Another tag! Get to know meeee

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I was tagged by ehrinnsitton721 a long time ago... But imma do it now 😊

1. When's your birthday?  November 3rd

2. What's your 3 favorite colors? Green, purple, and blue

3. What are your 3 favorite quotes?
"If music is the language of the world, imagine how beautiful a 7 billion part harmony would be." ~Scott Hoying

"Be stupid, be dumb, be funny, if that's who you are. Don't try to be someone that society wants you to be, that's stupid. So be yourself." ~Christina Grimme

"Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth." ~Benjamin Disraeli
4. Are you addicted to YouTube? Is that a question? Uh, yes.

5. What are your 3 favorite shows on TV, YouTube, ect? I don't really watch tv (because YouTube) but I watch games shows with my grandma sometimes, and I watch Disney channel when the put on the old shows (suite life of Zach and Cody, Hannah Montana, ect), but on YouTube I love Superfruit, Onision, and Shane Dawson (I also watch gamers like Pewdiepie and Markiplier)

6. What are the 3 qualities you like in a friend? Supportive, funny, and loyal.

7. Do you like your name? Yes, I do, actually.

8. If you had the choice to change your name, what would it be? When I was little I always wanted to change it to Ashley (young Abby wyd), but now I don't think I would change it.

9. What is your fantasy dream? Meeting Pentatonix and becoming friends with them.

10. Do you wear makeup? Sometimes, usually just on a special occasion.

11. If you wrote a book, what would the title be and what would it be about? It would be called "This book should help you" (Best title Abby 12/10) and it would be just pages and pages of advice, from dating to stress and stuff. I just love writing and I love helping people, so yeah.

12. What makes you cry? When my dad leaves (if that doesn't make sense tell me and I'll explain it because I don't know if I have before), or when a family member dies.

13. What makes you angry? When I see someone I love or care about get hurt, bullies, Donald Trump.

14. What makes you happy? Pentatonix, Superfruit, YouTube, my friends and family.

15. What is fangirling? The state of becoming so attached to a band/person/fandom, that you cannot stop talking about them or thinking about them. (Aka my life)

16. What are your 3 favorite snacks? Fruit snacks, fruit, chips (how healthy)

17. What are your 3 favorite foods? Hot dogs, spaghetti, Mac and cheese (Kraft is he bomb)

18. What are your 3 favorite drinks? Sweet ice tea, pretty much any soda, milkshakes (again I am so healthy)

19. Tell us a little about yourself: I was always seen as an outcast by myself. All the other kids were either sporty, liked video games, or girly. The first day of kindergarten I met a wonderful girl who I am still friends with today, and because of her I realized I can show who I am and not care if I was judged. As I got older I realized how the world was, and I got more insecure. I am really social, but to new people I meet I usually don't show them my real self. In the past few years I have been a victim of rumors, bullying, and much more. I am still figuring out myself, I don't really know if I'm straight, bi, or whatnot, but I don't really talk about that much because you know, bullies and crap. That's just a little about me.

20. What are some random facts about you? (I'm gonna say 10)
•I've never been on a roller coaster before.
•I have one brother.
•I have 2 cats.
•I live in the US.
•I go on and use Wattpad on an IPhone.
•I have pretty much all forms of social media: (Instagram: Twitter: AbbyTheAmaze Superfruit app: AbbyTheAmaze And snapchat email blah blah blah)
•I use emojis WAY too much 😂😊✌️❤️
•My favorite movie is either Mrs. Doubtfire or Finding Nemo (I haven't seen finding dory yet)
•I like writing and reading but I got in advanced math (teachers wyddddd)
•I'm holding a couple contests... Rules and prizes are in my other book Pentatonix One-Shots !!! (That promo tho help me)

So yeah... Now I must tag 5 people...

JeniseImani supahfruit- saucyfangirl nikkijune Ptx_Taco

Sorry if you guys already did it! You don't have to do it if you don't want to!

Love y'all!

~Abby xo

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