Chapter 7: The Truth Comes Out At Last

Start from the beginning

"What? Oh, ah, nothing."

  Strange, everybody seemed out of it today. I shrugged my shoulders and walked back outside. As I was about to leave I turned back to Darim.

"I have a feeling we will not be doing training today."

"Not in this weather."

  I walked out and shut the door to the stable behind me and then I walked back to the back door to the house. I was so close to the door when my Assassin senses kicked in and I overheard Maria and Mentor taking.

"We have to!"

"Soon, I promise habibti."

  Mentor kissed his wife's forehead and then walked back to his study. Maria just stood there for a second before she went off in the kitchen. I decided that I would walk in now, considering what I just heard. I opened the door and walked in. Maria gave me a faint smile and then went back to cleaning dishes. I brushed off the snow on me and then started to walk towards Mentors study. When I got to the door, I was debating whether to knock on the door or just turn around and leave. I stood there for a good minute before I knocked on the door.

"Ta-aal! [come]"

  I opened the door and saw Mentor with papers in front of him as he looked up at me and smiled and then set his feather down in the ink pot. He motioned his hand to the chair right across from him and I walked over to sit down. I sat down and nobody said a word for a few minutes. Then Mentor finally spoke up;

"What is on your mind, tifl?"

  I looked up at him and he looked like my Mentor but why did it feel like he was not? He did not feel like my Mentor, he felt like something more.

"Pourquoi [why] is everybody is acting weird? Did I do something wrong?"

"You did not do anything wrong, tifl."

"Then why is everybody acting weird. Maria seems unstable; Darim is out of it and you . . ."

  My voice trailed off but I knew I did not have to finish it. Mentor knew where I was getting at. He walked over to me and bent down so that him and I where on the same level. My head was down and I could feel tears coming in my eyes. I knew that I should not let emotions get in the way. It is hard for them not to, but I had to at least try to hold them back. I learned that emotions just got in the way of the mission at hand. He took his hand and lifted up my chin. He looked me in the eyes and I could not help but cry then.

"Mentor, I feel out-of-place here. I feel like I do not belong. I thought I could come here and get answers but all I am getting are dead ends. Mentor, I do not know what to do!"

  I put my hands to my face to hide the tears that fell and then I could feel Mentor wrap his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around my Mentor. It felt right. I did not feel like I should back away, it felt welcoming. I embraced the hug. We hugged for a few minutes before I calmed down and Mentor let go of me. He put his hands on my shoulder and just looked at me.

"Answers will come soon, tifl. You just have to wait."

  He gave a half-hearted smile and he had a sparkle in his eyes. I gave him a smile in return. I got up from the chair and Mentor got up from crouching. I looked at Mentor.

"Thank you."

"Tifl, I did not do anything."

  I left Mentors study and headed up to my room. I opened up the chest and got out the letters again. I looked them over again and again until; I could not find anything else leading me to my parents. I have tried to leave for months now but Mentor says he needs me here but I have no purpose here. None what so ever. I need to head back to Masyaf and go see if I can start to find my parents. They cannot be dead; I know down in my heart that they are not dead.

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