Chapter Nineteen - Don't Close Your Eyes

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Your POV:

I sat there and cried as Susie continued to rub my back. "It will be okay," she whispered. "He might make it." With that she got up and took his temperature. "Its dropping!" She said as she replaced the cold rag with a heating pad. I slowly kissed Mark's cold cheek. "I'm so sorry. Mark," I whispered into his ear. "I never wanted to drag you into a grave." Tears streamed from my eyes, faster and faster as time went by. I grabbed his hand and felt him slowly grip it. He's fighting. He's fighting hard. I got up and went outside. I needed some fresh air. I sat down on the front porch step and balled up. I cried into my knees. "Why couldn't you just take me?" I asked. "What do I even have to fight for anyway?" I calmed down. Mark would have been so upset if he heard me talk like that. I took a deep breath and went inside. Susie looked confused. "Whats wrong?" I asked. "Well," She started. "His temp is still dropping but I dramatically slowed it down." I looked at the temperature to see it at 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Susie looked at me. "If we can find a way to rise his temp to his normal body temp, he will live," She started. "But if we can't, his temp will be the timer of his life." With that I did everything in my power to raise it. I put lights above him and put several heating pads on him. I did everything in my power to make him sweat. After a while his temp started to rise but once it reached 80 degrees, it began to lower again. "Mark come on," I said as I held his hand. "You gotta fight with me baby." He gripped my hand and slowly opened his eyes. "(f/n)," He started. "I just want you to know that I love you. You were and always will be beautiful and strong. You have a purpose babe. You also completed it. You had to find me and open my eyes and you did. The world is a bitch, I know. You where worth the last of the fight I had left in me, but I just don't have anymore to give. I'm sorry." He slowly began to close his eyes. "Mark no," I said. "Don't shut your eyes babe, please." He couldn't keep them open much longer. Right before they closed I whispered, "I love you too, baby." With that he smiled and they shut. I took off all the heat I had given him. He wants to let go, I'm just gonna have to let him. I got on top of him and hugged him and cried into his chest. "You can let go now," I whispered. "Don't worry about me." With that I heard Susie count down. "Five," She said. "I'll forever and always love you," I whispered. "Four," She echoed. "You were my one and only," I cried. "Three," She continued. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you," I went on. "Two," She said. "You'll never be forgotten," I said as I felt his heart slow and become faint. "One," She chocked up. "Goodbye, Mark," I finished as I felt his heart stop beating.

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