Chapter Four - Not A Good Look

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Your POV

I walked into the dark bedroom and sat on the bed. I know I need sleep but there is no doubt in my mind that sleeping wont happen. I laid in the bed and berried my face in one off the pillows and began to cry my eyes out. With that I heard a knock on the door. I didn't have the strength to get up so I lifted my head and screamed, "Who is it?" The person at the door screamed back, "It's me, Danny. I just wanted to see how you are doing." I thought for a moment. "Come on in I am in the bedroom," I screamed as I returned my head into my pillow and let my tears fall harder. "(F/N)?" I heard as somebody sat on the bed next to me. I sat up to see it was Danny. I leaned over and turned on one of the lamps. Danny hugged me. "Don't worry," He said softly. "I promise Suzy and Arin will bring them home. They know what they are doing." I berried my face into Danny's chest and cried more.

Suzy's POV

I looked over at Arin, who was focused on the road. "Maybe we should stop at an airport," I said. "It will be quicker." Arin looked up at the GPS then back at the road. He then began to grin. "Suzy," He replied. "There will be no need. GPS just found a secret road that should get us there in ten minutes." I was confused. "How is that possible?" I asked. He laughed as he parked the car and pressed a button by a hill which exposed a secret entrance. "Because we take the bullet train there," He said as we walked in and the door closed behind us. I looked at the tracks and the train and smiled. "What are you waiting for?" I asked. "Lets go!"

Mark's POV

What is Taylor's problem? This is even weird for psychopathic people. I looked around in the dark to make sure everything was clear. Suddenly I heard the noise of shattering glass and silence. "Shit," I whispered as the laughter picked back up. Suddenly Taylor walked out holding a glass shard. Her knuckles are bloody. My eyes grew wide at the sight. She got into my face so I acted quickly. I head budded her, causing her to stumble back and drop the glass shard. I kicked around until my chair fell to the ground. I then was able to pick up the glass shard which I used to cut the rope off my hands and legs. I stood up and saw an angry Taylor. "You wanna play that game?" She hissed. "then lets play." Dark, Jemimah, and Wilford walked into the room and stood by Taylor. They slowly began to walk up to me which forced me to walk backwards. I bumped into the chair which caused me to fall to the floor and drop the glass shard. I started to crawl backwards away from them. Suddenly I ran into the corner of the bedroom. Taylor picked up the glass shard and slowly ran her tongue up it as her and the crew circled around me.

Your POV

I finally calmed down. Danny handed me a tissue that I used to wipe my face with. "Thanks Danny," I croaked somehow. Danny nodded at me. "It's no problem," He said softly. I gave a faint smile and he rubbed my back. "Also," Danny said. "Suzy texted me. They are almost there." I smiled a real smile at those words. I yawned and Danny looked at me. "Do you need some sleep?" He asked me. "Probably," I answered. "But I wont get any." Danny smiled at me.

Suzy's POV

I'm becoming impatient yet nervous as the train flew through this cave. I looked over at Arin. "How much more time?" I asked. "We will be there any second," He replied.

Mark's POV

I tightly closed my eyes and used my hand to guard my face as they closed in on me. Is this where it was gonna end? Bang!

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