After packing my duffel bag I walk out my door turning round to look at it one last time I spot Demon sat looking at me with a confused face if that was even possible 'shit who's going to deal with Demon while I'm gone, I could see if he can come with?' I signal Demon to follow me, walking down the stairs and into the family room where all my family from earlier are situated "right I'm all packed when do we leave? Oh and who's going to deal with Demon?" I ask everyone looks at me and Demon in shock "Didn't think that one through now did you?" my dad sighs and shakes his head I turn to face Demon "D" he turns his head to look at me "Right behave, do as my father tells you to okay but keep your distance you know your routine so if they forget you have to show them and no killing or attacking any of the guards" I tell him he sits down and nods his head I turn to look at my father "okay few things, one, don't touch him two, keep at least a five foot distance three, make sure you tell the guards that and four, take him to the aquarium as much as possible cause I'll be there after school and on weekends, plus he likes the fish".

A small smile appears on my father's face "what?" I ask with a slightly confused face "nothing sweetheart, that what you just said is exactly like your mother used to do when she had to go to the mainland for a while" I laugh at what he said, I place my bag on the floor and walk up to my father and give him a hug and whisper in his ear "stay safe and I'll be back before you know it and be back to bossing you around, I love you dad" I pulled away and gave him a small smile in which he returned I turned to my aunt Sophia and uncle Carlo "right shall we get going then?" I said with a smile they nodded their head in agreement.

We walk out the house and to the dock where all our boats are they walk straight up to mine I stop and stare in confusion "aren't we going to go on the boat you came in on?" 'I'm really confused' they turn to look at me "Lexi, we came on a small speed boat we thought when you make friends you'd want to bring them to the aquarium or hang out in the yacht" my mouth shapes into an 'o' "okay". I say goodbye to everyone and step on the boat "this is it, new home new start, possibly new friends" I wave goodbye to everyone as the yacht gets further and further away from home. 'we'll be fine, hey maybe at the school you'll meet a cute guy' I laugh at myself 'yeah right, will also run into the son of the most feared gang in California ha-ha nice one me; stupid moron' I have just called myself a moron I know believe me there is will be more of me calling myself allsorts to come.

Three hours later and we docked at the California coast, I hop off my yacht and follow my uncle and aunt down the dock and across the beach, we stop outside a huge house wait no, this was bigger than a house, it was more of a mansion and the back yard is the beach how cool is that, following them inside we go through a glass slide door that leads into the kitchen, the whole kitchen is black and white tiled with a double refrigerator and stove and an island in the middle with a breakfast counter and a small table and chairs in the corner of the kitchen, I follow them into what appears to be the lounge that is also black and white with a few bright colours here and there, a double couch, and a love seat in the far right, a L-shaped seat to the far left and a few more seats scattered about the room.

Uncle Carlo stops walking and turns to face me along with aunt Sophia "we also have an indoor pool and jacuzzi, also a games room and theatre, a music room, art room, dance room, gym and a ballroom if you want a party, you'll go with your aunt shopping in an hour for clothes and things for school, which by the way you start tomorrow, and you'll need a car to go to school in, which is in the garage." I stand there shocked did he just say I get my own car "yes dummy you get your very own car" I really have to stop talking to myself "well what are we waiting for let's go shopping" I scream, I grab aunt Sophia's hand and drag her out the front door into an awaiting limo, this is going to be a long day, for once I'm actually excited to go shopping.

We arrive home at eight o'clock at night, when I first arrived here it was only eleven in the morning me and aunt Sophia have been shopping for almost nine hours and I'm shattered; we went to every posh shop in the entire city, getting twenty tops, fifteen shorts, about twenty five different shoes, fifteen jumpers, twenty pairs of underwear, five swim suits, thirty dresses from casual to party, more makeup, twelve different bags, a bunch of new books and equipment for school and lastly a bunch of accessories sunshades scarves gloves hats and more.

After all the clothes went to my room me and aunt Sophia joined uncle Carlo for dinner. "Lexi did you get everything you needed for school?" my uncle asked I turn to my aunt and we both give him a sheepish look he sighs "how much stuff did you get?" he asks in a worry tone "um well...." I couldn't finish so aunt Sophia butted in saving me from a huge explanation "sweetheart we got a bunch of clothes maybe a little too many but it wasn't Lexi's fault every time I saw something nice that would suit her I had to get it, plus it's the first time I've ever been able to shop for someone else cause you know I always wanted to do it for my daughter but we've never managed to have a girl just sons" he sighs, "it's fine just don't go over the top next time will you" we both nod at what he says.

After dinner I make my way to my room where uncle Carlo directed me I walk up to the second floor and make a right walk down to the end of the hall, right at the end was some double doors I open them up to see a huge room with a four post queen size bed the walls are ice blue, on the left side of my room there is some double doors I walk over and pull them open to reveal a balcony with the view of the ocean, it was magnificent, after admiring the view I walk back inside a look around I have my own bathroom a huge shower and bath separate from one another at the sink is a huge wall mirror and a counter for all my make-up and products which are already placed neatly there, after looking round in the bathroom I open the other door attached to my room, it's a walk in wardrobe its huge you could live in here; there's a changing room and an island in the wardrobe, all my new clothes and original clothes I brought with me and placed on the racks in outfits and my jewellery and accessories a places on shelves and in draws, I couldn't help but smile, my room was pretty much like this give or take, at least I'll feel at home better in this room.

After a full inspection of my room I grab some pj's and go for a shower, after washing I put on my clothes I walk over to my bedside table and set the alarm for seven in the morning, then climb into bed and drift off into a nice dream.

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