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Emma ~~

The first period was running slowly ,I thought . As Teacher was patiently explaining about zoology, I was getting bored more and more . I'm not the one who likes zoology much . I'm used to get a  sitting nap in zoology class since I was young .

Now  I guessed, it' time to take a nap .I noticed that my eyelids became heavy . I was trying my best not to fall asleep. But it didn't work .

I felt someone' hand is tapping  my shoulder so I tried to open my eyes slowly .I lift my head up to know who is tapping me .At that time , my eyes got widen as I saw Mr Henry , my teacher .

   He was looking at me with his eyes in fire . He looked so embrassed because he is moving to our school as fresher teacher. He thought that I fell asleep because his lecture was boring.

  " YOU , STAND UP" ,   he commended me loudly

    I stood up with full of embrassment .Classmates' eyes were all on me .They looked at me the way of trouble maker . Nikki and her clique were joking at me loudly . Justin was looking at me with full of  amaze.

I blamed myself thousand times,

" Why did  I fall asleep during first period of fresher teacher's first class at  first school day "

Mr Henry was questioning me.

   What 's your name ?

      I'm Emma , sir .

Well Emma , did you fall asleep in my class ?

       I did sir .

Why did you fall asleep in my class ?

    I stayed quietly .No answer .

Answer me , Emma . Why did you fall asleep ? Because my lecture was boring ?

       I kept silence .

I told you  answer me .Mr Henry' face became fifty shades of red and his voice was cracking.
The situation was getting worse.

At that time ,

' Excuse me sir.Can I come in '
a  gentle  voice from the class door appeared . We all looked at the voice' owner and found that he was Danny.

MrHenry looked at him strangely and asked him angrily ,

' Who the hell are you '

  ' I 'm Danny , ' he answered
polietly .

Okay Danny . Today is your first day of school  .So
"why do you enter the class very lately ?   Don't you have a watch to see what time. Or do you entered lately on purpose?" ,
Mr Henry asked Danny without pause .He shifted his angry from me to Danny .

He continuously added these words too  ;
Because I'm fresher teacher and you think you don't need to show respect to me.

Danny answerded clamly ,
" No sir . I never did it on purpose.
I do respect to you .The reason I entered late is I was practicsing my swimming all the time. Since I have swimming contest next week , I 'm trying my best in these days. "

Mr Henry nodded .He let Danny
to come in .

As Danny came in , I downed my head and stood up quietly.Danny glanced at me with emtionless.It looked like he  felt nothing for me He just walked to his seat . His seat was infront of mine, I noticed that .

I felt more uncomfortable with this situation. I wished  I could run away from here.

Because of Lisa bitch , I had to sit at the front of class and scolded from the teacher .If I were in my ex seat , teacher wouldn't notice my sleeping and I couldn't get scolded from Tr .
I blamed all the faults to bitch Lisa in my mind .

Mr Henry turned and warned me

    ' YOU , be alarmed '

The first period was over by the bell ringing .Classmates were starting to move around .Their eyes were no longer on me .
Mr Henry went and I sat down. Then I sighed.I felt like I was at the edge of the volcano a few minutes ago .That feeling was killing me all the time while standing .

Justin came to me and got me out of the class . There was a break silence between us .While we were walking to lockers,he broke the silence ,

'Are you okay 'with worry look.

I shook my head slightly .

He looked in a sympathy and also continued ,
" I heard  about before class . I feel responsible for that Emm. " I'm sorry about Lisa .  Do you wanna change seat with me by thevway ,  he suggested .

I took minutes to answer back .

Great . I don't wanna  uncomfortable feelings anymore.
Thanks Justin for you being with me when I'm in trouble.

He slightly smiled at me .Then we went back to the room .I made move to the Justin's seat quickly not to notice any one attention .
Justin sat down on the seat behind Danny.Danny looked like he didn't notice my movement.He never looked back.
He was playing his walkman.

I  feeled so disappointment at this time .I wished Danny looked back at me at least once.But he never did .

   Periods were passings slowly as usual .I concerned only  on the lessons not at Danny .Finally,it was time for lunch . Justin and Nickki went outside together. Danny went outside with his friends too .I was only person left in the room.

I walked down to the hall way alone . I choose the empty seat in the corner of the lunchroom and started my lunch unhappily.
When I was about to finish my luch , I found my missing bracelet on the table suddenly .

Hi !! I was out of touch with you guys for three chapters .Sorry !!
Since I'm going to UNI everyday,I have less time to write my fiction chapters. So pls bear with my situation.

Thank you gor giving your precious time on my fiction.And also let me know what do you think about my fiction .

I appreciate all of your cmmts.

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