Mitch's POV

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Each character will get two chapters every cycle if that makes any sense.

I woke up with a jolt." Come on newbie, we got breakfast in twenty minutes and you still need to shower and stuff" a girl with glasses and wild curly hair says. I get out of bed and she hands me the orange shirt everyone's wearing." What's your name" I ask before she leaves." Katrina Rulings, and yours is Mitchell right" Katrina says softly and smiles at me. For a child of Ares she seemed to nice, to pure, and especially too innocent." Yeah, everyone calls me Mitch.... I'm going to go shower" I say and walk over to the bathroom. The bathroom had three shower stalls and five sinks." Sup newbie" some shouts from the shower." How can you see me" I shout back, this was creepy." One way glass, I can see you but you can't see me" the voice responds and I walk into one the shower stalls. I close the shower door and get undressed, then I put my clothes in this hole thing that keeps it dry." Oh yeah newbie, I'm Tobi" the person in the shower shouts. I turn on my shower and the ice cold water pores down on me." I'm Mitch" I say and almost slip." Cool name newbie" Tobi shouts and I roll my eyes even though he can't see it." Thanks" I say sarcastically.I stop the shower and realize I forgot a towel, I could ask Tobi but that'll be way to embarrassing. Oh well I guess I'm going to put my clothes on. I throw on my shorts and my new camp shirt, then I step out the shower and I think I see the guy named Tobi brushing his teeth. I walk over and he speaks " so newbie, you probably don't have toothbrush". This was Tobi, " no, I didn't expect to come to this camp" I say and Tobi smiles. He reaches down under his sink and pulls out a box of toothbrushes and toothpaste." Pick one toothbrush and one bottle of toothpaste" he says then I grab a red tooth brush and mint toothpaste." The toothbrush hasn't been used before, right" I ask before I start brushing. That would be gross if I'm using an already used toothbrush, someone could have really gross teeth!" Nah" he says and I start brushing." So, how are you going to tell your family where you are" Tobi asks as he begins to style his hair." I'm not. I leave like this all the time and they don't really care" I state and Tobi goes silent. Kelly,the head counselor of Ares bursts through the door holding a black hair brush. She walks over to a empty mirror and starts brushing the living heck out of it." Tobi, you and me are leading morning workout today" Kelly says and continues to yank at her hair." Cool Kellz" Tobi says as he finishes styling his hair." Oh yeah Mitch, we use those toothbrushes to scrub the floor and as backup toothbrushes" Tobi announces as I finish brushing and I almost scream." YOU LITTLE TROLL" I shout and Kelly laughs." Come on losers, we gotta eat breakfast" she says but I quickly stick my head under the faucet and rinse my mouth out." Don't be such a drama king" Kelly says laughing as we left the bathroom. I laughed as well even though my mouth felt numb. We walked out the cabin and saw everyone walking towards the dining hall." We're having bacon today" Kelly says excitedly as we walked into the hall and the smell of bacon filled my nose and I took a deep breath and inhaled in the smell. Just like Canada. No! I refuse to remember my old happy life,that life died a long time ago. Thinking of that country made me lose my appetite." I'm not hungry, I'm just going to sit at the table" I say and walk away. I was doing good until I bumped into a guy wearing the Camp Half Blood as a crop top." Watch it punk" he says and pushes me out of the way. I arrive at the table and sit down beside some red headed boy." I saw you run into Simon, that was hilarious" he says and chuckles." Yeah, who's his parent" I ask, it had to be like Nemesis or Nike." Aphrodite" Max says simply and continues to eat his bacon and eggs. He had to be pulling my leg! That guy couldn't be a son of Aphrodite! He was handsome but he was intimidating! How am I going to survive camp?


Nike: goddess of victory

Nemesis: goddess of balance, justice, and vengeance.

Ares: God of war.

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