Chapter 2 ( IT WAS A DREAM )

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  "  Oh No...... " I shouted.

I was in my bed so it was a dream ?

Of course,i was dreaming . Last night , before to bed ,i was thinking about 'Danny' .

That's why  he was in my dream .
I laughed myself  because the dream was  so ridiculous .It'd be
nice if it was real to me but i'm sure it never real to me .

'Because he never noticed my existence on the earth '

Mom was calling me to have breakfast . So i got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to take shower .And i got dressed my emoji shirt with jean pant .
I was ready to start my day.

I got down to downstair and mom was waiting me to have breakfast together.

'What's breakfast menu today' i yelled.
Mom smiled back at me and told 'no special  as always', "Cold Pizza".

Ohh no... mom 'as usual' .I sighed.

I didn't see Dad .So I asked her,
Where's Dad?

'Your father left yesterday night for his bussiness' she said.

"I didn't say Goodbye to him", i said
'He told me to pack his clothes on  phone , he hadn't stepped into house ,then  he just took it away. He had to catch up the flight.Don't worry honey , he'll phone you' , she explained me .

Ok !!Whatever  , i replied.After  breakfast, we rinsed our dishes off and put them in washwasher.

"Are you going to Justin's home" my mom asked. " Nope he is on trip with his family to japan "i replied.

'Wow it must be a great time for them' ,mom whispered.
Yes.. i think, too.

Will you be at home ? " I've got to do some business so i'll not supported to be at home" ,she said.
'Yes i'll be ,'said lazily .
A few minutes later, she left and i was home alone.

As soon as she left ,  i got bored so i decided to call Justin .

Dialed  Justin' number  but connenction went down .
What's wrong ??

Of course , he might be in the plane . I forgot that fact.

I  told mom that 'Justin was flying ' a few minutes ago  but now i forgot .

'What's wrong with my brain '?
'Do i have a brain tumor '?

I hope i 'm not anyway !!

There was phone ringing from upstair so i ran out and picked up the phone.

It was from Justin .

Hey guy , what' up !!

'Can you do me a favor pls ' he asked ,

"Sure !! Tell me , i'll " , i told him back

" Can you pick me up when we arrive "

Now ?!

No . I'm  not sure when we arrive
but i'll call you when i know my leave day  " ,  he exclamied

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