Chapter 5 (JUSTIN IS BACK )

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Leave the worst past behind,
It's not everything .
                                    EMMA SCOTT

Emma ~~

I live in my quote .

      Past isn't everything.

I forgot the things happened last two days .  Today is Sunday so i had to pick up The Williams .
I  got dressed long blue sleeve tee and whitepant.And tied my black medium hair up.I was ready togo

  Went to downstair and took mom's car key .

' Be careful honey' mom shouted

  ' Always mom '

I stepped into car and drove to the airport .It took thirty minutes to get there. I was early to there. I took a seat and read the newspaper.

'Hey are you there,  i heard from my back.

I stood up and turned around .
I saw a stranger was talking to me. He looked same age of me.
He had blue eyes and sharp nose.
He looks  about 6' tall. Woring white T shirt and jean pant .
He is good looking guy ,i thought

' I'm sorry,i don't know you ,' i replied

Ain't you here to pick me up

No ,i'm here to pick my friend' family 

What's your name ,pls

I'm Emma , replied blankly

Sorry ,  i was wrong . Nice to meet you , I want to see you again , he shouted and walked to the opposite site .

I sighed . A few minutes later I found that  the Williams were walking to me .
I went to them and hugged them.

Hey , sweetie How are you ,
Mrs William asked,
  '   I'm fine ', i replied to her.
Mr William was smiling at us.

Then I hugged Justin tightly .

How was your day Emm ?
   Never better  !

" Any problems ,he asked me

  "I'll tell you later," i replied.

Then we walked to the car .Justin went to driver seat and we three went to passenger seats .
  Mrs William  break the silence and asked me
         ' How's Mr Scott  '  ?!

  He is good.But now he is away for his business  .

He is a busy man , she whispered.
      I nodded .

Justin parked in front of their house .We got off .Mrs William  knocked on the door . At that time Nikki came out from the door .

  I was so suprised !! 'Nikki was there ' , I whispered .

   Yes . She voluntered to cook dinner for us ,Justin said proudly

Yes . She is a good girl , i nodded .

Came on Emma   , she invited me

No Mrs William ,i had to go back.  My mom must be waiting for me.

  'I 'll come to you when i finished my dinner , he shouted

Okay  . I 'll wait for you

Author note :
I'm wondering  how your feedbacks . I never received any comments until now .Do my story have any problems ?
Pls tell me if i have.I wanna fix it.
Your feedback mean to me so much .



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