Chapter 12: Returning The Favor

Start from the beginning

  I decided to stab one and then hide and when the other came to see what happened, I would stab him as well and then move on to the next two. When I came within prison, there were guards all around. I used Eagle Vision to find the door to the prison. Two guards were standing in front of the prison door. From where I was standing, I could easily Assassinate them, but the guard on the roof to the right of the door would see. I had to think. What could I do?! I went to rub the back of my neck when my fingers hit my knives. I still had ten left and the extra one in my boot.

  I grabbed the first five I could feel and put them in my hands. I got one and put it in my hand and aimed for the guard near the back of the prison. I got him right in the chest and did it without making a noise. I ran over to where the guard once was and then grabbed the next knife and threw it at the next guard. I did the same thing for the last guard until there was only the two at the front to be dealt with. I put the two knives that were left and put them in my front knife pouch.

  I aimed myself at the two guards and then leaped in the air and Assassinated one of them and when the other turned around to see what happened, my hidden blade met his heart. I pulled my hidden blade out from him and watched him fall. I turned to the door and saw that it was locked. I searched the guards and found the keys on the first one. I turned around and opened the door with silence. As I closed the door, I noticed that it was pretty dark in here. There were poles with oil lamps on them heading down the stairs and up.

  I used Eagle Vision to look for the path that would lead me to my family. I saw a golden path aluminate heading down stairs. I smiled and blinked turning off Eagle Vision. I jumped up on the pole and pushed myself up. I was crouching and then started to jump on each pole leading me down stairs. I was about to jump to the next pole when I heard footsteps come my way. I stopped where I was and waited for them to go by me. Then I realized that I should probably kill them instead. It would make things much easier. When they were right below me, I jumped on top of both of them. I stabbed one with my hidden blade. I pulled my blade out of the man and then turned to the other one. I stomped on his neck and heard a crack. I leaned down to see if he was breathing and was happy with the results.

  I jumped up on the pole again and started to make my way down the stairs when I finally notice that there is floor, I let out a quick sigh of relief. I silently jump off the pole and pressed my back against the cold concrete wall. I close my eyes and try to focus on the guards footsteps. There was only the one guard. His footsteps where heading away from me. I peeped my head around the corner to see what I was dealing with. A guard in heavy armor and not much space for me to move. I turned my head back so it was on the wall. I pulled my hood down over my face a bit more so the guard could not tell whom I was. I closed my eyes again and tried to hear the guards' footsteps.

  He was coming closer to me. I kept my eyes closed and started to breathe very slowly and tried not to make a noise. I could hear the guard breathing. He was right beside me. He stopped for a second and then turned around to head back the same way he came. I opened my eyes and turn my head around the corner again. He started walking away from me. I looked around and saw a chair for the guard to rest. I smiled.

  When the guard got near the chair I started to sneak up on him. By the time he got to the chair and was starting to get aware of my presence, I stabbed him in the back and sat his dead limp body on the chair. I searched his body for the keys and found them. I blinked and turned on Eagle Vision and saw that their cell was the last one on the right. I ran down with the keys in my hand. I looked in the cell and saw my father and mother on the floor sitting beside each other and I saw my brother with his back leaned against the wall.

  I turned on Eagle Vision to see which key went with their cell lock. It glowed gold and I picked it out from the rest of the keys. I blinked turning off Eagle Vision. The keys made a slight noise causing my family to look at me. My father and mother got up from the floor and my brother stopped leaning against the wall. They walked towards the door as I opened it.

“It is about time!” my brother exclaimed

“I am sorry, I did not know until I got home and I had something else to deal with first.” I explained myself

“It is fine. As long as your safe and we are too.” my mother said

“How did you find us?” my father asked

“I had a little help from a friend.”

  I left the key in the cell door as the rest of my family started to head out of the prison. I looked back at the guard and got a knife from my front knife pouch. My father looked at me and then to the guard.

“What are you going to do?”

“I am going to give Genghis Khan a taste of his own medicine.”

  I got out the note I wrote earlier and did not bother unfolding it to take one last look at the words I wrote. I took the note and put it on the knife and then stabbed the knife in his guard. I took one look at my masterpiece and smiled. I started to head with my family up the stairs to head out and leave this place. Once we got out, we all ran towards the exit. We blended in with the crowd and made our way to the exit. The guards were not as watchful as they were before and we made it out with ease. My brother and I got on my horse and my mother and father got on another one and we headed off back home.

  When we got home, Qulan was packing up the last of our things. We followed him down the street to the house I told him to put all of our stuff in. We walked in and saw this house had not been used in about twenty years. I walked over to the bench and sat down on it and leaned my shoulder on the wall. My shoulder was starting to hurt again. I got out the bottle that the doctor had given me and took a cap full of the stuff he gave me. I put the bottle back in my pouch and leaned my head back on the wall.

  My father came over and sat beside me. He looked at wall in front of him before he spoke up;

“What did Genghis Khan deserve to get some of his own medicine?”

“He left a note for me to return to. It said ‘you are next Assassin’. I could not let him think that so I gave him some of his own medicine.”

“Like what?”

“Just imagine him walking to his prison with a knife stuck in his guards heart. Then he notices a note there. Pulls out the note and reads it out loud.”

“What does the note say?”

  He smiled and then looked at me. He had proudness in his eyes and a smile a father only had when one of his kids does something he approves of. I smiled back at him and leaned my head against the wall, closing my eyes feeling the Monkshood kicking in. The pain was starting to go numb and it felt nice. My father put his hand on my sore shoulder and I flinched. He took his hand off my shoulder as soon as he touched it. I got up and went to the kitchen to get some ice to put the swelling down. I grabbed some and went back to the bench to sit with my father and put the ice on my shoulder. I looked back over at him with an evil grin on my face.

“Not anytime soon . . . Templar.”


So, anybody reading this on the Wattpad app, I don't know why it keeps messy things up, but it does.

I don't know why but Chpater 6 is shown twice, (where it's supposed to be and after chapter 11) and then once you are finished reading this chapter, it says continue reading but it redirects you to chapter 00. I have no clue why the Wattpad app is doing this. I have no control over this, so if you are reading on the app, be aware of this.

I don't know if this is happening to anyone else, but it's happening to me. It's something I can't control and I thought I would let you guys know. I will try to fix it, but as far as I know, this is a problem that I can't fix without deleting the story and putting it back up. Which sucks! I don't think I am going to do that and hope that it fixes itself.

Anyway, just a quick little warning thing, I guess. Sorry about this small error, but there is nothing I can do about it. I will try to fix it, but like I said, I think the only way to fix it is to delete the story and reupload it.


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