Chapter Twenty - I Can't

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Your POV:

I just came home from Mark's funeral. My life is really empty now. His laughter or screams no longer fill the halls. He no longer posts onto the internet. He no longer sits in the living room with the Game Grumps. He's really gone, and he's not coming back. I began to cry as I fall to the floor. I lost so much. My best friend, my lover, my light, my comfort, my happiness, my world, my everything. It's over. I have nothing to fight for. I have nobody to fight for. I have nothing. I was suppose to spend the rest of my life with him, but instead he spent the rest of his with me. I was unsure of which pain was worse, the shock of what happened or the ache for what never will. In the end, he was my person. He always will be, he always had been. If I had learned anything, it has to be that love can leave a memory that nobody can steal, but love can also leave a pain that no one can heal. I got up off of the floor and stopped my crying. I'm not strong without him, nor will I ever be. I can't go on anymore. I walked up to my bedroom and I closed the door. I got the gun out from under the bed. I took a deep breath. "Mark, I'm coming," I whispered. I put the barrel of the gun in my mouth and closed my eyes. Slowly I began to move the trigger back until finally, bang.

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