Chapter 14( THANK YOU )

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I found that a bracelet was on the table in front of my eyes .I was so surprised seeing it on the table.
There was nothing on the table a few minutes ago, I guessed.

It totally looked alike with my missing bracelet that Justin given me .
I picked it up and checking it carefully whether it's mine or not
Actually it was .

I breathed a mint atmosphere around me .I feeled wind of mint was nearly closing to me.
Someone was standing at the table and trying to talk to me .

I lift up my head from checking bracelet and gave a eye to that person right away . My eyes got widen as I saw him.Romatically,it was Danny.

He was wearing white t shirt and black pant fashionably.He cut his short brown hair formally. I thought he cut his hair recently. His blue eyes were shining strickly as he looked into my eyes.

I was staring at him like a dead . No talk , no moving eyelids, no
smile .Just stared him .

'Excuse me ! ! Seat taken?'
he stated

I was out of stare mood and tried to calm down to answer back.

" No.You can " with shaking voice

He took a seat infront of me.It was so ridiculous that Danny sit infront of me though I have been dreaming it all the time.
So I rubbed my eyes to see it is real Danny .It really was .

As I looked into his black eye,I was melting.
I could not help it .I just stared him deeply .

'Hey !!You're Emma, right?',he said

' Yes ' replied with a confused look .

How do he know my name ?
How ?? Why ?? and What ??
These WH questions were taking place on my brain.

He glanced at my bracelet and asked me

' What do you think about your bracelet 'he asked all of a sudden

I looked at him blankly.He was slightly laughing. As he laugh,his dimble were placing on his face.

Gosh !!I never seen Danny' dimples clearly.They were beautiful .I dropped my jaw as I saw them .I wish that moment be forever .

I warned myself to answer him back .

I shake my head gently to Danny think that I'm a gentle girl .But I never was gentle.

" Well, last week at ABC,I helped you from your bike on you.When you left,I found letter EMA bracelet on the ground . I guessed it was yours and I saved it . " he explained nonstop.

Then he stopped.And he looked like thirsty. Then he looked around the table to see water.

I gave my water to him
quickly.As he took it ,his hand was touching slowly and slightly with mine .His hand were soft and cold .

I don't know do he notice or not .
Whatever,I was laughing out loud inside but outside,tried to look serious.That touch was amazing .

I looked down and thinking about the bracelet .May be Danny put it on table .

And I asked him ' You put my bracelet on the table? '

He nodded with a smile .

I smiled at him and thanked him.

Thank you Danny !!I 've been looking for it many times and thought that it was gone.Thanks for your help.Really appreciate it.

He nodded and there was a silence between us .So I broke the silence ' How' your training ?'

"GOOD.But I'm little worried about competition . " he stated

" Don't worry .I bet there' no one who could beat you .You're the best .Fighting !! " i cheer him up.

As he chuckled and said " You are the best too. You got attention from teacher in the first day . "

I giggled and answered
' Yes, I am '.

In my mind " he already noticed me in the room.Yeah I've got attention from Danny .Thanks to zoology teacher. "

Luch time was over .Students were leaving the luch room one by one .Danny' friends were waving at him .

He got up as he saw them and said ' It was nice talk with you.Hope to have conversation with you again ' . Then he left the room with his friends .

As he left , smell of mint aslo disappeared .I love it much.

I was smiling happily alone. Having conversation with Danny was one of my future goal .Now dream do come true .Finally,i put bracelet on my left hand and walked to the classroom again .

Study mode was on .

It was time to go back home.
Weather was perfect.

Justin was waiting at me at the front of the school with bike .
I went to him and showed off my bracelet .

He looked amazed and asked
'Where did you find it '

I winked at him and replied,
' From Danny '

He shook his head and stated
'I know you cheat ' .

C'mom ,trust me buddy . He gave it to me at luchroom .' as I said and smiled .

'Really ? You two are in progress now .Keep working ' he pushed me .
And he added ,
I mean ' keep crushing ' he joked me and ran away

" Damn !!! Silent Justin William"
I shouted and followed him .

Finally ,I caughted him and hit his back with two small fists slightly . We all giggled .
Then we were way back to home.

When I got home , I heard Dad' voice. Then I ran into home and hugged him and whispered,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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