled myself up and crouched on the pole. I looked around and there was a roof right beside the pole. I ran towards the roof and started running on the roofs as fast as I could. I could hear the click of the tiles underneath me. I just kept heading straight. I did not realize I was going to have to jump to the other roof until the last-minute. Without thinking, I ran and jumped hoping that I would make it.

  I put my arm straight up in the air to catch the ledge and the other was up halfway just in case I did not get to the roof and I had to grab something lower. I closed my eyes for a brief second and next thing I knew, my body slammed into the wall and my hand had grabbed the edge. I got my other hand to the edge of the roof and started to breathe heavy from the impact. Even though I had armor on, it still crushed my chest. I pulled myself up on the roof top and looked behind me and around me. There were no guards on the roofs which meant that I was out of their zone. I started to jog on the roof tops looking down in the streets every once in a while just to make sure I was not in their zone.

  I looked around and then found a haystack I could do the Leap Of Faith in. I started to run to the ledge and then jumped in the air with my arms spread out to the side and my feet together. I flipped over so that my butt was facing the haystack and fell in. I quickly jump out of the haystack and looked around. I found a bench and walked over. I sat down and got out my map of Mongolia. I guessed I was about halfway through Mongolia. I was probably heading south and I still was if I had not of stopped.

  I found where I was and then looked on the map again. I was close to the Assassins Bureau. I put my map away and started to catch my breath. I sat there for a few minutes. I got up and started to run towards the Assassins Bureau. I moved past citizens as quick as I could. When I got to the building, I looked around to see if anybody was looking. I climbed up on the bench and then grabbed the edge of the wall. I pushed myself up and there was the Assassins Bureau. I walked over and then jumped in. It was never part of my mission to come here, but I needed to come here for safety.

"Hello Harees! What brings you here?" the Assassin asked

"Fichu [damn] Templars."

"I see."

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