Chapter 4 ( HE NOTICED HER )

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Mom was front of the door when i got home .

Where were you going, she asked

To ABC ,to get  some readymade .

Didn't you have your lunch ?

I haven't .

Honey , i 'll make something for you ,she exclamed .

Thanks Mom, I love you .

I placed  bike in garage .I unlocked the door and ran out to the stair . I feel so tried .
I need to take a nap .I lighted up my room and lay down on my bed and tried to sleep.
I woke up after 30 minutes sleeping .  Notification ringtone rung ,i noticed .  Message from Justin

' can you pick us at airport around 3 pm on Sunday  ?  '
' i do , texted him back.'

Today is Friday ,i whispered .
I  tried to forget my worst time happened a few hours ago. It was like a nightmare .But i knew,
it was never a dream , it happened in my real life.

         I can't erase it never .

I  played  ' stitches ' by shawn mendes  loudly . It makes me less to feel pain. 

Mom was calling me to have a lunch . I paused the song and down to stairs.

         Danny ~~

I found a girl was in trouble.
She was wearing emoji shirt and jean pant  .She looked so nice ,no makeup ,no any other cosmetic.

Need some help ,i asked .

  She nodded .

I took her bike from her body and handed my hand to her .

She looked so shy .

She took my hand , got up and picked her spread readymade food on the ground .

I  picked foods and gave them to her .

She looked so pale . She looked worried .

I tried to talk her  ' Are you Ok'
She looked amazed .

' Yes ..I'm fine ,' she said and thanked me.

You're welcome and smiled back to her .

Suddenly her face tends to red . I saw tears are falling down on her face .

Did i something wrong to her ?

Are you crying , i asked .

She took time to answer back , 'No she just ...fine ' she fainted.

Then she took her bike from me and rode away .

I feeled something .... but i don't know how my feeling was about .

   I looked down the ground and found  a bracelet  .It is simple bracelet and  E.M.A on it .
  I put it in my pocket .It must be hers.Her name might be Emma !!

Author note :

Thank you for giving your precious time on my fiction !!

And let me know what do you think about my fiction .


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