"You're right." Angel agreed.

"I'm not so much upset about it on my behalf but for my artists. It was a huge night for them so now I have to make that up for that."

"If there's anything I can do to help out, please let me know." Angel requested. "I feel terrible because they should have dealt with that elsewhere."

Alex sighed. "It's fine. I'll do what I have to do to fix it myself. But I really need to get going."

"Okay, maybe we could grab a drink later on." Angel suggested.

"I'll call you later." Alex ended the call. She didn't want to seem rude, but she didn't want to go for drinks, or hangout just because with Angel. She wanted to forget about to forget happened, but knew that she wouldn't get over it that easily.

Meeting Drew at Linda's office, she and her husband walked hand in hand into her office and sat in the chairs. They filled out some paper work, Linda left her office and returned several minutes late with a baby. The baby.

"She was just asleep."

Alex's heart melted as Linda handed the baby over to her. "So precious." Alex admired the baby in her arms.

Drew saw the happiness in his wife's eyes as she held the baby girl and he prayed in his head that God would allow this to be their baby.

"Want to hold her?" Alex asked Drew.

"Sure." He reached for her.

"So, we do have a car seat?" Linda asked

"Yes." Alex answered.

"And we already did a house visit with you guys. You're gonna have a court date on the twentieth of next month."

"Wow, we get a month with her?" Drew asked.

Linda nodded her head.

"I'm getting butterflies in my stomach." Alex tapped her feet. "This is exciting."

Linda shared a smile because she was happy for the couple. But her smile faded once she picked up a sheet. "Now if while she's with you two and you guys feel like she's not the baby for you or don't want her, or you change yours minds, just give me a call and we'll arrange something as soon as possible."

"We can just bring her back like that?" Alex asked.

Linda nodded. "People have done it before. Get a child and even after the adoption is official, they bring the child back."

"Wow." Alex placed her hand on her chest.

Giving them the rest of the information they needed Linda let them go.

Alex ride in the back seat with the baby on the way home as Drew drove. "I think we should give her a name. I'm not about to be  calling her baby girl."

What would you want to name her?" He asked.

"Miracle." She answered as if she'd already had that in mind.

"I love that." He answered.

"We have to go get Joy." Alex said.

"We should. I wonder what's been up with her lately." Drew was concerned.

"Probably just some teenager stuff. You know how teens can be. Hopefully, a new baby would cheer her up." Alex responded, knowing a reason why Joy had been in her mood swing lately.

They went to Shirley's house to pick up Joy.

"Who's baby is this?" Joy asked.

"This is Miracle." Alex responded eyeing Miracle. "We could be adopting her."

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