Mitch's POV

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I sat in gym with seven other guys. We were waiting for the teacher to come in and explain why we were here so late after school. It was 8:00 and that's pretty sketchy.I mean all of us were very talented at different things, like I was good at sports and Lachlan Power was good at singing and the others were either smart or athletic.So maybe they wanted to asks us to do something. All I know is my mom is going to kill me! She worries so much about my safety, like some monsters are going to appear and attack me." What's taking 'em so long" Lachlan asks and a guy named Rob spoke " maybe figuring out some surprised pop test tomorrow". Everyone went silent after that, no one wanted a surprise pop test tomorrow.To teachers walked in smirking evilly and the guy named Jerome tensed as if there was something wrong. The teachers both wore slacks and a white shirt, and they both had creepy blue eyes. The only difference was one was taller then the other. The taller one spoke first " students I hope your ready to have fun". I glanced around at the others who were confused as well. The shorter one spoke next " well it'll be more fun for us! I mean we're the ones not going to die". That caused the one named Preston to start screaming for help but the two teachers just chuckled and made a gesture. Suddenly, they became bigger and only had one eye." We are southern cyclops and our master sent us here to destroy all eight of you then we can eat you" the taller shouted and ripped the basketball net off the wall and held it above his head. That's when Marvel ripped his two bracelets off and they became to swords. Jerome dragged my wrist and dragged me over to the side where the others were. I looked at Jerome and saw that he had goat legs instead of human legs! I'll ask him about that later." Any of you know how to use a sword" he asks showing us a bronze sword. I put my hand up and say " I fence, I could help Marvel". Jerome hesitated a bit but handed me the sword and I ran over to Marvel. I watched as he killed the smaller cyclops and it turned to dust." Mitch I need you distract him" Marvel shouts and we dodge one of the bleachers that cyclops threw. I start waving my arms in the air and run around the gym. Marvel disappears out of thin air and the others cheer me on! This was like football, dodging and running around it didn't make me tired. Soon Marvel appeared on top of the cyclops and stabbed it in the head with both of his swords. He disappeared again, then reappeared beside me causing me to jump. We watched the cyclops turn to dust and the others run over to us." Okay you need to do a lot of explaining you two" Preston says looking at Jerome and Marvel." We know but we gotta get you somewhere safe first" Jerome says softly and gives us a warm smile." How can we trust you" Lachlan asks skeptically, I'm not sure about Marvel and Jerome they're definitely different." Well it's either stay here and get killed by some monster or come with us and he safe" Marvel says. We all look at each other and shrug." Well grab my arm so I can shadow travel you guys as close as I can to camp " Marvel says and sticks his arm out. Jerome, Vik, Rob, and I grab on but Lachlan asks " your going to shadow what" Marvel rolls his eyes and says " I'm going to shadow travel which is basically teleportation but using shadows". Lachlan grabs his arms and we seem to disappear into the abyss.

I jerk and I'm at the edge of the forest with everyone else." I can't shadow travel further, we're gonna have to run as fast as we can so no monster senses us" Marvel announces and runs into the forest. We run after him but it's harder to keep up with him, he had to be a some sort of superhuman. He slowed down as we reached a hill and we caught up to him.We all jogged up the hill beside him. We reached the top and saw some sort of camp? Jerome turns to us and announces " welcome to Camp Half Blood demigods". Demigods? Does that mean I'm half god and half human? We walked down the hill and someone shouted " they're back" many teens and children in orange t-shirts rushed us and began to asks many questions. Someone whistled and the crowd parted. A centaur walked towards us and I think I almost peed myself." Welcome new demigods, I'm Chiron and I welcome you to Camp Half Blood, you six must be so confused follow me I'll show you something that'll help understand" he said in one breath and motioned us to follow him. He trotted away and we followed him. Campers began to whisper and point at us like we were aliens. We arrived at a huge house, Chiron opened the door and we walked in. We sat in some chairs and Chiron pulled out a projector." This video will answer all your questions" he says softly and starts the video.

<<<<<<fifteen minutes later >>>>>>
The video basically explained that all the Greek gods were alive and well, we are children of one of the gods, this camp is safe, and we will soon be claimed by our parent." So Jerome's a satyr, so what's Marvel" Preston asks." Marvel is the son of Hades" Chiron says and I'm honestly not surprised. Marvel wore a sleeveless leather jacket and black skinny jeans."Well I hope that video explained everything and since your not claimed you'll be staying in the Hermes cabin until you are" Chiron says and we all exit the house. The campers were sitting around fire singing songs and laughing. We walked over listening to the campers sing a Greek hymn. The six of us sat on a empty bench and listened to their beautiful voices. The singing stopped and someone gasped, everyone looked over at us specifically me. I looked up and saw a golden thing above my head. I was being claimed, by who? I don't even know." Looks like Mitch is the son of Ares" Marvel announced and everyone clapped. I was the son of the god of war! Does that mean I'm powerful?A girl with brown hair walked over to me and pulled me up." I'm Kelly ( KPopp, check out her channel) the head counselor of the Ares cabin" she announced. I only nodded and she dragged me over where the rest of the Ares cabin was sitting. I didn't talk to any of them, I just sat and listened to them sing. They sang about five more songs then Chiron announced it was bed time. Everyone began to walk to their cabins and I just followed Kelly." Hey, I'm Blake Moore and your Mitch, welcome to Camp Half Blood. I hope you enjoy being here" a brunette says smiling." Thanks" I say and we stop in front of the cabin. The cabin was painted a angry red color, has barbed wire lining the roof, and a stuffed boar's head on the doorway. The boar seemed to stare into your soul and its eyes looked like it followed you. We walked into the cabin and everyone got into their bed without changing! Kinda gross but whatever."You get that bed" Kelly says pointing to the bunk at the end. I walk over and sit on it. I have no Pajamas and I can't use my phone because it attracts monsters. This sucks balls! I crawled under the blankets and closed my eyes. What an eventful night!

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